Research article

Vanishing diffusion limit and boundary layers for a nonlinear hyperbolic system with damping and diffusion

  • Received: 12 July 2023 Revised: 27 August 2023 Accepted: 19 September 2023 Published: 09 October 2023
  • We consider an initial and boundary value problem for a nonlinear hyperbolic system with damping and diffusion. This system was derived from the Rayleigh–Benard equation. Based on a new observation of the structure of the system, two identities are found; then, the following results are proved by using the energy method. First, the well-posedness of the global large solution is established; then, the limit with a boundary layer as some diffusion coefficient tending to zero is justified. In addition, the $ L^2 $ convergence rate in terms of the diffusion coefficient is obtained together with the estimation of the thickness of the boundary layer.

    Citation: Xu Zhao, Wenshu Zhou. Vanishing diffusion limit and boundary layers for a nonlinear hyperbolic system with damping and diffusion[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(10): 6505-6524. doi: 10.3934/era.2023329

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  • We consider an initial and boundary value problem for a nonlinear hyperbolic system with damping and diffusion. This system was derived from the Rayleigh–Benard equation. Based on a new observation of the structure of the system, two identities are found; then, the following results are proved by using the energy method. First, the well-posedness of the global large solution is established; then, the limit with a boundary layer as some diffusion coefficient tending to zero is justified. In addition, the $ L^2 $ convergence rate in terms of the diffusion coefficient is obtained together with the estimation of the thickness of the boundary layer.


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