Research article Special Issues

Multi-scale attention and deep supervision-based 3D UNet for automatic liver segmentation from CT

  • Received: 19 September 2022 Revised: 22 October 2022 Accepted: 24 October 2022 Published: 27 October 2022
  • Background 

    Automatic liver segmentation is a prerequisite for hepatoma treatment; however, the low accuracy and stability hinder its clinical application. To alleviate this limitation, we deeply mine the context information of different scales and combine it with deep supervision to improve the accuracy of liver segmentation in this paper.


    We proposed a new network called MAD-UNet for automatic liver segmentation from CT. It is grounded in the 3D UNet and leverages multi-scale attention and deep supervision mechanisms. In the encoder, the downsampling pooling in 3D UNet is replaced by convolution to alleviate the loss of feature information. Meanwhile, the residual module is introduced to avoid gradient vanishment. Besides, we use the long-short skip connections (LSSC) to replace the ordinary skip connections to preserve more edge detail. In the decoder, the features of different scales are aggregated, and the attention module is employed to capture the spatial context information. Moreover, we utilized the deep supervision mechanism to improve the learning ability on deep and shallow information.


    We evaluated the proposed method on three public datasets, including, LiTS17, SLiver07, and 3DIRCADb, and obtained Dice scores of 0.9727, 0.9752, and 0.9691 for liver segmentation, respectively, which outperform the other state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods.


    Both qualitative and quantitative experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can make full use of the feature information of different stages while enhancing spatial data's learning ability, thereby achieving high liver segmentation accuracy. Thus, it proved to be a promising tool for automatic liver segmentation in clinical assistance.

    Citation: Jinke Wang, Xiangyang Zhang, Liang Guo, Changfa Shi, Shinichi Tamura. Multi-scale attention and deep supervision-based 3D UNet for automatic liver segmentation from CT[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(1): 1297-1316. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023059

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  • Background 

    Automatic liver segmentation is a prerequisite for hepatoma treatment; however, the low accuracy and stability hinder its clinical application. To alleviate this limitation, we deeply mine the context information of different scales and combine it with deep supervision to improve the accuracy of liver segmentation in this paper.


    We proposed a new network called MAD-UNet for automatic liver segmentation from CT. It is grounded in the 3D UNet and leverages multi-scale attention and deep supervision mechanisms. In the encoder, the downsampling pooling in 3D UNet is replaced by convolution to alleviate the loss of feature information. Meanwhile, the residual module is introduced to avoid gradient vanishment. Besides, we use the long-short skip connections (LSSC) to replace the ordinary skip connections to preserve more edge detail. In the decoder, the features of different scales are aggregated, and the attention module is employed to capture the spatial context information. Moreover, we utilized the deep supervision mechanism to improve the learning ability on deep and shallow information.


    We evaluated the proposed method on three public datasets, including, LiTS17, SLiver07, and 3DIRCADb, and obtained Dice scores of 0.9727, 0.9752, and 0.9691 for liver segmentation, respectively, which outperform the other state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods.


    Both qualitative and quantitative experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can make full use of the feature information of different stages while enhancing spatial data's learning ability, thereby achieving high liver segmentation accuracy. Thus, it proved to be a promising tool for automatic liver segmentation in clinical assistance.


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