Research article Special Issues

SAMS-Net: Fusion of attention mechanism and multi-scale features network for tumor infiltrating lymphocytes segmentation

  • Received: 30 July 2022 Revised: 16 November 2022 Accepted: 21 November 2022 Published: 01 December 2022
  • Automatic segmentation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) from pathological images is essential for the prognosis and treatment of cancer. Deep learning technology has achieved great success in the segmentation task. It is still a challenge to realize accurate segmentation of TILs due to the phenomenon of blurred edges and adhesion of cells. To alleviate these problems, a squeeze-and-attention and multi-scale feature fusion network (SAMS-Net) based on codec structure, namely SAMS-Net, is proposed for the segmentation of TILs. Specifically, SAMS-Net utilizes the squeeze-and-attention module with the residual structure to fuse local and global context features and boost the spatial relevance of TILs images. Besides, a multi-scale feature fusion module is designed to capture TILs with large size differences by combining context information. The residual structure module integrates feature maps from different resolutions to strengthen the spatial resolution and offset the loss of spatial details. SAMS-Net is evaluated on the public TILs dataset and achieved dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 87.2% and Intersection of Union (IoU) of 77.5%, which improved by 2.5% and 3.8% compared with UNet. These results demonstrate the great potential of SAMS-Net in TILs analysis and can further provide important evidence for the prognosis and treatment of cancer.

    Citation: Xiaoli Zhang, Kunmeng Liu, Kuixing Zhang, Xiang Li, Zhaocai Sun, Benzheng Wei. SAMS-Net: Fusion of attention mechanism and multi-scale features network for tumor infiltrating lymphocytes segmentation[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(2): 2964-2979. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023140

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  • Automatic segmentation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) from pathological images is essential for the prognosis and treatment of cancer. Deep learning technology has achieved great success in the segmentation task. It is still a challenge to realize accurate segmentation of TILs due to the phenomenon of blurred edges and adhesion of cells. To alleviate these problems, a squeeze-and-attention and multi-scale feature fusion network (SAMS-Net) based on codec structure, namely SAMS-Net, is proposed for the segmentation of TILs. Specifically, SAMS-Net utilizes the squeeze-and-attention module with the residual structure to fuse local and global context features and boost the spatial relevance of TILs images. Besides, a multi-scale feature fusion module is designed to capture TILs with large size differences by combining context information. The residual structure module integrates feature maps from different resolutions to strengthen the spatial resolution and offset the loss of spatial details. SAMS-Net is evaluated on the public TILs dataset and achieved dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 87.2% and Intersection of Union (IoU) of 77.5%, which improved by 2.5% and 3.8% compared with UNet. These results demonstrate the great potential of SAMS-Net in TILs analysis and can further provide important evidence for the prognosis and treatment of cancer.


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