Research article

TOPSIS method based on correlation coefficient for solving decision-making problems with intuitionistic fuzzy soft set information

  • Received: 22 November 2019 Accepted: 06 March 2020 Published: 19 March 2020
  • MSC : 62A86, 90B50, 03E72, 68T35

  • The theory of intuitionistic fuzzy soft set (IFSS) is an extension of the soft set theory which is utilized to precise the deficiency, indeterminacy, and uncertainty of the evaluation while making decisions. The conspicuous characteristic of this mathematical concept is that it considers two distinctive sorts of information, namely the membership and non-membership degrees. The present paper partitioned into two folds: (ⅰ) to define the correlation measures for IFSSs; (ⅱ) to introduce the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution(TOPSIS) for IFSS information. Further, few properties identified with these measures are examined thoroughly. In view of these techniques, an approach is presented to solve decision-making problems by utilizing the proposed TOPSIS method based on correlation measures. At last, an illustrative example is enlightened to demonstrate the appropriateness of the proposed approach. Also, its suitability and attainability are checked by contrasting its outcomes and the prevailing methodologies results.

    Citation: Harish Garg, Rishu Arora. TOPSIS method based on correlation coefficient for solving decision-making problems with intuitionistic fuzzy soft set information[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2020, 5(4): 2944-2966. doi: 10.3934/math.2020190

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  • The theory of intuitionistic fuzzy soft set (IFSS) is an extension of the soft set theory which is utilized to precise the deficiency, indeterminacy, and uncertainty of the evaluation while making decisions. The conspicuous characteristic of this mathematical concept is that it considers two distinctive sorts of information, namely the membership and non-membership degrees. The present paper partitioned into two folds: (ⅰ) to define the correlation measures for IFSSs; (ⅱ) to introduce the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution(TOPSIS) for IFSS information. Further, few properties identified with these measures are examined thoroughly. In view of these techniques, an approach is presented to solve decision-making problems by utilizing the proposed TOPSIS method based on correlation measures. At last, an illustrative example is enlightened to demonstrate the appropriateness of the proposed approach. Also, its suitability and attainability are checked by contrasting its outcomes and the prevailing methodologies results.


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