Research article

Conformal $ \eta $-Ricci solitons within the framework of indefinite Kenmotsu manifolds

  • Received: 13 October 2021 Revised: 19 December 2021 Accepted: 31 December 2021 Published: 06 January 2022
  • MSC : 53C15, 53C25, 53D10

  • The present paper is to deliberate the class of $ \epsilon $-Kenmotsu manifolds which admits conformal $ \eta $-Ricci soliton. Here, we study some special types of Ricci tensor in connection with the conformal $ \eta $-Ricci soliton of $ \epsilon $-Kenmotsu manifolds. Moving further, we investigate some curvature conditions admitting conformal $ \eta $-Ricci solitons on $ \epsilon $-Kenmotsu manifolds. Next, we consider gradient conformal $ \eta $-Ricci solitons and we present a characterization of the potential function. Finally, we develop an illustrative example for the existence of conformal $ \eta $-Ricci soliton on $ \epsilon $-Kenmotsu manifold.

    Citation: Yanlin Li, Dipen Ganguly, Santu Dey, Arindam Bhattacharyya. Conformal $ \eta $-Ricci solitons within the framework of indefinite Kenmotsu manifolds[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(4): 5408-5430. doi: 10.3934/math.2022300

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  • The present paper is to deliberate the class of $ \epsilon $-Kenmotsu manifolds which admits conformal $ \eta $-Ricci soliton. Here, we study some special types of Ricci tensor in connection with the conformal $ \eta $-Ricci soliton of $ \epsilon $-Kenmotsu manifolds. Moving further, we investigate some curvature conditions admitting conformal $ \eta $-Ricci solitons on $ \epsilon $-Kenmotsu manifolds. Next, we consider gradient conformal $ \eta $-Ricci solitons and we present a characterization of the potential function. Finally, we develop an illustrative example for the existence of conformal $ \eta $-Ricci soliton on $ \epsilon $-Kenmotsu manifold.


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