Special Issue: Innovative numerical approaches for problems in science and engineering

Guest Editors

Prof. Xiaoming He
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Email: hex@mst.edu

Prof. Shuhao Cao
School of Science and Engineering, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
Email: scao@umkc.edu

Prof. Qiao Zhuang
School of Science and Engineering, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
Email: qzhuang@umkc.edu

Manuscript Topics

The escalating complexity of real-world problems, as well as further breakthroughs in established computational theories, demand a spectrum of innovative approaches for numerical simulations and unveiling the underlying mathematical essence. This special issue aims to present recent developments at the intersection of classical numerical methods, scientific machine learning, and other numerical approaches. It serves as a platform for disseminating innovations in computational theories, numerical techniques, and applied studies that address problems in science and engineering through the lens of partial differential equations (PDEs) and data.

The main topics include, but are not limited to:
Numerical Methods for PDEs, ODEs and Integral Equations
Numerical Analysis
Scientific Machine Learning
Data-driven Approaches
Optimization and Control

Instructions for authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system

Paper Submission

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 31 March 2025

Published Papers({{count}})

Special Issue Topical Section Recurring Topics Special Issue
{{article.year}}, Volume {{article.volume}}, Issue {{article.issue}}: {{article.fpage | processPage:article.lpage:6}}. doi: {{article.doi}}
{{article.articleStateNameEn}}Available online{{article.preferredDate | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}} doi: {{article.doi}}
Abstract Abstract HTML HTML PDF Cited ({{article.citedByCount}}) Viewed ({{article.visitArticleCount}})