Research article

The new Topp-Leone exponentied exponential model for modeling financial data

  • Received: 11 July 2023 Revised: 11 October 2023 Accepted: 30 November 2023 Published: 21 March 2024
  • We proposed in this article a new three-parameter distribution, which is referred as the Topp-Leone exponentiated exponential model is proposed. It is used in modeling claim and risk data applied in actuarial and insurance studies. The probability density function of the suggested distribution can be unimodel and positively skewed. Different distributional and mathematical properties of the TL-EE model were provided. Furthermore, we established a maximum likelihood estimation method for estimating the unknown parameters involved in the model, and some actuarial measures were calculated. Also, the potential of these actuarial statistics were provided via numerical simulation experiments. Finally, two real datasets of insurance losses were analyzed to prove the performance and superiority of the suggested model among all its competitors distributions.

    Citation: Hassan Alsuhabi. The new Topp-Leone exponentied exponential model for modeling financial data[J]. Mathematical Modelling and Control, 2024, 4(1): 44-63. doi: 10.3934/mmc.2024005

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  • We proposed in this article a new three-parameter distribution, which is referred as the Topp-Leone exponentiated exponential model is proposed. It is used in modeling claim and risk data applied in actuarial and insurance studies. The probability density function of the suggested distribution can be unimodel and positively skewed. Different distributional and mathematical properties of the TL-EE model were provided. Furthermore, we established a maximum likelihood estimation method for estimating the unknown parameters involved in the model, and some actuarial measures were calculated. Also, the potential of these actuarial statistics were provided via numerical simulation experiments. Finally, two real datasets of insurance losses were analyzed to prove the performance and superiority of the suggested model among all its competitors distributions.


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