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Kolmogorov variation: KAM with knobs (à la Kolmogorov)

  • Received: 04 November 2020 Revised: 01 April 2023 Accepted: 01 April 2023 Published: 15 May 2023
  • In this paper we reconsider the original Kolmogorov normal form algorithm [26] with a variation on the handling of the frequencies. At difference with respect to the Kolmogorov approach, we do not keep the frequencies fixed along the normalization procedure. Besides, we select the frequencies of the final invariant torus and determine a posteriori the corresponding starting ones. In particular, we replace the classical translation step with a change of the frequencies. The algorithm is based on the original scheme of Kolmogorov, thus exploiting the fast convergence of the Newton-Kantorovich method.

    Citation: Marco Sansottera, Veronica Danesi. Kolmogorov variation: KAM with knobs (à la Kolmogorov)[J]. Mathematics in Engineering, 2023, 5(5): 1-19. doi: 10.3934/mine.2023089

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  • In this paper we reconsider the original Kolmogorov normal form algorithm [26] with a variation on the handling of the frequencies. At difference with respect to the Kolmogorov approach, we do not keep the frequencies fixed along the normalization procedure. Besides, we select the frequencies of the final invariant torus and determine a posteriori the corresponding starting ones. In particular, we replace the classical translation step with a change of the frequencies. The algorithm is based on the original scheme of Kolmogorov, thus exploiting the fast convergence of the Newton-Kantorovich method.


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