Research article Special Issues

Hermite-Hadamard, Fejér and trapezoid type inequalities using Godunova-Levin Preinvex functions via Bhunia's order and with applications to quadrature formula and random variable

  • Received: 24 November 2023 Revised: 15 December 2023 Accepted: 27 December 2023 Published: 04 February 2024
  • Convex and preinvex functions are two different concepts. Specifically, preinvex functions are generalizations of convex functions. We created some intriguing examples to demonstrate how these classes differ from one another. We showed that Godunova-Levin invex sets are always convex but the converse is not always true. In this note, we present a new class of preinvex functions called $ (\mathtt{h_1}, \mathtt{h_2}) $-Godunova-Levin preinvex functions, which is extensions of $ \mathtt{h} $-Godunova-Levin preinvex functions defined by Adem Kilicman. By using these notions, we initially developed Hermite-Hadamard and Fejér type results. Next, we used trapezoid type results to connect our inequality to the well-known numerical quadrature trapezoidal type formula for finding error bounds by limiting to standard order relations. Additionally, we use the probability density function to relate trapezoid type results for random variable error bounds. In addition to these developed results, several non-trivial examples have been provided as proofs.

    Citation: Waqar Afzal, Najla M. Aloraini, Mujahid Abbas, Jong-Suk Ro, Abdullah A. Zaagan. Hermite-Hadamard, Fejér and trapezoid type inequalities using Godunova-Levin Preinvex functions via Bhunia's order and with applications to quadrature formula and random variable[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(2): 3422-3447. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024151

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  • Convex and preinvex functions are two different concepts. Specifically, preinvex functions are generalizations of convex functions. We created some intriguing examples to demonstrate how these classes differ from one another. We showed that Godunova-Levin invex sets are always convex but the converse is not always true. In this note, we present a new class of preinvex functions called $ (\mathtt{h_1}, \mathtt{h_2}) $-Godunova-Levin preinvex functions, which is extensions of $ \mathtt{h} $-Godunova-Levin preinvex functions defined by Adem Kilicman. By using these notions, we initially developed Hermite-Hadamard and Fejér type results. Next, we used trapezoid type results to connect our inequality to the well-known numerical quadrature trapezoidal type formula for finding error bounds by limiting to standard order relations. Additionally, we use the probability density function to relate trapezoid type results for random variable error bounds. In addition to these developed results, several non-trivial examples have been provided as proofs.


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