Research article Special Issues

A two-stage grasp detection method for sequential robotic grasping in stacking scenarios

  • Received: 18 October 2023 Revised: 09 January 2024 Accepted: 18 January 2024 Published: 05 February 2024
  • Dexterous grasping is essential for the fine manipulation tasks of intelligent robots; however, its application in stacking scenarios remains a challenge. In this study, we aimed to propose a two-phase approach for grasp detection of sequential robotic grasping, specifically for application in stacking scenarios. In the initial phase, a rotated-YOLOv3 (R-YOLOv3) model was designed to efficiently detect the category and position of the top-layer object, facilitating the detection of stacked objects. Subsequently, a stacked scenario dataset with only the top-level objects annotated was built for training and testing the R-YOLOv3 network. In the next phase, a G-ResNet50 model was developed to enhance grasping accuracy by finding the most suitable pose for grasping the uppermost object in various stacking scenarios. Ultimately, a robot was directed to successfully execute the task of sequentially grasping the stacked objects. The proposed methodology demonstrated the average grasping prediction success rate of 96.60% as observed in the Cornell grasping dataset. The results of the 280 real-world grasping experiments, conducted in stacked scenarios, revealed that the robot achieved a maximum grasping success rate of 95.00%, with an average handling grasping success rate of 83.93%. The experimental findings demonstrated the efficacy and competitiveness of the proposed approach in successfully executing grasping tasks within complex multi-object stacked environments.

    Citation: Jing Zhang, Baoqun Yin, Yu Zhong, Qiang Wei, Jia Zhao, Hazrat Bilal. A two-stage grasp detection method for sequential robotic grasping in stacking scenarios[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(2): 3448-3472. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024152

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  • Dexterous grasping is essential for the fine manipulation tasks of intelligent robots; however, its application in stacking scenarios remains a challenge. In this study, we aimed to propose a two-phase approach for grasp detection of sequential robotic grasping, specifically for application in stacking scenarios. In the initial phase, a rotated-YOLOv3 (R-YOLOv3) model was designed to efficiently detect the category and position of the top-layer object, facilitating the detection of stacked objects. Subsequently, a stacked scenario dataset with only the top-level objects annotated was built for training and testing the R-YOLOv3 network. In the next phase, a G-ResNet50 model was developed to enhance grasping accuracy by finding the most suitable pose for grasping the uppermost object in various stacking scenarios. Ultimately, a robot was directed to successfully execute the task of sequentially grasping the stacked objects. The proposed methodology demonstrated the average grasping prediction success rate of 96.60% as observed in the Cornell grasping dataset. The results of the 280 real-world grasping experiments, conducted in stacked scenarios, revealed that the robot achieved a maximum grasping success rate of 95.00%, with an average handling grasping success rate of 83.93%. The experimental findings demonstrated the efficacy and competitiveness of the proposed approach in successfully executing grasping tasks within complex multi-object stacked environments.


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