Research article Special Issues

Acute effects of foam rolling on ankle dorsiflexion and squat exercise patterns in extreme conditioning program practitioners: A randomized clinical trial

  • Received: 15 May 2023 Revised: 13 September 2023 Accepted: 19 September 2023 Published: 09 October 2023
  • Background/objectives 

    Joint and muscle overloads commonly occur in extreme conditioning programs (ECP), which require great physical fitness for their practice. For its execution, good functional performance, mobility and adequate movement patterns are required. The fascial system plays a fundamental role in performance in ECP and one of the techniques used to improve joint mobility and movement pattern is the self-myofascial release using a foam roller (FR). Our objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of FR in ankle dorsiflexion (DF) range of motion (ROM), assessed with the Lunge Test, and also in the squat movement pattern, assessed using the Technique smartphone application, in ECP practitioners.


    The study was carried out with 18 ECP practitioners who practiced for over four months and had a mean age of 30.94 years. The participants were randomized and allocated into two groups: control and intervention. The FR was self-applied bilaterally in the sural triceps region for 90 seconds. Tests to assess DF ROM and squat movement pattern were applied before and immediately after using FR (intervention group) or after three-minute rest (control group).


    The use of the FR promoted an immediate increase in ankle DF ROM during the Lunge Test and during the squat and a decrease in dynamic knee valgus during the squat.


    The FR can be used as a tool for an acute increase in DF ROM and a decrease in dynamic knee valgus, having a positive impact in improving movement patterns.

    Citation: Letícia Santos Cardoso, Luana Rocha Paulo, Cecília Ferreira Aquino, Isadora Gomes Alves Mariano, Gabriel Campos Souza, Gabriel Mader de Oliveira, Redha Taiar. Acute effects of foam rolling on ankle dorsiflexion and squat exercise patterns in extreme conditioning program practitioners: A randomized clinical trial[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(10): 18761-18773. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023831

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  • Background/objectives 

    Joint and muscle overloads commonly occur in extreme conditioning programs (ECP), which require great physical fitness for their practice. For its execution, good functional performance, mobility and adequate movement patterns are required. The fascial system plays a fundamental role in performance in ECP and one of the techniques used to improve joint mobility and movement pattern is the self-myofascial release using a foam roller (FR). Our objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of FR in ankle dorsiflexion (DF) range of motion (ROM), assessed with the Lunge Test, and also in the squat movement pattern, assessed using the Technique smartphone application, in ECP practitioners.


    The study was carried out with 18 ECP practitioners who practiced for over four months and had a mean age of 30.94 years. The participants were randomized and allocated into two groups: control and intervention. The FR was self-applied bilaterally in the sural triceps region for 90 seconds. Tests to assess DF ROM and squat movement pattern were applied before and immediately after using FR (intervention group) or after three-minute rest (control group).


    The use of the FR promoted an immediate increase in ankle DF ROM during the Lunge Test and during the squat and a decrease in dynamic knee valgus during the squat.


    The FR can be used as a tool for an acute increase in DF ROM and a decrease in dynamic knee valgus, having a positive impact in improving movement patterns.


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