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Research article

Survival analysis and probability density function of switching heroin model

  • Received: 14 January 2023 Revised: 15 March 2023 Accepted: 03 April 2023 Published: 08 June 2023
  • We study a switching heroin epidemic model in this paper, in which the switching of supply of heroin occurs due to the flowering period and fruiting period of opium poppy plants. Precisely, we give three equations to represent the dynamics of the susceptible, the dynamics of the untreated drug addicts and the dynamics of the drug addicts under treatment, respectively, within a local population, and the coefficients of each equation are functions of Markov chains taking values in a finite state space. The first concern is to prove the existence and uniqueness of a global positive solution to the switching model. Then, the survival dynamics including the extinction and persistence of the untreated drug addicts under some moderate conditions are derived. The corresponding numerical simulations reveal that the densities of sample paths depend on regime switching, and larger intensities of the white noises yield earlier times for extinction of the untreated drug addicts. Especially, when the switching model degenerates to the constant model, we show the existence of the positive equilibrium point under moderate conditions, and we give the expression of the probability density function around the positive equilibrium point.

    Citation: Hui Jiang, Ling Chen, Fengying Wei, Quanxin Zhu. Survival analysis and probability density function of switching heroin model[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(7): 13222-13249. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023590

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  • We study a switching heroin epidemic model in this paper, in which the switching of supply of heroin occurs due to the flowering period and fruiting period of opium poppy plants. Precisely, we give three equations to represent the dynamics of the susceptible, the dynamics of the untreated drug addicts and the dynamics of the drug addicts under treatment, respectively, within a local population, and the coefficients of each equation are functions of Markov chains taking values in a finite state space. The first concern is to prove the existence and uniqueness of a global positive solution to the switching model. Then, the survival dynamics including the extinction and persistence of the untreated drug addicts under some moderate conditions are derived. The corresponding numerical simulations reveal that the densities of sample paths depend on regime switching, and larger intensities of the white noises yield earlier times for extinction of the untreated drug addicts. Especially, when the switching model degenerates to the constant model, we show the existence of the positive equilibrium point under moderate conditions, and we give the expression of the probability density function around the positive equilibrium point.

    Heroin is a semi-synthetic opioid drug, which is mainly extracted from opium poppy. Heroin was originally developed as a drug to cure morphine addiction, but later it was found to be highly addictive, dependence causing and toxic [1]. Heroin became one of the most popular drugs in the world [2]. White and Comiskey [3] were the first to study the spreading of heroin by using an ordinary differential equation (ODE) compartmental model, and they separated the local population into three compartments based on the states of drug addicts: the susceptible individuals, the untreated drug addicts and drug addicts under treatment. Based on White's model, many scholars developed different mathematical models to discuss the transmission mechanisms of heroin, such as age structure models [4,5,6], distributed delay models [7,8,9] and nonlinear incidence models [10,11,12,13] as well. Within the above-mentioned works, the authors found that the consumption of heroin was transmitted from a drug addict to a non-drug addict, which was similar to the mechanism of the spreading of infectious diseases. They further discussed the basic reproduction number R0 as the threshold, and they determined the stability of the drug-free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium.

    Meanwhile, environmental noises usually affected the dynamics of heroin models in [14,15,16,17,18,19]. More precisely, Liu et al. [14] proposed a stochastic heroin epidemic model, in which they obtained a threshold for the extinction of the drug addicts. Further, [15] studied a stochastic heroin epidemic model with the bilinear incidence within a varying population. Then, Wei et al. [16] analyzed the long-term dynamics of a perturbed heroin epidemic model under non-degenerate noise. Later, Wei et al. [17] established a heroin population model with the standard incidence rates between distinct patches, and by constructing suitable Lyapunov functions, they established the sufficient criteria for the existence of the addict elimination and the existence of an ergodic stationary distribution. The recent contributions in [20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33] governed the continuous-time Markov chains taking values in a finite-state space to describe the regime switchings, in which Markov-chains were memoryless, and the waiting time from one state to another state usually obeyed the exponential distribution. Therefore, in this paper, we consider the following stochastic heroin model with the bilinear incidence rate under regime switching:

    {dS(t)=[Λ(m(t))β1(m(t))S(t)U(t)μ(m(t))S(t)]dt+σ1(m(t))S(t)dB1(t),dU(t)=[β1(m(t))S(t)U(t)p(m(t))U(t)+β2(m(t))U(t)T(t)(μ(m(t))+δ1(m(t)))U(t)]dt+σ2(m(t))U(t)dB2(t),dT(t)=[p(m(t))U(t)β2(m(t))U(t)T(t)(μ(m(t))+δ2(m(t)))T(t)]dt+σ3(m(t))T(t)dB3(t), (1.1)

    where S(t) is the number of the susceptible individuals; U(t) is the number of the untreated drug addicts; and T(t) is the number of the drug addicts under treatment at time t respectively. Moreover, N(t)=S(t)+U(t)+T(t) denotes the total population size at time t; Bi(t)(i=1,2,3) are mutually independent standard Brownian motions defined on a complete probability space (Ω,F,P) with a filtration {Ft}t0, which is increasing and right continuous while F0 contains all P-null sets; and σ2i>0(i=1,2,3) denote the intensities of the white noises. Λ is the population density entering the susceptible per unit of time, μ is the natural death rate of the total population, p is the proportion of drug users who are under treatment, β1 is the rate that an individual becomes a drug user, β2 is the rate that drug users under treatment relapsed to the untreated, δ1 is the drug-related death rate, δ2 is the successful cure rate. We assume that all parameters of model (1.1) are non-negative.

    Let m(t) be a right-continuous Markov chain on the complete probability space (Ω,F,P) taking values in a finite state space S={1,2,,N} for t0 and Δt>0, which is generated by the transition matrix Γ=(pij)N×N, i.e., P{m(t+Δt)=j|m(t)=i}pijΔt+o(Δt) if ij; otherwise, P{m(t+Δt)=j|m(t)=i}1+piiΔt+o(Δt) if i=j, where pij0 is the transition rate from state i to state j if ij while Nj=1pij=1.

    In this paper, we assume that pij>0 for i,j=1,,N with ij. In model (1.1), the parameters Λ, p, μ, β1, β2, δ1, δ2, σi(i=1,2,3) are not constants; instead they are generated by a homogeneous continuous-time Markov chain m(t) for t0. That is, for each fixed kS, Λ(k), p(k), μ(k), β1(k), β2(k), δ1(k), δ2(k) and σi(k)(i=1,2,3) are all positive constants. We assume that the Markov chain m(t) is irreducible, which means that the system can switch from one regime to another regime. It implies that the Markov chain m(t) has a unique stationary distribution π=(π1,π2,,πN) which can be determined by the equation πΓ=0 subject to Nk=1πk=1 and πk>0 for any kS. Define Rn+={xRn:xi>0,1in}. For any vector g=(g(1),g(2),,g(N)), let ˆg=minkS{g(k)} and ˇg=maxkS{g(k)}. Next, we will show the existence and uniqueness of a global positive solution. Then, we will discuss the survival dynamics including the extinction and persistence of the untreated drug addicts for the switching model (1.1). Further, we will investigate the probability density function of the degenerated model (2.20) under some sufficient conditions.

    In this section, we give the generalized SDEs

    dX(t)=f(X(t),m(t))dt+g(X(t),m(t))dB(t),t0, (2.1)

    with the initial values X(0)=X0,m(0)=m, where B() and m() are the d-dimensional Brownian motions and the right-continuous Markov chains, respectively. f(,) and g(,) respectively map Rn×S to Rn and Rn×d with g(X,k)gT(X,k)=(gij(X,k))n×n. For each kS, let V(,k) be any twice continuously differentiable function, and the operator L can be defined by


    We first of all consider the existence and uniqueness of a global positive solution before investigating other long-term properties of model (1.1) in this section.

    Theorem 1. For any initial value (S(0),U(0),T(0),m(0))R3+×S, there exists a unique solution (S(t),U(t),T(t),m(t)) of model (1.1) on t0, and the solution will remain in R3+×S with probability one.

    Proof. We write down similar lines as we did in [34,35] and define the stopping time


    Therefore, there exists an integer r1r0 such that P{τrl}ε for each integer rr1. Define a C2-function V:R3+R+ as follows:


    where c is a positive constant to be determined later. Let l>1 be arbitrary, for any 0tτrl=min{τr,l}, and applying Itô's formula to V, we get


    Choosing c such that cˇβ1+ˇβ2=ˆμ+ˆδ1,


    The rest of the proof is similar to Theorem 1 in [17], so we omit it. The proof is complete.

    For a long time, extinction always refers to the disappearance of infectious diseases in epidemiology. So, the most important concern of the dynamical behaviors for the stochastic heroin model is to control the spreading of heroin and the number of the untreated drug addicts. By the approaches given in [34,35,36,37,38,39], together with constructing several Lyapunov functions, combining generalized Itô's formula and the strong law of large numbers, we derive the moderate conditions for the extinction of the untreated drug addicts to model (1.1). With these conditions, we find that the spreading of heroin ultimately vanishes in the local population, in other words, the number of the untreated drug addicts declines to zero.

    Lemma 1. Assume that ˆμ>12(ˇσ21ˇσ22ˇσ23), and the solution (S(t),U(t),T(t),m(t)) of model (1.1) satisfies


    Proof. We write down similar lines by the same approach as in Lemma 2.2 of [28], so the proof is easy to check, and we omit the details.

    Lemma 2. For t0, the solution (S(t),U(t),T(t),m(t)) of model (1.1) satisfies


    Proof. Define W(N)=(1+N)ρ with ρ>1, which gives




    The remaining proof is referred as Lemma 2.3 of [28]. We omit the details.

    Theorem 2. If the conditions




    hold, then


    That is, the density of the untreated drug addicts will decline to zero with an exponential rate.

    Proof. Model (1.1) gives

    d(S+U+T)<[ˇΛˆμ(S+T)(ˆμ+ˆδ1)U]dt+ˇσ1SdB1(t)+ˇσ2UdB2(t)+ˇσ3TdB3(t). (2.2)

    Integrating (2.2) from 0 to t, we get

    A(t)t1tt0[ˇΛˆμ(S(s)+T(s))(ˆμ+ˆδ1)U(s)]ds+M(t)t. (2.3)

    Together with




    the expression (2.3) further gives

    1tt0(S(s)+T(s))ds1ˆμ{1tt0[ˇΛ(ˆμ+ˆδ1)U(s)]ds+M(t)tA(t)t}. (2.4)

    From model (1.1), we can see

    1t(lnU(t)lnU(0))max{ˇβ1,ˇβ2}1tt0(S(s)+T(s))ds(ˆp+ˆμ+ˆδ1+12ˆσ22)+ˇσ2B2(t)t. (2.5)

    Combining expressions (2.4) and (2.5), we have


    By the strong law of large numbers for local martingales, together with Lemma 1 and Lemma 2, we obtain






    this means that


    In other words, by Definition 3.2 in [34], the density of the untreated drug addicts declines to extinction exponentially. The proof is complete.

    Next, we investigate the sufficient conditions of the existence of an ergodic stationary distribution for model (1.1). Define

    Rs0:=kSπkR0k, (2.6)



    and c1(k) is the solution of the linear system (2.7).

    Lemma 3. For each kS, the linear system

    c1(k)μ(k)β1(k)lSpklc1(l)=0 (2.7)

    has a unique solution c1=(c1(1),c1(2),,c1(N))T0; moreover,

    c2(k)(μ(k)+δ2(k))β2(k)lSpklc2(l)=0 (2.8)

    has a unique solution c2=(c2(1),c2(2),,c2(N))T0.

    Proof. The linear system (2.7) can be rewritten as the form of AV=β1, where VRN, β1=(β1(1),β1(2),,β1(N))T, and


    Obviously, AZN×N, and ZN×N={B=(bij)N×N:bij0,ij}. By Lemma 5.3 in [40], we obtain that determinant of (Ak) is positive for k=1,2,,N, where


    In other words, the leading principal minors of A are all positive, which means that A is a nonsingular M-matrix. For the vector β1RN, the linear system (2.7) has a solution c1=(c1(1),c1(2),,c1(N))T. Similarly, we show that the linear system (2.8) has a solution c2=(c2(1),c2(2),,c2(N))T.

    Theorem 3. If Rs0>0, then model (1.1) admits a unique ergodic stationary distribution.

    Proof. Let


    and then model (1.1) is rewritten as follows:

    {dx(t)=[Λ(m(t))exβ1(m(t))ey(μ(m(t))+12σ21(m(t)))]dt+σ1(m(t))dB1(t),dy(t)=[β1(m(t))exp(m(t))+β2(m(t))ez(μ(m(t))+δ1(m(t))+12σ22(m(t)))]dt+σ2(m(t))dB2(t),dz(t)=[p(m(t))eyezβ2(m(t))ey(μ(m(t))+δ2(m(t))+12σ23(m(t)))]dt+σ3(m(t))dB3(t). (2.9)

    Equivalently, we study the stationary distribution of model (2.9) by using Lemma 2.1 in [41] (also referred as Lemma 5.1 in [36]).

    Step 1. The assumption pij>0 for ij implies that condition (i) in Lemma 2.1 in [41] is satisfied.

    Step 2. The diffusion matrix


    of model (2.9) is positive definite, which implies that condition (ii) in Lemma 2.1 in [41] holds.

    Step 3. We define a C2-function


    such that θ(0,1) satisfying


    and such that B>0 satisfying


    here ωk will be determined later. Obviously, there exists a point (x0,y0,z0,k) at which the minimum value W(x0,y0,z0,k) is taken. We define a non-negative C2-Lyapunov function as follows:

    V(x,y,z,k)=W(x,y,z,k)W(x0,y0,z0,k). (2.10)



    By using the generalized Itô's formula, together with the elementary equality


    we obtain

    LV1=(ex+ey+ez)θ[Λ(k)μ(k)ex(μ(k)+δ1(k))ey(μ(k)+δ2(k))ez]+θ2(ex+ey+ez)θ1(σ21(k)e2x+σ22(k)e2y+σ23(k)e2z)3θΛ(k)(eθx+eθy+eθz)+θ2(σ21(k)e(θ+1)x+σ22(k)e(θ+1)y+σ23(k)e(θ+1)z)(μ(k)+δ2(k))e(θ+1)zμ(k)e(θ+1)x(μ(k)+δ1(k))e(θ+1)y, (2.11)

    and picking the coefficients by terms gives that

    LV1(ˆμθ2ˇσ21)e(θ+1)x(ˆμ+ˆδ1θ2ˇσ22)e(θ+1)y(ˆμ+ˆδ2θ2ˇσ23)e(θ+1)z+3θˇΛ(eθx+eθy+eθz). (2.12)

    According to the similar discussion and Lemma 3, we obtain

    LV2=c1(k)[Λ(k)μ(k)exp(k)ey+β2(k)ey+z(μ(k)+δ1(k))ey]c2(k)[β1(k)ex+y(μ(k)+δ1(k))ey(μ(k)+δ2(k))ez]β1(k)exβ2(k)ez+p(k)+μ(k)+δ1(k)+12σ22(k)lSpklω(l)lSpklc1(l)(ex+ey)lSpklc2(l)(ey+ez)[c1(k)μ(k)β1(k)lSpklc1(l)]ex+[c2(k)(μ(k)+δ2(k))β2(k)lSpklc2(l)]ez+[c1(k)(p(k)+μ(k)+δ1(k))+c2(k)(μ(k)+δ1(k))lSpklc1(l)lSpklc2(l)]ey+p(k)+μ(k)+δ1(k)+12σ22(k)c1(k)Λ(k)lSpklω(l)=:R0klSpklω(l)+[c1(k)(p(k)+δ1(k))+c2(k)(δ1(k)δ2(k))+β1(k)+β2(k)]ey, (2.13)



    We define a vector R0=(R01,R02,,R0N)T, since the generator matrix Γ is irreducible, there exists a solution of the Poisson system ω=(ω1,,ωN)T such that

    Γω=(Nk=1πkR0k)1R0, (2.14)

    where 1 is a column vector in which all elements are one, which further implies


    and together with (2.6), the expression (2.13) turns into

    LV2Rs0+[ˇc1(ˇp+ˇδ1)+ˇc2ˇδ1+ˇβ1+ˇβ2]ey. (2.15)

    By the same arguments, we derive

    LV3=Λ(k)ex+β1(k)ey+μ(k)+12σ21(k)ˆΛex+ˇβ1ey+ˇμ+12ˇσ21, (2.16)
    LV4ˆp(k)ez+ˇβ2(k)ey+ˇμ+ˇδ2+12ˇσ23. (2.17)

    Thus the following result is derived

    LV=LV1+BLV2+LV3+LV4<f(x,y,z)=f1(x)+f2(y)+f3(z), (2.18)



    Furthermore, we have


    and the same arguments give that


    Therefore, we take ε>0 sufficiently large, and let




    Hence condition (iii) of Lemma 2.1 in [41] is verified.

    Lemma 4. [42] Let Υ0 be a symmetric positive definite matrix, such that the three dimensional algebraic equation

    G20+A0Υ0+Υ0AT0=0 (2.19)

    holds, where G0=diag{1,0,0}, and


    and also that c1>0,c3>0 and c1c2c3>0, then Υ0 follows


    Lemma 5. [42] Let Υ0 be a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix, such that the three-dimensional algebraic equation


    holds, where G0=diag{1,0,0}, and


    Also, d1>0,d2>0, and thus Υ1 takes the form


    Next, as a special case, we consider the degenerated model (2.20) as follows:

    {dS(t)=[Λβ1S(t)U(t)μS(t)]dt+σ1S(t)dB1(t),dU(t)=[β1S(t)U(t)pU(t)+β2U(t)T(t)(μ+δ1)U(t)]dt+σ2U(t)dB2(t),dT(t)=[pU(t)β2U(t)T(t)(μ+δ2)T(t)]dt+σ3T(t)dB3(t). (2.20)

    Then, we investigate the existence of the probability density function of model (2.20). First of all, we consider the existence of the positive equilibrium point to model (2.20).

    Theorem 4. If the conditions

    g1=0,1+m1m2m1pβ1Λ>0, (2.21)


    g1<0,Δ>0,β1Λm1pm1m2>0, (2.22)


    g1<0,Δ=0,(β2m1β1m3)(m2+p)+β2(m1pβ1Λ)>0, (2.23)

    hold, then, model (2.20) admits a positive equilibrium point P, where g1,m1,m2,m3 and Δ could be found later.

    Proof. Let (z1,z2,z3)T=(lnS,lnU,lnT)T, by using Itô's formula, the following is derived from model (2.20) that

    {dz1=[Λez1β1ez2(μ+σ212)]dt+σ1dB1(t),dz2=[β1ez1p+β2ez3(μ+δ1+σ222)]dt+σ2dB2(t),dz3=[pez2z3β2ez2(μ+δ2+σ232)]dt+σ3dB3(t). (2.24)

    Then, we determine the unique local equilibrium point


    by solving the following equations:

    {Λez1β1ez2(μ+σ212)=0,β1ez1p+β2ez3(μ+δ1+σ222)=0,pez2z3β2ez2(μ+δ2+σ232)=0, (2.25)

    in which


    and T satisfies the following quadratic equation

    g1T2+g2T+g3=0, (2.26)





    Next, we discuss the value of g1 by three cases.

    Case 1. If g1=0 (i.e., β1m3β2m1=0), and

    1+m1m2m1pβ1Λ>0, (2.27)

    together with


    as (2.27) is valid, then we get


    and thus Eq (2.26) has a unique positive root.

    Case 2. If g1<0, then we get


    Next, we turn to analyze the value of Δ. When

    Δ>0,β1Λm1pm1m2>0, (2.28)

    which further gives


    Thus, Eq (2.26) has a unique positive root. When

    Δ=0,(β2m1β1m3)(m2+p)+β2(m1pβ1Λ)>0, (2.29)

    which gives that


    and thus Eq (2.26) has a unique positive root.

    Case 3. When g1>0, if the drug addicts under treatment T(t) has a unique positive root, the value of β1 will be very small, and the drug addicts U(t) and susceptible individuals S(t) are negative, so we omit this case.

    Theorem 5. If the conditions of Theorem 4 are satisfied, and

    Λβ21m3β2p>0, (2.30)

    then, model (2.20) possesses a probability density function


    and the positive definite matrix Σ is presented later.

    Proof. Let xi=zizi for i=1,2,3, and the linearized equation of model (2.24) is written as

    {dx1=(a11x1a12x2+a13x3)dt+σ1dB1(t),dx2=(a21x1+a22x2+a23x3)dt+σ2dB2(t),dx3=(a31x1+a32x2a33x3)dt+σ3dB3(t), (2.31)



    Let X=(x1,x2,x3)T,B(t)=(B1(t),B2(t),B3(t))T,M=diag{σ1,σ2,σ3} and


    Therefore, Eq (2.31) can be equally rewritten as


    According to the relative theory in Gardiner [43], there is a unique density function Φ(X) around the positive equilibrium point P which satisfies the following equation (i.e., Fokker-Planck equation):

    3r=1σ2i22Φx2i+x1[(a11x1a12x2+a13x3)Φ]+x2[(a21x1+a22x2+a23x3)Φ]+x3[a31x1+a32x2a33x3)Φ]=0. (2.32)

    On the basis of Roozen [44], we can approximate it with a Gaussian distribution


    where C0 is a positive constant, which is determined by


    Also, the real symmetric inverse matrix Q meets the subsequent algebraic equation


    such that Σ=Q1, and then we derive

    M2+AΣ+ΣAT=0. (2.33)

    Furthermore, we have C0=(2π)32|Σ|12.

    According to the finite independent superposition principle, we express Eq (2.33) as the sum of the solutions of the following algebraic sub-equations:

    M2k+AΣk+ΣkAT=0,k=1,2,3, (2.34)





    Obviously, the characteristic polynomial of matrix A is



    p1=a33+a11,p2=a11a33+a12a21a23a32,p3=a12a21a33a11a23a32. (2.35)

    We find that

    Δ1=p1=a33+a11>0,Δ2=p1p2p3=a211a33+a11a12a21+a11a233a23a32a33, (2.36)

    due to a211a33+a11a233>0, and direct substitution gives that

    a11a12a21a23a32a33=m3T(Λβ21β2m3p)pβ2T>0. (2.37)

    We derive that A is a Hurwitz matrix. Next, we will prove that Σ is positive definite.

    Step 1. We consider the algebraic equation

    M21+AΣ1+Σ1AT=0, (2.38)

    and our discussion will be separated into two cases according to the value of a32.

    Case 1.1. If a320, according to Li et al. [45], we select the standardized transformation matrix

    H1=(a32a21a32a33a233+a32a230a32a33001), (2.39)

    such that B1=H1AH11. By direct calculation, we obtain




    Furthermore, algebraic Eq (2.38) can be converted to the equivalent




    and algebraic Eq (2.38) is converted as

    G20+B1Θ1+Θ1BT1=0. (2.40)

    We notice that the real parts of the eigenvalues of A are all negative, so B1 is a Hurwitz matrix. By Lemma 4, Θ1 is positive definite and takes the form


    Therefore, Σ1=ϱ21H11Θ1(HT1)1.

    Case 1.2. If a32=0, we choose ˆH1 such that ˆB1=ˆH1AˆH11 with




    One can equivalently transform (2.38) into




    The algebraic Eq (2.38) becomes

    G20+ˆB1ˆΘ1+ˆΘ1ˆBT1=0, (2.41)


    ˆΘ1=diag{12b1,12b1b2,0}. (2.42)

    Therefore, Σ1=ˆϱ21ˆH11ˆΘ1(ˆHT1)1.

    Step 2. Let us consider the following algebraic equation

    M22+AΣ2+Σ2AT=0, (2.43)

    we select the corresponding elimination matrix J2 and let A2=J2AJ12 with




    Case 2.1. If k20, we then let B2=H2A2H12 with

    H2=(k2a32k2(a11+a33)a2110k2a11001),B2=(q1q2q3100010), (2.44)



    Moreover, algebraic Eq (2.43) is equivalently transformed into


    and letting


    algebraic Eq (2.43) is converted as

    G20+B2Θ2+Θ2BT2=0, (2.45)



    In other words, Σ2=ϱ22(H2J2)1Θ2[(H2J2)T]1.

    Case 2.2. If k2=0, then we select ˆH2 and let ˆB2=ˆH2A2ˆH12 with




    One can equivalently transform (2.43) into




    which by Lemma 5 is simplified as

    G20+ˆB2ˆΘ2+ˆΘ2ˆBT2=0, (2.46)



    Therefore, Σ2=ˆϱ22(ˆH2J2)1ˆΘ2[(ˆH2J2)T]1.

    Step 3. Let us consider the algebraic equation

    M23+AΣ3+Σ3AT=0, (2.47)

    and we select J3 and let A3=J3AJ13 with


    We find H3 such that B3=H3A3H13 with

    H3=(a12a23a11a12a211a12a210a12a11001),B3=(s1s2s3100010), (2.48)



    So, (2.47) is equivalently transformed into


    and letting


    algebraic Eq (2.47) is converted as

    G20+B3Θ3+Θ3BT3=0, (2.49)



    In other words, Σ3=ϱ23(H3J3)1Θ3[(H3J3)T]1.

    We assume that the Markov chain m(t) takes values in the state space S={1,2} with the generator


    The initial value is (S(0),U(0),T(0))=(0.70,0.50,0.40), and the unique stationary distribution of m(t) is π=(π1,π2)=(0.20,0.80), respectively. We next apply two methods to simulate the sample paths of model (1).

    Milstein's higher order method (MHOM). The discretization equations of model (1.1) by MHOM in [46] are written as follows:

    Si+1=Si+(Λ(k)β1(k)SiUiμ(k)Si)Δt+σ1(k)SiΔtvk,i+0.5σ21(k)S2i(v2k,i1)Δt,Ui+1=Ui+(β1(k)SiUi+β2(k)UiTi(μ(k)+p(k)+δ1(k))Ui)Δt+σ2(k)UiΔtvk,i+0.5σ22(k)U2i(v2k,i1)Δt,Ti+1=Ti+(p(k)β2(k)UiTi(μ(k)+δ2(k))Ti)Δt+σ3(k)TiΔtvk,i+0.5σ23(k)T2i(v2k,i1)Δt,i=0,1,2,. (3.1)

    Partially truncated Euler-Maruyama method (PTEMM). The PTEMM in [47] is written as follows:


    and the discretization equations of model (1.1) are written in (3.2), so the verifications of assumptions in [48] are straightforward

    Si+1=Si+(Λ(k)f1Δt,iμ(k)Si)Δt+g1Δt,iΔtvk,i,Ui+1=Ui+(f2Δt,i(μ(k)+p(k)+δ1(k))Ui)Δt+g2Δt,iΔtvk,i,Ti+1=Ti+(p(k)f3Δt,i(μ(k)+δ2(k))Ti)Δt+g3Δt,iΔtvk,i, (3.2)

    where i=0,1,2, and


    vk,i are the Gaussian random variables, which follow the standard normal distribution N(0,1). Next, we use PTEMM to simulate the figures in Examples 1–3.

    Example 1 We choose (Ⅰ) and (Ⅱ) of Table 1 to simulate the extinction in Theorem 2. By (Ⅰ), we obtain


    By (Ⅱ), we derive


    Compare the trajectories of solutions under conditions (Ⅰ) and (Ⅱ), and the time spent in Figure 2 under (Ⅱ) is shorter than that in Figure 1 under (Ⅰ) when the intensities of the white noises increase.

    Table 1.  Values of parameters to model (1.1).
    Group k Λ(k) p(k) μ(k) δ1(k) δ2(k) β1(k) β2(k) σ21(k) σ22(k) σ23(k)
    (Ⅰ) 1 0.60 0.65 0.35 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.35 0.200 0.450 0.100
    2 0.40 0.55 0.25 0.10 0.20 0.15 0.25 0.100 0.350 0.050
    (Ⅱ) 1 0.60 0.65 0.35 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.35 0.200 0.490 0.100
    2 0.40 0.55 0.25 0.10 0.20 0.15 0.25 0.100 0.400 0.050
    (Ⅲ) 1 0.60 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.25 0.55 0.65 0.002 0.003 0.003
    2 0.40 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.20 0.45 0.55 0.001 0.001 0.002

     | Show Table
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    Figure 1.  The extinction of the untreated drug addicts to model (1.1) under (Ⅰ) with initial conditions (S(0),U(0),T(0))=(0.70,0.50,0.40) and σ21(1)=0.2,σ21(2)=0.1,σ22(1)=0.45,σ22(2)=0.35,σ23(1)=0.1,σ23(2)=0.05.
    Figure 2.  The extinction of the untreated drug addicts to model (1.1) under (Ⅱ) with initial conditions (S(0),U(0),T(0))=(0.70,0.50,0.40) and σ21(1)=0.2,σ21(2)=0.1,σ22(1)=0.49,σ22(2)=0.4,σ23(1)=0.1,σ23(2)=0.05.

    Example 2 We choose (Ⅲ) of Table 1 to present the results in Theorem 3. In fact, the following condition is valid:


    As shown in Figure 3, the densities of the susceptible, the untreated drug addicts, and the drug addicts under treatment are stationary over time. The related simulations are demonstrated by MHOM in the middle and by PTEMM on the right. Moreover, for 50000 sample paths in total, the distributions of frequency for the solution of model (1.1) are carried out in Figure 4.

    Figure 3.  The stationary distributions with same Markov chain (left) under MHOM (middle) and PTEMM (right) respectively.
    Figure 4.  Histogram of S(t),U(t),T(t) to model (1.1) with 50000 sample paths.

    Example 3 We choose the data in Table 2 to verify the conditions of Theorem 4 and Theorem 5.

    Table 2.  Values of parameters to model (2.20).
    Group Λ p μ δ1 δ2 β1 β2 σ21 σ22 σ23
    (Ⅳ) 0.60 0.35 0.15 0.125 0.115 0.400 0.532 0.125 0.045 0.035
    (Ⅴ) 0.60 0.35 0.05 0.150 0.055 0.400 0.380 0.170 0.080 0.044
    (Ⅵ) 0.60 0.35 0.17 0.050 0.070 0.261 0.450 0.188 0.045 0.035

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    By (Ⅳ), the conditions


    hold, we derive the equilibrium point P=(1.078,0.861,0.407) by Theorem 4. Meanwhile, the stochastic persistence of density function of model (2.20) is demonstrated in Figure 5.

    Figure 5.  Persistence and density function of model (2.20) around (1.078, 0.861, 0.407).

    Or, we take parameter (Ⅴ) to compute the following conditions


    then, the equilibrium point P=(0.746,1.670,0.768) is followed. Further, the stochastic persistence of density function of model (2.20) is shown in Figure 6. Or, by selecting parameter (Ⅵ), the following conditions

    Figure 6.  Persistence and density function of model (2.20) around (0.746, 1.670, 0.768).

    hold, we obtain the positive equilibrium point P=(0.967,0.845,0.679). So, the same dynamical properties appear, and we omit this case hereby.

    Heroin is an addictive drug made from the various opium poppy plants around the world. The price and spreading of heroin depend on the flowering period (usually May–July for a year) and the fruiting period (usually June–August for a year). So, we give an SUT epidemic model with regime switching to describe the flowering period and fruiting period of opium poppy plants in this paper. We are motivated by the switching between flowering period and fruiting period of opium poppy plants in years, and the recent contributions [17,30,31] on epidemic models. We focus on the survival analysis of switching model (1.1) and its probability density function of constant model (2.20) for investigating their long-time dynamical properties.

    For the switching SUT epidemic model (1.1), the existence and uniqueness is first derived with probability one in Theorem 1 by contradiction and stochastic analysis. Further, Theorem 2, Figures 1 and 2 verify the extinction of the switching SUT model under moderate conditions in theoretical and numerical aspects. The simulations therein also reveal that the larger intensities of the white noises make the time of extinction earlier. As a consequence of theoretical investigation, we derive the important index Rs0>0 of the existence and uniqueness of the ergodic stationary distribution in Theorem 3. The corresponding sample paths and histogram frequencies are demonstrated in Figures 3 and 4, respectively, in which Milstein's higher order method and partially truncated Euler-Maruyama method both verify well under the same Markovian chain.

    For the constant SUT epidemic model (2.20), we aim at the existence of the positive equilibrium point in Theorem 4 and the existence of probability density function in Theorem 5, respectively. One of three types of sufficient conditions is required for determining a positive equilibrium point, and details could be found in Example 3. The sample paths of model (2.20) under distinct positive equilibrium points are demonstrated in Figure 5. Further, the expression of probability density function around the positive equilibrium point is obtained in Theorem 5 after we prove that coefficient matrix A is a Hurwitz matrix and diffusion matrix Σ is positive definite by using the Fokker-Planck equation.

    The research is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China (2021J01621), Special Projects of the Central Government Guiding Local Science and Technology Development (2021L3018) and Education and Research Project for Middle and Young Teachers in Fujian Province (JAT220307).

    The authors declare there is no conflict of interest.

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