Research article

Internet of Bio Nano Things-based FRET nanocommunications for eHealth

  • Received: 02 February 2023 Revised: 23 February 2023 Accepted: 27 February 2023 Published: 15 March 2023
  • The integration of the Internet of Bio Nano Things (IoBNT) with artificial intelligence (AI) and molecular communications technology is now required to achieve eHealth, specifically in the targeted drug delivery system (TDDS). In this work, we investigate an analytical framework for IoBNT with Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) nanocommunication to enable intelligent bio nano thing (BNT) machine to accurately deliver therapeutic drug to the diseased cells. The FRET nanocommunication is accomplished by using the well-known pair of fluorescent proteins, EYFP and ECFP. Furthermore, the proposed IoBNT monitors drug transmission by using the quenching process in order to reduce side effects in healthy cells. We investigate the IoBNT framework by driving diffusional rate models in the presence of a quenching process. We evaluate the performance of the proposed framework in terms of the energy transfer efficiency, diffusion-controlled rate and drug loss rate. According to the simulation results, the proposed IoBNT with the intelligent bio nano thing for monitoring the quenching process can significantly achieve high energy transfer efficiency and low drug delivery loss rate, i.e., accurately delivering the desired therapeutic drugs to the diseased cell.

    Citation: Saied M. Abd El-Atty, Konstantinos A. Lizos, Osama Alfarraj, Faird Shawki. Internet of Bio Nano Things-based FRET nanocommunications for eHealth[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(5): 9246-9267. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023405

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  • The integration of the Internet of Bio Nano Things (IoBNT) with artificial intelligence (AI) and molecular communications technology is now required to achieve eHealth, specifically in the targeted drug delivery system (TDDS). In this work, we investigate an analytical framework for IoBNT with Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) nanocommunication to enable intelligent bio nano thing (BNT) machine to accurately deliver therapeutic drug to the diseased cells. The FRET nanocommunication is accomplished by using the well-known pair of fluorescent proteins, EYFP and ECFP. Furthermore, the proposed IoBNT monitors drug transmission by using the quenching process in order to reduce side effects in healthy cells. We investigate the IoBNT framework by driving diffusional rate models in the presence of a quenching process. We evaluate the performance of the proposed framework in terms of the energy transfer efficiency, diffusion-controlled rate and drug loss rate. According to the simulation results, the proposed IoBNT with the intelligent bio nano thing for monitoring the quenching process can significantly achieve high energy transfer efficiency and low drug delivery loss rate, i.e., accurately delivering the desired therapeutic drugs to the diseased cell.


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