Research article

Motion control and path optimization of intelligent AUV using fuzzy adaptive PID and improved genetic algorithm

  • Academic editor: Yang Kuang
  • Received: 08 November 2022 Revised: 31 December 2022 Accepted: 21 February 2023 Published: 14 March 2023
  • This study discusses the application of fuzzy adaptive PID and improved genetic algorithm (IGA) in motion control and path optimization of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The fuzzy adaptive PID method is selected because it is considered to be a strongly nonlinear and coupled system. First, this study creates the basic coordinate system of the AUV, and then analyzes the spatial force from the AUV to obtain the control model of the heading angle, climb angle, and depth. Next, the knowledge of fuzzy adaptive PID and IGA technology on AVU are investigated, then fuzzy adaptive PID controllers and path optimization are established, and experimental simulations are carried out to compare and analyze the simulation results. The research results show that controllers and IGA can be used for the motion control and path optimization of AUV. The advantages of fuzzy adaptive PID control are less overload, enhanced system stability, and more suitable for motion control and path optimization of AUV.

    Citation: Yong Xiong, Lin Pan, Min Xiao, Han Xiao. Motion control and path optimization of intelligent AUV using fuzzy adaptive PID and improved genetic algorithm[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(5): 9208-9245. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023404

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  • This study discusses the application of fuzzy adaptive PID and improved genetic algorithm (IGA) in motion control and path optimization of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The fuzzy adaptive PID method is selected because it is considered to be a strongly nonlinear and coupled system. First, this study creates the basic coordinate system of the AUV, and then analyzes the spatial force from the AUV to obtain the control model of the heading angle, climb angle, and depth. Next, the knowledge of fuzzy adaptive PID and IGA technology on AVU are investigated, then fuzzy adaptive PID controllers and path optimization are established, and experimental simulations are carried out to compare and analyze the simulation results. The research results show that controllers and IGA can be used for the motion control and path optimization of AUV. The advantages of fuzzy adaptive PID control are less overload, enhanced system stability, and more suitable for motion control and path optimization of AUV.


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