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A multi-objective optimization framework with rule-based initialization for multi-stage missile target allocation

  • Received: 30 November 2022 Revised: 15 January 2023 Accepted: 28 January 2023 Published: 09 February 2023
  • This paper investigates a novel multi-objective optimization framework for the multi-stage missile target allocation (M-MTA) problem, which also widely exists in other real-world complex systems. Specifically, a constrained model of M-MTA is built with the trade-off between minimizing the survivability of targets and minimizing the cost consumption of missiles. Moreover, a multi-objective optimization algorithm (NSGA-MTA) is proposed for M-MTA, where the hybrid encoding mechanism establishes the expression of the model and algorithm. Furthermore, rule-based initialization is developed to enhance the quality and searchability of feasible solutions. An efficient non-dominated sorting method is introduced into the framework as an effective search strategy. Besides, the genetic operators with the greedy mechanism and random repair strategy are involved in handling the constraints with maintaining diversity. The results of numerical experiments demonstrate that NSGA-MTA performs better in diversity and convergence than the excellent current algorithms in metrics and Pareto front obtained in 15 scenarios. Taguchi method is also adopted to verify the contribution of proposed strategies, and the results show that these strategies are practical and promotive to performance improvement.

    Citation: Shiqi Zou, Xiaoping Shi, Shenmin Song. A multi-objective optimization framework with rule-based initialization for multi-stage missile target allocation[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(4): 7088-7112. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023306

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  • This paper investigates a novel multi-objective optimization framework for the multi-stage missile target allocation (M-MTA) problem, which also widely exists in other real-world complex systems. Specifically, a constrained model of M-MTA is built with the trade-off between minimizing the survivability of targets and minimizing the cost consumption of missiles. Moreover, a multi-objective optimization algorithm (NSGA-MTA) is proposed for M-MTA, where the hybrid encoding mechanism establishes the expression of the model and algorithm. Furthermore, rule-based initialization is developed to enhance the quality and searchability of feasible solutions. An efficient non-dominated sorting method is introduced into the framework as an effective search strategy. Besides, the genetic operators with the greedy mechanism and random repair strategy are involved in handling the constraints with maintaining diversity. The results of numerical experiments demonstrate that NSGA-MTA performs better in diversity and convergence than the excellent current algorithms in metrics and Pareto front obtained in 15 scenarios. Taguchi method is also adopted to verify the contribution of proposed strategies, and the results show that these strategies are practical and promotive to performance improvement.


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