Research article

Kinetic characteristics of transcriptional bursting in a complex gene model with cyclic promoter structure

  • Received: 20 November 2021 Revised: 04 January 2022 Accepted: 18 January 2022 Published: 24 January 2022
  • While transcription often occurs in a bursty manner, various possible regulations can lead to complex promoter patterns such as promoter cycles, giving rise to an important question: How do promoter kinetics shape transcriptional bursting kinetics? Here we introduce and analyze a general model of the promoter cycle consisting of multi-OFF states and multi-ON states, focusing on the effects of multi-ON mechanisms on transcriptional bursting kinetics. The derived analytical results indicate that burst size follows a mixed geometric distribution rather than a single geometric distribution assumed in previous studies, and ON and OFF times obey their own mixed exponential distributions. In addition, we find that the multi-ON mechanism can lead to bimodal burst-size distribution, antagonistic timing of ON and OFF, and diverse burst frequencies, each further contributing to cell-to-cell variability in the mRNA expression level. These results not only reveal essential features of transcriptional bursting kinetics patterns shaped by multi-state mechanisms but also can be used to the inferences of transcriptional bursting kinetics and promoter structure based on experimental data.

    Citation: Xiyan Yang, Zihao Wang, Yahao Wu, Tianshou Zhou, Jiajun Zhang. Kinetic characteristics of transcriptional bursting in a complex gene model with cyclic promoter structure[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(4): 3313-3336. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022153

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  • While transcription often occurs in a bursty manner, various possible regulations can lead to complex promoter patterns such as promoter cycles, giving rise to an important question: How do promoter kinetics shape transcriptional bursting kinetics? Here we introduce and analyze a general model of the promoter cycle consisting of multi-OFF states and multi-ON states, focusing on the effects of multi-ON mechanisms on transcriptional bursting kinetics. The derived analytical results indicate that burst size follows a mixed geometric distribution rather than a single geometric distribution assumed in previous studies, and ON and OFF times obey their own mixed exponential distributions. In addition, we find that the multi-ON mechanism can lead to bimodal burst-size distribution, antagonistic timing of ON and OFF, and diverse burst frequencies, each further contributing to cell-to-cell variability in the mRNA expression level. These results not only reveal essential features of transcriptional bursting kinetics patterns shaped by multi-state mechanisms but also can be used to the inferences of transcriptional bursting kinetics and promoter structure based on experimental data.


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