Research article Special Issues

A fuzzy identification method for persistent scatterers in PSInSAR technology

  • Received: 09 July 2020 Accepted: 18 September 2020 Published: 15 October 2020
  • Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry (PSInSAR) is known as one of the most effective technique for monitoring and analyzing ground deformation. It is a key step that how to identify Persistent Scatterers (PS) effectively and automatically from time-series SAR images. In the past research, one pixel will be classified to "PS" set or "no-PS" set clearly by one or more threshold rules for PS features. However, it is easy to fall into the 'either this or that' logical paradox in some cases because the covered objects in study area usually possess ambiguous boundary for interested characteristics. In this paper, a fuzzy PS concept is present and a fuzzy identification method is designed based on fuzzy set theory by taking the fuzzy characteristics of the pixels into account. Two groups of real data tests indicate that the new method can not only recognize more effective and reliable PS, but also can obtain the better quality results of selected PS, which can be used to evaluate the result of deformation and further improve the PSInSAR technology.

    Citation: Wanli Liu, Qiuzhao Zhang, Yueying Zhao. A fuzzy identification method for persistent scatterers in PSInSAR technology[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2020, 17(6): 6928-6944. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2020358

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  • Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry (PSInSAR) is known as one of the most effective technique for monitoring and analyzing ground deformation. It is a key step that how to identify Persistent Scatterers (PS) effectively and automatically from time-series SAR images. In the past research, one pixel will be classified to "PS" set or "no-PS" set clearly by one or more threshold rules for PS features. However, it is easy to fall into the 'either this or that' logical paradox in some cases because the covered objects in study area usually possess ambiguous boundary for interested characteristics. In this paper, a fuzzy PS concept is present and a fuzzy identification method is designed based on fuzzy set theory by taking the fuzzy characteristics of the pixels into account. Two groups of real data tests indicate that the new method can not only recognize more effective and reliable PS, but also can obtain the better quality results of selected PS, which can be used to evaluate the result of deformation and further improve the PSInSAR technology.


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