Research article Special Issues

Dynamics of a density-dependent predator-prey biological system with nonlinear impulsive control

  • Received: 23 July 2021 Accepted: 24 August 2021 Published: 30 August 2021
  • Spraying insecticides and releasing natural enemies are two commonly used methods in the integrated pest management strategy. With the rapid development of biotechnology, more and more realistic factors have been considered in the establishment and implementation of the integrated pest management models, such as the limited resources, the mutual restriction between pests and natural enemies, and the monitoring data of agricultural insects. Given these realities, we have proposed a pest-natural enemy integrated management system, which is a nonlinear state-dependent feedback control model. Besides the anti-predator behavior of the pests to the natural enemies is considered, the density dependent killing rate of pests and releasing amount of natural enemies are also introduced into the system. We address the impulsive sets and phase sets of the system in different cases, and the analytic expression of the Poincaré map which is defined in the phase set was investigated. Further we analyze the existence, uniqueness, global stability of order-1 periodic solution. In addition, the existence of periodic solution of order-$ k $ ($ k\geq2 $) is discussed. The theoretical analyses developed here not only show the relationship between the economic threshold and the other key factors related to pest control, but also reveal the complex dynamical behavior induced by the nonlinear impulsive control strategies.

    Citation: Yuan Tian, Sanyi Tang. Dynamics of a density-dependent predator-prey biological system with nonlinear impulsive control[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(6): 7318-7343. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021362

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  • Spraying insecticides and releasing natural enemies are two commonly used methods in the integrated pest management strategy. With the rapid development of biotechnology, more and more realistic factors have been considered in the establishment and implementation of the integrated pest management models, such as the limited resources, the mutual restriction between pests and natural enemies, and the monitoring data of agricultural insects. Given these realities, we have proposed a pest-natural enemy integrated management system, which is a nonlinear state-dependent feedback control model. Besides the anti-predator behavior of the pests to the natural enemies is considered, the density dependent killing rate of pests and releasing amount of natural enemies are also introduced into the system. We address the impulsive sets and phase sets of the system in different cases, and the analytic expression of the Poincaré map which is defined in the phase set was investigated. Further we analyze the existence, uniqueness, global stability of order-1 periodic solution. In addition, the existence of periodic solution of order-$ k $ ($ k\geq2 $) is discussed. The theoretical analyses developed here not only show the relationship between the economic threshold and the other key factors related to pest control, but also reveal the complex dynamical behavior induced by the nonlinear impulsive control strategies.


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