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Global dynamics of a model for treating microorganisms in sewage by periodically adding microbial flocculants

  • Received: 26 April 2019 Accepted: 16 September 2019 Published: 29 September 2019
  • In this paper, a mathematical model for microbial treatment in livestock and poultry sewage is proposed and analyzed. We consider periodic addition of microbial flocculants to treat microorganisms such as Escherichia coli in sewage. Different from the traditional models, a class of composite dynamics models composed of impulsive differential equations is established. Our aim is to study the relationship between substrate, microorganisms and flocculants in sewage systems as well as the treatment strategies of microorganisms. Precisely, we first show the process of mathematical modeling by using impulsive differential equations. Then by using the theory of impulsive differential equations, the dynamics of the model is investigated. Our results show that the system has a microorganismsextinction periodic solution which is globally asymptotically stable when a certain threshold value is less than one, and the system is permanent when a certain threshold value is greater than one. Furthermore, the control strategy for microorganisms treatment is discussed. Finally, some numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate the theoretical results.

    Citation: Tongqian Zhang, Ning Gao, Tengfei Wang, Hongxia Liu, Zhichao Jiang. Global dynamics of a model for treating microorganisms in sewage by periodically adding microbial flocculants[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2020, 17(1): 179-201. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2020010

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  • In this paper, a mathematical model for microbial treatment in livestock and poultry sewage is proposed and analyzed. We consider periodic addition of microbial flocculants to treat microorganisms such as Escherichia coli in sewage. Different from the traditional models, a class of composite dynamics models composed of impulsive differential equations is established. Our aim is to study the relationship between substrate, microorganisms and flocculants in sewage systems as well as the treatment strategies of microorganisms. Precisely, we first show the process of mathematical modeling by using impulsive differential equations. Then by using the theory of impulsive differential equations, the dynamics of the model is investigated. Our results show that the system has a microorganismsextinction periodic solution which is globally asymptotically stable when a certain threshold value is less than one, and the system is permanent when a certain threshold value is greater than one. Furthermore, the control strategy for microorganisms treatment is discussed. Finally, some numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate the theoretical results.


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