Research article Special Issues

Synergy of machine learning and the Einstein Choquet integral with LOPCOW and fuzzy measures for sustainable solid waste management

  • Received: 14 September 2024 Revised: 18 November 2024 Accepted: 28 November 2024 Published: 09 January 2025
  • MSC : 03E72, 90B50, 94D05

  • Solid waste management (SWM) protects public health, the environment, and limited resources in densely populated and urbanized countries such as Singapore. This work presents an advanced framework for optimizing SWM using advanced mathematical models and decision-making techniques, including the circular $ q $-rung orthopair fuzzy set (C$ q $-ROFS) for data, combined with the Choquet integral (CI) and logarithmic percentage change-driven objective weighting (LOPCOW) methods, enhanced by the aggregation operators (AOs) circular $ q $-rung orthopair fuzzy Einstein Choquet integral weighted averaging (C$ q $-ROFECIWA) and circular $ q $-rung orthopair fuzzy Einstein Choquet integral weighted geometric (C$ q $-ROFECIWG) aggregation operators. By conducting a systematic evaluation, these methods classified different alternatives to SWM, evaluating them according to criteria such as their environmental impact, cost-effectiveness, waste reduction efficiency, feasibility of implementation, health safety, and public acceptance. The operators C$ q $-ROFECIWA and C$ q $-ROFECIWG perform better than previous approaches in the effective management of multifaceted and dynamic SWM scenarios. The comparison study demonstrates that the integration of these operators with LOPCOW and the Choquet integral offers decision-making conclusions that are more reliable and sustainable. The study conducted in Singapore successfully finds the most feasible SWM alternatives and emphasizes the possibility of implementing more environmentally sustainable practices in the urban environment. This research offers practical insights for policymakers and emphasizes the need to improve and enhance these approaches to improve SWM in various urban environments.

    Citation: Yasir Yasin, Muhammad Riaz, Kholood Alsager. Synergy of machine learning and the Einstein Choquet integral with LOPCOW and fuzzy measures for sustainable solid waste management[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2025, 10(1): 460-498. doi: 10.3934/math.2025022

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  • Solid waste management (SWM) protects public health, the environment, and limited resources in densely populated and urbanized countries such as Singapore. This work presents an advanced framework for optimizing SWM using advanced mathematical models and decision-making techniques, including the circular $ q $-rung orthopair fuzzy set (C$ q $-ROFS) for data, combined with the Choquet integral (CI) and logarithmic percentage change-driven objective weighting (LOPCOW) methods, enhanced by the aggregation operators (AOs) circular $ q $-rung orthopair fuzzy Einstein Choquet integral weighted averaging (C$ q $-ROFECIWA) and circular $ q $-rung orthopair fuzzy Einstein Choquet integral weighted geometric (C$ q $-ROFECIWG) aggregation operators. By conducting a systematic evaluation, these methods classified different alternatives to SWM, evaluating them according to criteria such as their environmental impact, cost-effectiveness, waste reduction efficiency, feasibility of implementation, health safety, and public acceptance. The operators C$ q $-ROFECIWA and C$ q $-ROFECIWG perform better than previous approaches in the effective management of multifaceted and dynamic SWM scenarios. The comparison study demonstrates that the integration of these operators with LOPCOW and the Choquet integral offers decision-making conclusions that are more reliable and sustainable. The study conducted in Singapore successfully finds the most feasible SWM alternatives and emphasizes the possibility of implementing more environmentally sustainable practices in the urban environment. This research offers practical insights for policymakers and emphasizes the need to improve and enhance these approaches to improve SWM in various urban environments.


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