Research article

Pythagorean Cubic fuzzy Hamacher aggregation operators and their application in green supply selection problem

  • Received: 15 August 2021 Revised: 17 November 2021 Accepted: 25 November 2021 Published: 24 December 2021
  • MSC : 03E72, 47S40

  • The green chain supplier selection process plays a major role in the environmental decision for the efficient and effective supply chain management. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to develop a mechanism for decision making on green chain supplier problem. First, we define the Hamacher operational law for Pythagorean cubic fuzzy numbers (PCFNs) and study their fundamental properties. Based on the Hamacher operation law of PCFNs, we defined Pythagorean cubic fuzzy aggregation operators by using Hamacher t-norm and t-conorm. Further, we develop a series of Pythagorean cubic fuzzy Hamacher weighted averaging (PCFHWA), Pythagorean cubic fuzzy Hamacher order weighted averaging (PCFHOWA) Pythagorean Cubic fuzzy Hamacher hybrid averaging (PCFHHA), Pythagorean Cubic fuzzy Hamacher weighted Geometric (PCFHWG), Pythagorean Cubic fuzzy Hamacher order weighted Geometric (PCFHOWG), and Pythagorean Cubic fuzzy Hamacher hybrid geometric (PCFHHA) operators. Furthermore, we apply these aggregation operators of Pythagorean Cubic fuzzy numbers to the decision making problem for green supplier selection. We construct an algorithm for the group decision making by using aggregation operators and score function. The proposed decision making method applies to green chain supplier selection problem and find the best green supplier for green supply chain management. The proposed method compared with other group decision techniques under Pythagorean cubic fuzzy information. From the comparison and sensitivity analysis, we concluded that our proposed method is more generalized and effective method.

    Citation: Saleem Abdullah, Muhammad Qiyas, Muhammad Naeem, Mamona, Yi Liu. Pythagorean Cubic fuzzy Hamacher aggregation operators and their application in green supply selection problem[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(3): 4735-4766. doi: 10.3934/math.2022263

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  • The green chain supplier selection process plays a major role in the environmental decision for the efficient and effective supply chain management. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to develop a mechanism for decision making on green chain supplier problem. First, we define the Hamacher operational law for Pythagorean cubic fuzzy numbers (PCFNs) and study their fundamental properties. Based on the Hamacher operation law of PCFNs, we defined Pythagorean cubic fuzzy aggregation operators by using Hamacher t-norm and t-conorm. Further, we develop a series of Pythagorean cubic fuzzy Hamacher weighted averaging (PCFHWA), Pythagorean cubic fuzzy Hamacher order weighted averaging (PCFHOWA) Pythagorean Cubic fuzzy Hamacher hybrid averaging (PCFHHA), Pythagorean Cubic fuzzy Hamacher weighted Geometric (PCFHWG), Pythagorean Cubic fuzzy Hamacher order weighted Geometric (PCFHOWG), and Pythagorean Cubic fuzzy Hamacher hybrid geometric (PCFHHA) operators. Furthermore, we apply these aggregation operators of Pythagorean Cubic fuzzy numbers to the decision making problem for green supplier selection. We construct an algorithm for the group decision making by using aggregation operators and score function. The proposed decision making method applies to green chain supplier selection problem and find the best green supplier for green supply chain management. The proposed method compared with other group decision techniques under Pythagorean cubic fuzzy information. From the comparison and sensitivity analysis, we concluded that our proposed method is more generalized and effective method.


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