Research article Special Issues

Analysis of deep learning technique using a complex spherical fuzzy rough decision support model

  • Received: 15 February 2023 Revised: 06 June 2023 Accepted: 19 June 2023 Published: 25 July 2023
  • MSC : 03E72, 46S40

  • Deep learning (DL), a branch of machine learning and artificial intelligence, is nowadays considered as a core technology. Due to its ability to learn from data, DL technology originated from artificial neural networks and has become a hot topic in the context of computing, it is widely applied in various application areas. However, building an appropriate DL model is a challenging task, due to the dynamic nature and variations in real-world problems and data. The aim of this work was to develope a new method for appropriate DL model selection using complex spherical fuzzy rough sets (CSFRSs). The connectivity of two or more complex spherical fuzzy rough numbers can be defined by using the Hamacher t-norm and t-conorm. Using the Hamacher operational laws with operational parameters provides exceptional flexibility in dealing with uncertainty in data. We define a series of Hamacher averaging and geometric aggregation operators for CSFRSs, as well as their fundamental properties, based on the Hamacher t-norm and t-conorm. Further we have developed the proposed aggregation operators and provide here a group decision-making approach for solving decision making problems. Finally, a comparative analysis with existing methods is given to demonstrate the peculiarity of our proposed method.

    Citation: Muhammad Ali Khan, Saleem Abdullah, Alaa O. Almagrabi. Analysis of deep learning technique using a complex spherical fuzzy rough decision support model[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(10): 23372-23402. doi: 10.3934/math.20231188

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  • Deep learning (DL), a branch of machine learning and artificial intelligence, is nowadays considered as a core technology. Due to its ability to learn from data, DL technology originated from artificial neural networks and has become a hot topic in the context of computing, it is widely applied in various application areas. However, building an appropriate DL model is a challenging task, due to the dynamic nature and variations in real-world problems and data. The aim of this work was to develope a new method for appropriate DL model selection using complex spherical fuzzy rough sets (CSFRSs). The connectivity of two or more complex spherical fuzzy rough numbers can be defined by using the Hamacher t-norm and t-conorm. Using the Hamacher operational laws with operational parameters provides exceptional flexibility in dealing with uncertainty in data. We define a series of Hamacher averaging and geometric aggregation operators for CSFRSs, as well as their fundamental properties, based on the Hamacher t-norm and t-conorm. Further we have developed the proposed aggregation operators and provide here a group decision-making approach for solving decision making problems. Finally, a comparative analysis with existing methods is given to demonstrate the peculiarity of our proposed method.


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