Research article Special Issues

Prioritized aggregation operators for Schweizer-Sklar multi-attribute decision-making for complex spherical fuzzy information in mobile e-tourism applications

  • Received: 08 September 2024 Revised: 25 October 2024 Accepted: 07 November 2024 Published: 12 December 2024
  • MSC : 05C72, 68R10

  • Complex spherical fuzzy sets (CSFSs) are a theory that addresses confusing and unreliable information in real-life decision-making contexts by integrating elements of two theories: spherical fuzzy sets (SFSs) and complex fuzzy sets (CFSs). CSFSs are classified into three categories, represented by polar coordinates: membership, nonmember, and abstention. These grades are located on a complex plane within a unit disc. It is necessary for the total squares representing the real components of the grades for abstinence, membership, and non-membership to not surpass a certain interval. Several aspects of CSFS and the corresponding operational laws were examined in this work. The key components of this article were based on CSFs, including complex spherical fuzzy Schweizer-Sklar prioritized aggregation (CSFSSPA), complex spherical fuzzy Schweizer-Sklar weighted prioritized aggregation (CSFSSWPA), complex spherical fuzzy Schweizer-Sklar prioritized geometry (CSFSSPG), and complex spherical fuzzy Schweizer-Sklar prioritized weighted geometry (CSFSSWPG). Additionally, the suggested operators' specific instances were examined. The main outcome of this work includes new aggregation techniques for CSFS information, based on t-conorm and t-norm from Schweizer-Sklar (SS). The basic characteristics of the operators were established by this study. We looked at a numerical example centered on efficient mobile e-tourism selection to show the effectiveness and viability of the recommended approaches. Additionally, we carried out a thorough comparative analysis to assess the outcomes of the suggested aggregation approaches in comparison to the current methods. Last, we offer an overview of the planned study and talk about potential directions for the future.

    Citation: Khawlah Alhulwah, Muhammad Azeem, Mehwish Sarfraz, Nasreen Almohanna, Ali Ahmad. Prioritized aggregation operators for Schweizer-Sklar multi-attribute decision-making for complex spherical fuzzy information in mobile e-tourism applications[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(12): 34753-34784. doi: 10.3934/math.20241655

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  • Complex spherical fuzzy sets (CSFSs) are a theory that addresses confusing and unreliable information in real-life decision-making contexts by integrating elements of two theories: spherical fuzzy sets (SFSs) and complex fuzzy sets (CFSs). CSFSs are classified into three categories, represented by polar coordinates: membership, nonmember, and abstention. These grades are located on a complex plane within a unit disc. It is necessary for the total squares representing the real components of the grades for abstinence, membership, and non-membership to not surpass a certain interval. Several aspects of CSFS and the corresponding operational laws were examined in this work. The key components of this article were based on CSFs, including complex spherical fuzzy Schweizer-Sklar prioritized aggregation (CSFSSPA), complex spherical fuzzy Schweizer-Sklar weighted prioritized aggregation (CSFSSWPA), complex spherical fuzzy Schweizer-Sklar prioritized geometry (CSFSSPG), and complex spherical fuzzy Schweizer-Sklar prioritized weighted geometry (CSFSSWPG). Additionally, the suggested operators' specific instances were examined. The main outcome of this work includes new aggregation techniques for CSFS information, based on t-conorm and t-norm from Schweizer-Sklar (SS). The basic characteristics of the operators were established by this study. We looked at a numerical example centered on efficient mobile e-tourism selection to show the effectiveness and viability of the recommended approaches. Additionally, we carried out a thorough comparative analysis to assess the outcomes of the suggested aggregation approaches in comparison to the current methods. Last, we offer an overview of the planned study and talk about potential directions for the future.


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