Research article Special Issues

Effectiveness of matrix measure in finding periodic solutions for nonlinear systems of differential and integro-differential equations with delays

  • In this manuscript, under the matrix measure and some sufficient conditions, we will overcame all difficulties and challenges related to the fundamental matrix for a generalized nonlinear neutral functional differential equations in matrix form with multiple delays. The periodicity of solutions, as well as the uniqueness under the considered conditions has been proved employing the fixed point theory. Our approach expanded and generalized certain previously published findings for example, we studied the uniqueness of a solution that was absent in some literature. Moreover, an example was given to confirm the main results.

    Citation: Mouataz Billah Mesmouli, Amir Abdel Menaem, Taher S. Hassan. Effectiveness of matrix measure in finding periodic solutions for nonlinear systems of differential and integro-differential equations with delays[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(6): 14274-14287. doi: 10.3934/math.2024693

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  • In this manuscript, under the matrix measure and some sufficient conditions, we will overcame all difficulties and challenges related to the fundamental matrix for a generalized nonlinear neutral functional differential equations in matrix form with multiple delays. The periodicity of solutions, as well as the uniqueness under the considered conditions has been proved employing the fixed point theory. Our approach expanded and generalized certain previously published findings for example, we studied the uniqueness of a solution that was absent in some literature. Moreover, an example was given to confirm the main results.

    Many researchers have studied the matrix form of differential systems due to their good applications in biological sciences, engineering, and economics, as well as other branches of mathematics, where the study of stability and the existence of periodic solutions was addressed (see [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]).

    By employing Krasnoselskii's fixed point theorem, the authors in [12] studied the following two functional neutral differential equations:

    (x(ι)cx(ιγ(ι)))=a(ι)x(ι)+p(ι,x(ιγ(ι))) (1.1)


    ddι[x(ι)c0G(s)x(ι+s)ds]=a(ι)x(ι)+0G(s)p(ι,x(ι+s))ds, (1.2)

    where the positivity and periodicity of solutions were established, such that x: RR; a(ι)C(R,(0,)); pC(R×R,R); γ(ι)C(R,R) and a(ι), b(ι), γ(ι), p(ι,x) are Υ-periodic functions, |c|<1 and Υ>0 are constants, G(s)C((,0],[0,)), and


    However, functional differential Eqs (1.1) and (1.2) appear frequently in applications as models of equations in many mathematical population and ecological models, the models of hematopoiesis (see [13,14]), Nicholson's blowflies models (see [15,16]), and blood cell production (see [17]).

    In [2], the authors considered the following system:

    (x(ι)cx(ιγ))=A(ι,x(ι))x(ι)+p(ι,x(ισ1(ι)),...,x(ισm(ι))), (1.3)

    under the condition on the matrix measure, with periodic coefficients. However, in [9], the author used integrable dichotomy to show that the system (1.3) has periodic solutions where the matrix A depends on ι only.

    Motivated by these excellent works, the purpose of this article is to generalize and improve the previous works to become totally nonlinear or in system form by considering the two nonlinear differential systems with multiple delays:

    (x(ι)g(ι,x(ιγ(ι))))=A(ι)x(ι)+p(ι,x(ισ1(ι)),...,x(ισm(ι))) (1.4)


    (x(ι)0G(s)g(ι,x(ι+γ(s)))ds)=A(ι)x(ι)+0G(s)p(ι,x(ι+σ1(s)),...,x(ι+σm(s)))ds, (1.5)

    in which x: RRn, γ(ι),σi(ι),i=1,...,m, are real continuous Υ-periodic functions on R, Υ>0. A(ι) and G(s) are n×n real matrices with the continuous Υ-periodic function defined on R and (,0], respectively, with


    The vector functions g(ι,v) and p(ι,v1,...,vm) are real continuous functions defined on R×Rn and R×(Rn)m, respectively, such that




    The authors in [10] considered the systems (1.4) and (1.5) as a generalization of the work [9] and proved the existence and the uniqueness under the integrable dichotomy condition. So, to the best of our knowledge, no earlier studies have investigated the systems (1.4) and (1.5) by using matrix measure. On the other hand, among the specific advantages and potential impact of our work over existing results in the literature, for example, we can deduce the uniqueness of the solution of (1.1) in [2].

    To generalize them to become totally nonlinear and to study the uniqueness of solutions, which has not been studied previously, some other research was also studied in system form.

    This article is divided into five parts. Section 2 provides some background information that we will employ to show the existence and uniqueness of solutions of (1.4) and (1.5). Section 3 is concerned with establishing some criteria for the existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions of systems (1.4) and (1.5), respectively. Section 4 includes two examples to demonstrate our findings, followed by a conclusion.

    For the sake of convenience, we list some results, definitions of matrix measure, and linear systems, which will be crucial in the proofs of our results. Let the system

    x(ι)=A(ι)x(ι), (2.1)

    in which A(ι) is a continuous n×n matrix function. Denote by G(ι,ι0) the fundamental matrix solution of system (2.1) with G(ι0,ι0)=I. Recall that

    G(ι,ι0)G(ι0,ζ)=G(ι,ζ),  ι,ι0,ζR,


    G1(ι,ζ)=G(ζ,ι),  ι,ζR.

    Let ||1 be the 1-norm for the real Euclidean space Rn and A the induced matrix norm of A corresponding to the vector norm ||. So, for




    The matrix measure of the matrix A is the function (see [18] for more details)


    Lemma 2.1. [18] Let x(ι) be a solution of system (2.1), then


    for ιι0.

    Lemma 2.2. [2] The fundamental matrix of (2.1) satisfies

    G(ι,ζ)eιζμ(A(s))ds,  ιζ.

    Lemma 2.3. [2] If


    then the linear system (2.1) does not have any nontrivial Υ -periodic solution.

    Lemma 2.4. [19] If the linear system (2.1) does not have any nontrivial Υ-periodic solution, then for any Υ-periodic continuous function p(ι), the nonhomogeneous system


    has a unique Υ-periodic solution x(ι) determined by

    x(ι)=G(ι,ι0)x(ι0)+ιι0G(ι,ζ)p(ζ)dζ,  ιR.

    Now, for our study we consider the following lemma.

    Lemma 2.5. Assume that

    θ:=eΥ0μ(A(ζ))dζ<1 (2.2)

    holds, then the solutions of the systems (1.4) and (1.5) are equivalent to

    x(ι)=g(ι,x(ιγ(ι)))+(IG(ι+Υ,ι))1×ι+ΥιG(ι+Υ,ζ)A(ζ)g(ζ,x(ζγ(ζ)))dζ+(IG(ι+Υ,ι))1×ι+ΥιG(ι+Υ,ζ)p(ζ,x(ζσ1(ζ)),...,x(ζσm(ζ)))dζ (2.3)


    x(ι)=0G(s)g(ι,x(ι+γ(s)))ds+(IG(ι+Υ,ι))1×ι+ΥιG(ι+Υ,ζ)A(ζ)0G(s)g(ζ,x(ζ+γ(s)))dsdζ+(IG(ι+Υ,ι))1×ι+ΥιG(ι+Υ,ζ)0G(s)p(ζ,x(ζ+σ1(s)),...,x(ζ+σm(s)))dsdζ, (2.4)


    Proof. Let


    so, the system (1.4) can be written as


    By Lemma 2.4, for ιR, we have






    Furthermore, since (2.2) holds, then (IG(ι+Υ,ι))1 exists for every ιR. Therefore, we have (2.3).

    By the same way, we can show that (2.4) holds.

    In our study, the proofs of the existence and uniqueness of the periodic solutions to the systems (1.4) and (1.5) utilize the fixed point theorems. So, we present them below (see [20,21]).

    Theorem 2.1. (Banach) Assume that (S,ρ) is a complete metric space and Φ: SS. If there is a constant τ<1 such that for a,bS,


    then there is one, and only one, point xS with Φx=x.

    Theorem 2.2. (Krasnoselskii) Let Π be a nonempty, convex, closed, bounded subset of a Banach space S. Assume that Φ1 and Φ2 map Π into S such that:

    (i)Φ1 is a contraction mapping on Π;

    (ii)Φ2 is completely continuous on Π;

    (iii)a,bΠ, implies Φ1a+Φ2bΠ.

    Thus, there exists xΠ with x=Φ1x+Φ2x.

    Now, we state our sufficient conditions. So, let BC(R,Rn) be the space of all bounded continuous functions from R to Rn and assume E>0 is a constant. Denote by


    and set

    Π={vBC(R,Rn):vE and v(ι+Υ)=v(ι) for all ιR}.

    Clearly, the set Π is a bounded, nonempty, closed, and convex subset of BC(R,Rn).

    Assume that, for v,wΠ, there exists L1(0,1) such that

    |g(ι,v)g(ι,w)|1L1|vw|1, for all ιR, (2.5)

    and for v1,v2,...vm,w1,w2,...,wmΠ, there exists L2>0 such that

    |p(ι,v1,v2,...,vm)p(ι,w1,w2,...,wm)|1L2(|v1w1|1+...+|vmwm|1), for all ιR.



    and we assume there exists a Υ-periodic continuous function κ(ι) such that for ι[0,Υ],μ(A(ι))κ(ι) satisfies

    supζsι[0,Υ]ι+Υιeι+Υζκ(s)dsdζ=μ0 (2.6)


    λ(L1E+α)+L2mE+β1θμ0E. (2.7)

    We start this section by studying the periodicity of the system (1.4). For vBC(R,Rn), we define the operators Φ1 and Φ2 by

    (Φ1v)(ι)=g(ι,v(ιγ(ι))) (3.1)


    (Φ2v)(ι)=(IG(ι+Υ,ι))1ι+ΥιG(ι+Υ,ζ)A(ζ)g(ζ,v(ζγ(ζ)))dζ+(IG(ι+Υ,ι))1ι+ΥιG(ι+Υ,ζ)p(ζ,v(ζσ1(ζ)),...,v(ζσm(ζ)))dζ. (3.2)

    Note that if the operator Φ1+Φ2 has a fixed point, then this fixed point is a periodic solution of (1.4).

    Lemma 3.1. If (2.2), (2.5) and (2.6) hold, then the operators Φ1 and Φ2 defined by (3.1) and (3.2), respectively, from Π turn into BC(R,Rn), that is, Φ1,Φ2: ΠBC(R,Rn).

    Proof. Let vΠ, . By (2.5), we have


    Second, for vΠ, by (2.5) and (2.6), we get


    Since θ<1, then


    and by Lemma 2.2, we have




    Due to Lemma 2.5, Φ1 and Φ2 are periodic, then Φ1,Φ2: ΠBC(R,Rn).

    Lemma 3.2. If (2.5) holds, then the operator Φ1: ΠBC(R,Rn) defined by (3.1) is a contraction.

    Proof. Let v,wΠ. By (2.5), we get




    Therefore, Φ1 is a contraction because L1(0,1).

    Lemma 3.3. If (2.2), (2.5) and (2.6) hold, then the operator Φ2: ΠBC(R,Rn) defined by (3.2) is completely continuous.

    Proof. To show that the operator Φ2: ΠBC(R,Rn) is completely continuous, first we must prove the continuity of Φ2. So, for nN, let vnΠ, such that vnv as n, then


    which implies


    hence, Φ2 is continuous. Now, let vnΠ, where n is a positive integer, then we have






    hence, (Φ2vn) is uniformly bounded and equicontinuous. Therefore, by Ascoli-Arzela's theorem, Φ2(Π) is relatively compact.

    Next, we prove for any v,wΠ that Φ1v+Φ2wΠ, in the following lemma.

    Lemma 3.4. If (2.2), (2.5)–(2.7) hold, then for any v,wΠ, we have Φ1v+Φ2wΠ.

    Proof. Let v,wΠ, then v,wE. By (2.6), we have


    It follows that


    for all v,wΠ. Hence, Φ1v+Φ2wΠ.

    The following theorem provides the periodicity of solution of (1.4).

    Theorem 3.1. Suppose (2.2), (2.5)–(2.7) hold, then there exists at least one Υ-periodic solution for the system (1.4).

    Proof. Obviously, the requirements of Krasnoselskii's theorem are satisfied due to Lemmas 3.1–2.4. So, there exists a fixed point xΠ such that x=Φ1x+Φ2x, and this fixed point is a solution of (1.4). Hence, (1.4) has a Υ-periodic solution.

    Theorem 3.2. Assume that (2.2), (2.5) and (2.6) hold. If

    L1+(λL1+L2m)1θμ0<1, (3.3)

    then there exists a unique Υ-periodic solution for the system (1.4).

    Proof. Let Φ be defined by Φ=Φ1+Φ2. For v1,v2BC(R,Rn), we obtain




    Since the condition (3.3) holds, system (1.4) has a unique Υ-periodic solution by the Banach fixed point theorem.

    Now, to study the periodicity of the system (1.5), we define, for vBC(R,Rn), the operators Ψ1 and Ψ2 by

    (Ψ1v)(ι)=0G(t)g(ι,v(ι+γ(t)))dt (3.4)


    (Ψ2v)(ι)=0G(s)g(ι,v(ι+γ(s)))ds+(IG(ι+Υ,ι))1ι+ΥιG(ι+Υ,ζ)A(ζ)0G(s)g(ζ,v(ζ+γ(s)))dsdζ+(IG(ι+Υ,ι))1×ι+ΥιG(ι+Υ,ζ)0G(s)p(ζ,v(ζ+σ1(s)),...,v(ζ+σm(s)))dsdζ. (3.5)

    We will study the fixed point of the operator Ψ1+Ψ2.

    Lemma 3.5. If (2.2), (2.5) and (2.6) hold, then the operators Ψ1 and Ψ2 defined above are operators from Π into BC(R,Rn), that is, Ψ1,Ψ2: ΠBC(R,Rn).

    Proof. Let vΠ. By (2.5), we get


    Next, for vΠ, by Lemma 2.2 and the conditions (2.5) and (2.6), we get

    |(Ψ2v)(ι)|λ(L1E+α)+L2mE+β1θι+Υιeι+Υζκ(s)ds0G(s)dsdζμ0λ(L1E+α)+L2mE+β1θ. (3.6)

    Due to Lemma 2.5, Ψ1 and Ψ2 are periodic, then Ψ1,Ψ2: ΠBC(R,Rn).

    By the same technique, the proof of the following lemmas is similar to that of Lemmas 3.2–2.4.

    Lemma 3.6. If (2.5) holds, then the operator Ψ1: ΠBC(R,Rn) defined by (3.4) is a contraction.

    Lemma 3.7. If (2.2), (2.5) and (2.6) hold, then the operator Ψ2: ΠBC(R,Rn) defined by (3.5) is completely continuous.

    Lemma 3.8. If (2.2), (2.5)–(2.7), then for any v,wΠ, we have Ψ1v+Ψ2wΠ.

    The following theorem provides the periodicity of solution of (1.5).

    Theorem 3.3. Suppose (2.2), (2.5)–(2.7) hold, then there exists at least one Υ-periodic solution for the system (1.5).

    Proof. The requirements in Krasnoselskii's theorem are satisfied due to Lemmas 3.5–3.8. Hence, (1.5) has a Υ-periodic solution.

    Theorem 3.4. Suppose the conditions (2.2), (2.5), (2.6) and (3.3) hold, then there exists a unique Υ-periodic solution for the system (1.5).

    Proof. Le Ψ=Ψ1+Ψ2. For v1,v2BC(R,Rn); it is easy to see that,


    The condition (3.3) confirms to us that the system (1.5) has one Υ-periodic solution.

    We provide in this section two examples to confirm and strengthen the previous results.

    Example 4.1. Let v=(v1,v2)t, m=2, and Υ=2π in the system (1.4), where


    Note that L1=104, L2=105, α=104, β=0, λ=1, μ(A(ι))14, and


    So, the conditions (2.2), (2.5)–(2.7) are held; hence, by Theorem 3.1, the system (1.4) has a 2π-periodic solution. Since g(ι,x(ιγ(ι))) is not identically zero, this solution is also nontrivial.

    Example 4.2. Let v=(v1,v2)t, m=2, and Υ=2π in the system (1.5), where

    g(ι,v(ι+γ(ι)))=103cos(ι)(v2(ι+sin(ι))+3v1(ι+sin(ι))), v(ι)=(v1(ι)v2(ι)),A(ι)=(1418cos(ι)1414),  G(ι)=(eιe2ι12eιe3ι13eιeι),p(ι,v(ισ1(ι)),v(ισ2(ι)))=107sin(ι)(v1(ι+103)+v2(ι+sin(ι))v2(ι+103)+v1(ι+sin(ι))).

    Note that L1=103, L2=105, α=3×103, β=0, λ=12, μ(A(ι))18, and


    So, the conditions (2.2), (2.5) and (2.6) are held, and since


    then the condition (3.3) is held too. Hence, by Theorem 3.4, the system (1.5) has a unique 2π-periodic solution. Since g(ι,x(ι+γ(ι))) is not identically zero, then this solution is also nontrivial.

    This research addressed more broadly the study of the kinds of neutral equations represented in nonlinear systems with multiple delays by using matrix measure and the fixed point technique to prove existence and uniqueness.

    The purpose of this study is to enhance and generalize various well-known studies such as [2,12]. Indeed, our study is in the space C0; however, [2] is in the space C1. Furthermore, if


    then our findings will be applicable to system (1.3) of [2]. Additionally, the periodic solutions of (1.1) and (1.2) in [12] can be found by our systems (1.4) and (1.5) in n-dimensional case.

    Finally, some of the concrete goals and explicit directions in the future study of this field are the studies of periodic solutions in both advanced and delayed differential systems or impulsive systems which means with piecewise constant arguments. For example, we can rely on the articles [22,23] in the future works, since they provide some useful insights about both numerical and theoretical aspects in the context of piecewise constant arguments and irregularities in delay differential equations. Another very important area in which the study of our current systems can be considered, is the regularizations of systems by showing the uniqueness, stability, and periodicity of the orbit like in [24].

    The authors declare they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.

    There are no conflicts of interest.

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