Research article Special Issues

Congestion tracking control of multi-bottleneck TCP networks with input-saturation and dead-zone

  • Received: 14 January 2024 Revised: 07 March 2024 Accepted: 11 March 2024 Published: 20 March 2024
  • MSC : 93D20

  • This paper discusses the congestion control challenges in a network employing multi-bottleneck Transmission Control Protocol/Active Queue Management (TCP/AQM). The study specifically focuses on networks characterized by input nonlinearity and unknown disturbances. We regard the network as a whole, and consider the influence between multiple nodes and unknown disturbance, a dynamic model of multi-bottleneck network is established. And the impact of dead zone and saturation on the system is taken into account for the first time in the model, the builded TCP/AQM model is more practicable. Based on the characteristics of fuzzy logic systems (FLS), combined with backstepping technology and Lyapunov function, an adaptive congestion control algorithm is designed to make full use of the link resources of each node and improve the network utilization. Ultimately, the proposed algorithm's efficacy and superiority are substantiated through simulation.

    Citation: Yanxin Li, Shangkun Liu, Jia Li, Weimin Zheng. Congestion tracking control of multi-bottleneck TCP networks with input-saturation and dead-zone[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(5): 10935-10954. doi: 10.3934/math.2024535

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  • This paper discusses the congestion control challenges in a network employing multi-bottleneck Transmission Control Protocol/Active Queue Management (TCP/AQM). The study specifically focuses on networks characterized by input nonlinearity and unknown disturbances. We regard the network as a whole, and consider the influence between multiple nodes and unknown disturbance, a dynamic model of multi-bottleneck network is established. And the impact of dead zone and saturation on the system is taken into account for the first time in the model, the builded TCP/AQM model is more practicable. Based on the characteristics of fuzzy logic systems (FLS), combined with backstepping technology and Lyapunov function, an adaptive congestion control algorithm is designed to make full use of the link resources of each node and improve the network utilization. Ultimately, the proposed algorithm's efficacy and superiority are substantiated through simulation.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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