Research article Special Issues

Utilization of the Crank-Nicolson technique to investigate thermal enhancement in 3D convective Walter-B fluid by inserting tiny nanoparticles on a circular cylinder

  • Received: 19 December 2023 Revised: 04 February 2024 Accepted: 23 February 2024 Published: 05 March 2024
  • MSC : 80A05, 80A19, 65M06

  • The current study is based on the mechanism of mixed convection and solar thermal radiation in Walters'-B fluid considering tera-hybrid nano-structures using convective boundary constraints (CBC) and (CHF) constant heat flux. The heat transmission phenomenon of the current study is taken into account under the influence of triple-suspended nanoparticles. The current problem has several potential applications, including improvements in solar thermal energy systems, nanofluids, aerospace, cooling processes, automotive engineering, and numerical modeling methods. A numerical approach, namely Crank-Nicolson, is utilized in the modeling of 3D Walter's B fluid past over a 3D circular cylinder whose radius varies sinusoidally for evaluation of velocity and temperature distributions. For mathematical modeling, the Cartesian coordinate system was used for the current study. Comparative analysis between constant heat flux (CHF) and convective boundary constraints (CBC) was demonstrated graphically against multifarious parameters towards the temperature profile and velocity profiles along the x-axis and in the y-axis. Moreover, comparative analysis for dissimilar parameters was manifested for Nusselt number through tables, and graphically for skin friction co-efficient and Nusselt number and has shown excellent accuracy. It was estimated that by enhancing values of Qsr, C, Hs and Ec, it was addressed that temperature curve increases for CHF and CBC cases.

    Citation: Fu Zhang Wang, Muhammad Sohail, Umar Nazir, Emad Mahrous Awwad, Mohamed Sharaf. Utilization of the Crank-Nicolson technique to investigate thermal enhancement in 3D convective Walter-B fluid by inserting tiny nanoparticles on a circular cylinder[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(4): 9059-9090. doi: 10.3934/math.2024441

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  • The current study is based on the mechanism of mixed convection and solar thermal radiation in Walters'-B fluid considering tera-hybrid nano-structures using convective boundary constraints (CBC) and (CHF) constant heat flux. The heat transmission phenomenon of the current study is taken into account under the influence of triple-suspended nanoparticles. The current problem has several potential applications, including improvements in solar thermal energy systems, nanofluids, aerospace, cooling processes, automotive engineering, and numerical modeling methods. A numerical approach, namely Crank-Nicolson, is utilized in the modeling of 3D Walter's B fluid past over a 3D circular cylinder whose radius varies sinusoidally for evaluation of velocity and temperature distributions. For mathematical modeling, the Cartesian coordinate system was used for the current study. Comparative analysis between constant heat flux (CHF) and convective boundary constraints (CBC) was demonstrated graphically against multifarious parameters towards the temperature profile and velocity profiles along the x-axis and in the y-axis. Moreover, comparative analysis for dissimilar parameters was manifested for Nusselt number through tables, and graphically for skin friction co-efficient and Nusselt number and has shown excellent accuracy. It was estimated that by enhancing values of Qsr, C, Hs and Ec, it was addressed that temperature curve increases for CHF and CBC cases.


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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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