Image segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into homogenous regions, and represents one of the most fundamental and important procedures in image processing. Image denoising is a process to remove unwanted noise from a digital image, enhancing its visual quality. Various algorithms, like non-local means and deep learning-based approaches, have been developed to remove noise while preserving important image details. Currently, the prevalent application of pattern recognition technology is achieved through the implementation of image segmentation algorithms. In this study, we present a new, highly efficient, and fast computational scheme specifically developed for a phase-field mathematical model of image segmentation. The numerical methodology is based on an operator splitting method (OSM). The split operators are solved by using closed-form analytic solutions and a finite difference method (FDM) with an alternating direction explicit (ADE) method. To show the notable efficiency and rapid computational performance of the proposed computational algorithm, we conduct a series of numerical experiments. Through these computational tests, we confirm a significant contribution to the advancement of methodologies employed in the critical domain of image processing.
Citation: Yuzi Jin, Soobin Kwak, Seokjun Ham, Junseok Kim. A fast and efficient numerical algorithm for image segmentation and denoising[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(2): 5015-5027. doi: 10.3934/math.2024243
[1] | Eman A. Al-Shahari, Marwa Obayya, Faiz Abdullah Alotaibi, Safa Alsafari, Ahmed S. Salama, Mohammed Assiri . Accelerating biomedical image segmentation using equilibrium optimization with a deep learning approach. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(3): 5905-5924. doi: 10.3934/math.2024288 |
[2] | Myeongmin Kang, Miyoun Jung . Nonconvex fractional order total variation based image denoising model under mixed stripe and Gaussian noise. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(8): 21094-21124. doi: 10.3934/math.20241025 |
[3] | Ming Shi, Ibrar Hussain . Improved region-based active contour segmentation through divergence and convolution techniques. AIMS Mathematics, 2025, 10(1): 654-671. doi: 10.3934/math.2025029 |
[4] | Miyoun Jung . A variational image denoising model under mixed Cauchy and Gaussian noise. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(11): 19696-19726. doi: 10.3934/math.20221080 |
[5] | Muhammad Suleman, Muhammad Ilyas, M. Ikram Ullah Lali, Hafiz Tayyab Rauf, Seifedine Kadry . A review of different deep learning techniques for sperm fertility prediction. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(7): 16360-16416. doi: 10.3934/math.2023838 |
[6] | Bing Xue, Jiakang Du, Hongchun Sun, Yiju Wang . A linearly convergent proximal ADMM with new iterative format for BPDN in compressed sensing problem. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(6): 10513-10533. doi: 10.3934/math.2022586 |
[7] | Yating Zhu, Zixun Zeng, Zhong Chen, Deqiang Zhou, Jian Zou . Performance analysis of the convex non-convex total variation denoising model. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(10): 29031-29052. doi: 10.3934/math.20241409 |
[8] | Saulo Orizaga, Ogochukwu Ifeacho, Sampson Owusu . On an efficient numerical procedure for the Functionalized Cahn-Hilliard equation. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(8): 20773-20792. doi: 10.3934/math.20241010 |
[9] | Miyoun Jung . Group sparse representation and saturation-value total variation based color image denoising under multiplicative noise. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(3): 6013-6040. doi: 10.3934/math.2024294 |
[10] | A. Joumad, A. El Moutaouakkil, A. Nasroallah, O. Boutkhoum, Mejdl Safran, Sultan Alfarhood, Imran Ashraf . Unsupervised segmentation of images using bi-dimensional pairwise Markov chains model. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(11): 31057-31086. doi: 10.3934/math.20241498 |
Image segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into homogenous regions, and represents one of the most fundamental and important procedures in image processing. Image denoising is a process to remove unwanted noise from a digital image, enhancing its visual quality. Various algorithms, like non-local means and deep learning-based approaches, have been developed to remove noise while preserving important image details. Currently, the prevalent application of pattern recognition technology is achieved through the implementation of image segmentation algorithms. In this study, we present a new, highly efficient, and fast computational scheme specifically developed for a phase-field mathematical model of image segmentation. The numerical methodology is based on an operator splitting method (OSM). The split operators are solved by using closed-form analytic solutions and a finite difference method (FDM) with an alternating direction explicit (ADE) method. To show the notable efficiency and rapid computational performance of the proposed computational algorithm, we conduct a series of numerical experiments. Through these computational tests, we confirm a significant contribution to the advancement of methodologies employed in the critical domain of image processing.
Image segmentation is the process of dividing an image into homogenous regions based on a characterization of the given image, and represents one of the most fundamental procedures of image processing [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]. Currently, the prevalent applications of pattern recognition technologies such as medical image recognition, robotics, and visual field monitoring are achieved through the implementation of image segmentation algorithms [1]. Furthermore, Ahmad et al. [2] presented an augmented Lagrangian technique for the image deblurring problem in its primal form based on mean curvature. Song et al. [3] proposed tensor Conjugate-Gradient schemes, and applied the proposed scheme to restore images and videos. Lee et al. [4] and Li et al. [5] studied the restoration of fingerprint images, and they utilized the phase-field model for image processing. Pan and Feng [6] conducted research on parameter estimation necessary for image restoration. They proposed algorithms to improve the accuracy of parameter estimation, and verified the advantages when using the estimated parameters for image restoration.
Numerous phase-field methods have been developed for image segmentation [7,8,9,10,11,12]. Chen et al. [7] proposed a novel image segmentation model designed for complex two-dimensional images with intensity inhomogeneity. The proposed phase-field model uses local information. Furthermore, their proposed scheme excels at minimizing background interference compared to previous methods. Fang et al. [8] introduced an integrated vector-valued active contour model for image segmentation. They combined the advantages of edge-based and region-based active contour models to propose an integrated method that uses adaptively adjustable weights to effectively obtain boundary information. The proposed scheme efficiently segmented vector-valued images. Jeong et al. [9] solved a modified Allen-Cahn (AC) equation with a fidelity term. They proposed a fast and accurate hybrid method that possesses the advantages of simplicity and versatility in arbitrary computational domains. Liu et al. [10] presented an Allen-Cahn Cahn-Vese (ACCV) model that deals with multi-phase image segmentation. They validated the effectiveness of the proposed method by comparing it to previous models. Thasneem et al. [11] proposed an algorithm that consists of three steps: Slice selection, segmentation, and interpolation. In the segmentation step, they presented a segmentation method using a modified AC equation. Yang et al. [12] proposed a modified Cahn-Hilliard (CH) equation for image segmentation. A significant feature of the proposed model is that it can interpolate omitted contours over wide distances. They improved the tailored-finite-point method for the proposed image segmentation model. Image denoising is a process that aims to remove unwanted noise from an image and enhances its visual quality. Noise, often caused by factors like low-light conditions or sensor limitations, can distort image details. Denoising algorithms can remove this noise while preserving essential image features. Common techniques include wavelet transforms, non-local means, and deep learning-based approaches. In deep learning, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are frequently used for their ability to learn complex noise patterns and restore clean images [13]. Image denoising plays a crucial role in various applications, such as medical imaging, surveillance, and photography to have clearer and more accurate visual representations [14,15].
The main purpose of this study is to present a novel, highly efficient, and fast numerical scheme specifically developed for a phase-field mathematical model of image segmentation. The proposed computational scheme is based on an operator splitting method [16]. The three split operators are solved by using closed-form analytic solutions and a finite difference method (FDM) with an alternating direction explicit (ADE) method [17].
The outline of this paper is as follows: In Section 2, we present the proposed numerical solution algorithm. In Section 3, we conduct a series of numerical experiments to validate the notable efficiency and rapid computational performance of the proposed numerical algorithm. Finally, conclusions are given in Section 4.
We consider the following phase-field model for image segmentation and denoising:
∂u(x,t)∂t=u(x,t)−u3(x,t)ϵ2+Δu(x,t)−λ[(1+u(x,t))(f(x)−c1(t))2−(1−u(x,t))(f(x)−c2(t))2], | (2.1) |
where u(x,t) is an order parameter at space x and time t, ϵ is an interfacial thickness related parameter, λ is a fidelity parameter, and f(x) is the given image. In addition, c1(t) and c2(t) are the averages of the given image f in the region (u≥0) and (u<0), respectively, and are defined as
c1(t)=∫Ωf(x)(1+u(x,t))dx∫Ω(1+u(x,t))dxandc2(t)=∫Ωf(x)(1−u(x,t))dx∫Ω(1−u(x,t))dx. |
The phase-field model for image segmentation and denoising can be derived from the phase-field approximation of the Mumford-Shah functional
E(u)=∫Ω((u2−1)24ϵ2+|∇u|22+λ2[(1+u)2(f−c1)2+(1−u)2(f−c2)2])dx. | (2.2) |
Given our focus on a stable numerical algorithm in this study, for a more detailed derivation and definitions, please refer to [18].
Equation (2.1) is discretized in a domain Ω=(Lx,Rx)×(Ly,Ry), which is discretized as follows: Ωh={(xi,yj):xi=Lx+ih,yj=Ly+jh,0≤i≤Nx,0≤j≤Ny}, where h=(Rx−Lx)/Nx=(Ry−Ly)/Ny for some integers Nx and Ny. For simplicity of notion, let unij=u(xi,yj,nΔt), where Δt is the uniform time step and n is the number of temporal iteration steps.
Using the operator splitting method, we first solve the following term in the governing Eq (2.1):
∂u(x,t)∂t=−λ[(1+u(x,t))(f(x)−c1(t))2−(1−u(x,t))(f(x)−c2(t))2], | (2.3) |
which is analytically solved as follows and the solution after Δt time is given as for i=1,2,…,Nx−1 and j=1,2,…,Ny−1:
un+1,1ij=e−λ[(fij−cn1)2+(fij−cn2)2]Δtunij+(e−λ[(fij−cn1)2+(fij−cn2)2]Δt−1)(fij−cn1)2−(fij−cn2)2(fij−cn1)2+(fij−cn2)2. | (2.4) |
Here, cn1 and cn2 are defined as
cn1=Nx−1∑i=1Ny−1∑j=1fij(1+unij)Nx−1∑i=1Ny−1∑j=1(1+unij) and cn2=Nx−1∑i=1Ny−1∑j=1fij(1−unij)Nx−1∑i=1Ny−1∑j=1(1−unij). |
Next, we solve the diffusion term in the governing Eq (2.1)
∂u(x,t)∂t=Δu(x,t), | (2.5) |
which is numerically solved by a semi-implicit Euler method
un+1,2ij−un+1,1ijΔt=Δhun+1,2ij, | (2.6) |
where Δhun+1,2ij=(un+1,2i−1,j+un+1,2i+1,j−4un+1,2ij+un+1,2i,j−1+un+1,2i,j+1)/h2. To efficiently solve the discrete Eq (2.6), we apply the ADE method [17] as follows: If n=4m+1 for some integer m, then for j=1,2,…,Ny−1 and i=1,2,…,Nx−1,
un+1,2ij−un+1,1ijΔt=un+1,2i−1,j+un+1,1i+1,j−2un+1,1ij−2un+1,2ij+un+1,2i,j−1+un+1,1i,j+1h2. | (2.7) |
Equation (2.7) can be rewritten as
un+1,2ij=Δtun+1,2i−1,j+Δtun+1,1i+1,j+(h2−2Δt)un+1,1ij+Δtun+1,2i,j−1+Δtun+1,1i,j+1h2+2Δt. | (2.8) |
If n=4m+2 for some integer m, then for j=1,2,…,Ny−1 and i=Nx−1,Nx−2,…,1,
un+1,2ij−un+1,1ijΔt=un+1,1i−1,j+un+1,2i+1,j−2un+1,1ij−2un+1,2ij+un+1,2i,j−1+un+1,1i,j+1h2, |
which can be rewritten as
un+1,2ij=Δtun+1,1i−1,j+Δtun+1,2i+1,j+(h2−2Δt)un+1,1ij+Δtun+1,2i,j−1+Δtun+1,1i,j+1h2+2Δt. | (2.9) |
If n=4m+3 for some integer m, then for j=Ny−1,Ny−2,…,1 and i=1,2,…,Nx−1,
un+1,2ij−un+1,1ijΔt=un+1,2i−1,j+un+1,1i+1,j−2un+1,1ij−2un+1,2ij+un+1,1i,j−1+un+1,2i,j+1h2, |
which can be rewritten as
un+1,2ij=Δtun+1,2i−1,j+Δtun+1,1i+1,j+(h2−2Δt)un+1,1ij+Δtun+1,1i,j−1+Δtun+1,2i,j+1h2+2Δt. | (2.10) |
If n=4m for some integer m, then for j=Ny−1,Ny−2,…,1 and i=Nx−1,Nx−2,…,1,
un+1,2ij−un+1,1ijΔt=un+1,1i−1,j+un+1,2i+1,j−2un+1,1ij−2un+1,2ij+un+1,1i,j−1+un+1,2i,j+1h2, |
which can be rewritten as
un+1,2ij=Δtun+1,1i−1,j+Δtun+1,2i+1,j+(h2−2Δt)un+1,1ij+Δtun+1,1i,j−1+Δtun+1,2i,j+1h2+2Δt. | (2.11) |
For simplicity of exposition, we use the Dirichlet boundary condition
un+1,10j=u00j,un+1,1Nxj=u0Nxj, for j=1,…,Ny−1,un+1,1i0=u0i1,un+1,1iNy=u0iNy, for i=0,…,Nx. | (2.12) |
We should note that there are many other numerical methods for solving the diffusion equation such as Fourier spectral method and multigrid methods [19]. In this study, we choose the above scheme because it is simple and practically stable.
Finally, we solve the following nonlinear term in the governing Eq (2.1):
∂u(x,t)∂t=u(x,t)−u3(x,t)ϵ2, | (2.13) |
which is solved by using a separation of variables and its closed-form solution is given as
un+1=un+1,2√e−2Δtϵ2+(un+1,2)2(1−e−2Δtϵ2). | (2.14) |
We redefine f as f=(f−fmin)/(fmax−fmin), where fmax is the maximum and fmin is the minimum of f. In this study, we use u0=2f−1, which implies that −1≤u0≤1. Because we use (u2−1)2/(4ϵ2) in the total cost functional E(u), the values of u in the bulk phases are approximately ±1.
In summary, the proposed numerical algorithm follows these steps:
Algorithm (Proposed numerical algorithm) |
For a given image fij and a numerical solution unij at time t=nΔt, 0≤i≤Nx,0≤j≤Ny. |
Step 1) Compute un+1,1ij by solving Eq (2.4). |
Step 2) Compute Eq (2.6) using one of four different updating schemes, Eqs (2.8)–(2.11), selected based on the values of n. |
Step 3) Compute the solution at the next time level, un+1ij, using Eq (2.14). |
Steps 1)–3) consist of one time step update. |
We note that the main motivation of the proposed algorithm is as follows: It is an explicit scheme having practical stability because of using an ADE method for solving the diffusion equation, which was previously solved by a fully explicit scheme.
Now, we conduct several computational tests using the proposed numerical method on synthetic and real images.
In the previous study, Jeong et al. [9] proposed the explicit hybrid method for image segmentation. We compare the previous and our proposed methods for the segmentation of a real blood vessel image. The image consists of 64 pixels. Figure 1 displays the image segmentation results for a real blood vessel image with the previous method (top row) and our proposed method (bottom row). The model parameters used are ϵ=ϵ4 and λ=10. We use the time step size Δt=0.1 and Δt=0.5 for the previous and proposed methods, respectively. Here, ϵm=hm/[2√2tanh−1(0.9)]; see [9] for more detailed information. The previous explicit hybrid method is fast and accurate, however it has the time step restriction because it is a fully implicit scheme. Our proposed method achieved successful segmentation through fewer iterations with more stability for the time step size.
In this section, we investigate the segmentation performance of the proposed numerical algorithm. To validate segmentation results, we consider images of 256×256 pixels. First, we consider a brain MR image as shown in Figure 2(a). Our proposed algorithm can be used for the analysis of medical images to provide essential information for medical treatment. Figure 2 shows the temporal evolution of segmentation results for a solid brain tumor. Here, we use Δt=0.5, h=1, ϵ=ϵ4, and λ=4. From the result in Figure 2(c), we can observe that the proposed method segments solid brain tumors in the brain MR image.
Next, we consider a satellite image of Europe's night-lights, which is complex scattered data, to perform segmentation using the proposed method. The given image of Europe's night-lights is shown in Figure 3(a). Figure 3(b), (c) shows the segmentation results at t=10 and t=50, respectively. We note that the homogeneous Neumann boundary condition is applied in this test. Here, interfacial parameter ϵ=ϵ80, λ=2, time step Δt=0.5, and h=1 are used. The proposed algorithm generates a clear segmentation result for the European terrain.
Next, we consider image denoising by using the proposed numerical algorithm for the phase-field model. The governing equation contains a diffusion term, where diffusion is effective in noise removal from images due to its inherent smoothing property. In image processing, diffusion processes, such as the diffusion equation, redistribute pixel values by averaging neighboring intensities over time. This averaging removes high-frequency variations associated with noise and promotes a more uniform and visually coherent appearance. Diffusion operates as a low-pass filter and reduces high-frequency noise components while preserving essential image features. The gradual blending of pixel values minimizes abrupt intensity changes, resulting in a smoother image appearance and effectively reducing the impact of noise for enhanced visual clarity.
Figure 4 shows an image denoising process on a text image corrupted with 10% salt-and-pepper noise level using the proposed algorithm. Figures 4(a), (b), and (c) are the initial image, computational results after 1 iteration, and 4 iterations, respectively. Here, the denoising is performed in a domain Ω=(0,4)×(0,1) with grid sizes Nx=256 and Ny=128, ϵ2, Δt=2×10−5, and λ=104 are used. From this test result, we can confirm that the proposed algorithm is highly efficient because it can obtain a good result with a small number of iterations.
We consider two fingerprint images with 10% salt-and-pepper noise. The proposed scheme is applied to the noisy fingerprint images, and the results are shown in Figure 5. Figure 5 displays image processing for corrupted fingerprint images on a domain Ω=(0,Nx)×(0,Ny). In the first row from Figure 5, interface parameter ϵ2, time step Δt=0.2, Nx=256, Ny=256, h=1, and λ=1 are used. In the second row from Figure 5, interface parameter ϵ2, time step Δt=0.3, Nx=300, Ny=300, h=1, and λ=20 are used. We note that image noise was removed with only a small number of iterations because we can use a practically larger time step.
We conduct denoising test with a seriously damaged image. Figure 6 shows the results of image denoising. Figure 6(a) is the original image. Figure 6(b) is the corruption of Figure 6(a) with scratch and 10% salt-and-pepper noise level. Using the proposed algorithm, we obtain a denoised result as shown in Figure 6(c). Here, the used parameters are the interface parameter ϵ2, time step Δt=0.2, Nx=380, Ny=250, h=1, and λ=0.1. As a result, we obtain a denoised image that can be scanned with a bar code scanner.
In this article, we proposed a novel, highly efficient, and fast computational algorithm, which is based on an operator splitting method, specifically developed for a modified AC equation of image segmentation. The split operators were solved by using two closed-form analytic solutions and the FDM with an ADE method. To validate the superior efficiency and rapid computational performance of the proposed computational method, we conducted several numerical tests, such as noise removal in a blood bessel image, a text image, and fingerprint images. The computational tests confirmed a high efficiency of the proposed algorithm.
The authors have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.
The first author (Y. Z. Jin) was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province [YDZJ202101ZYTS186]. The corresponding author (J. S. Kim) was supported by the Brain Korea 21 FOUR through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education of Korea.
The authors are grateful to the referees whose comments greatly improved the paper.
Prof. Junseok Kim is the Guest Editor of special issue "Accurate and Efficient Numerical Methods for the Multi-Component Partial Differential Equations including the Phase-Field Models" for AIMS Mathematics. Prof. Junseok Kim was not involved in the editorial review and the decision to publish this article.
The authors declare there is no conflicts of interest.
The following MATLAB source code and data are also available from the corresponding author's webpage: https://mathematicians.korea.ac.kr/cfdkim/open-source-codes/.
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