Research article Special Issues

Prescribed-time stabilization of nonlinear systems with uncertainties/disturbances by improved time-varying feedback control

  • Received: 01 June 2024 Revised: 20 July 2024 Accepted: 07 August 2024 Published: 12 August 2024
  • We address the prescribed-time stability of a class of nonlinear system with uncertainty/disturbance. With the help of the parametric Lyapunov equation (PLE), we designed a state feedback control to regulate the full-state of a controlled system within prescribed time, independent of initial conditions. The result illustrated that the controlled state converges to zero as $t$ approaches the settling time and remains zero thereafter. It was further proved that the controller is bounded by a constant that depends on the system state. A numerical example is presented to verify the validity of the theoretical results.

    Citation: Lichao Feng, Mengyuan Dai, Nan Ji, Yingli Zhang, Liping Du. Prescribed-time stabilization of nonlinear systems with uncertainties/disturbances by improved time-varying feedback control[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(9): 23859-23877. doi: 10.3934/math.20241159

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  • We address the prescribed-time stability of a class of nonlinear system with uncertainty/disturbance. With the help of the parametric Lyapunov equation (PLE), we designed a state feedback control to regulate the full-state of a controlled system within prescribed time, independent of initial conditions. The result illustrated that the controlled state converges to zero as $t$ approaches the settling time and remains zero thereafter. It was further proved that the controller is bounded by a constant that depends on the system state. A numerical example is presented to verify the validity of the theoretical results.


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