Research article Special Issues

Autoencoding for the "Good Dictionary" of eigenpairs of the Koopman operator

  • Received: 19 June 2023 Revised: 24 August 2023 Accepted: 31 August 2023 Published: 05 December 2023
  • MSC : 37M05, 68T07

  • Reduced order modelling relies on representing complex dynamical systems using simplified modes, which can be achieved through the Koopman operator(KO) analysis. However, computing Koopman eigenpairs for high-dimensional observable data can be inefficient. This paper proposes using deep autoencoders(AE), a type of deep learning technique, to perform nonlinear geometric transformations on raw data before computing Koopman eigenvectors. The encoded data produced by the deep AE is diffeomorphic to a manifold of the dynamical system and has a significantly lower dimension than the raw data. To handle high-dimensional time series data, Takens' time delay embedding is presented as a preprocessing technique. The paper concludes by presenting examples of these techniques in action.

    Citation: Neranjaka Jayarathne, Erik M. Bollt. Autoencoding for the 'Good Dictionary' of eigenpairs of the Koopman operator[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(1): 998-1022. doi: 10.3934/math.2024050

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  • Reduced order modelling relies on representing complex dynamical systems using simplified modes, which can be achieved through the Koopman operator(KO) analysis. However, computing Koopman eigenpairs for high-dimensional observable data can be inefficient. This paper proposes using deep autoencoders(AE), a type of deep learning technique, to perform nonlinear geometric transformations on raw data before computing Koopman eigenvectors. The encoded data produced by the deep AE is diffeomorphic to a manifold of the dynamical system and has a significantly lower dimension than the raw data. To handle high-dimensional time series data, Takens' time delay embedding is presented as a preprocessing technique. The paper concludes by presenting examples of these techniques in action.


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