Research article Special Issues

Efficient picture fuzzy soft CRITIC-CoCoSo framework for supplier selection under uncertainties in Industry 4.0

  • Received: 01 September 2023 Revised: 29 October 2023 Accepted: 07 November 2023 Published: 01 December 2023
  • MSC : 03E72, 90B50, 94D05

  • The picture fuzzy soft set (PiFSS) is a new hybrid model to address complex and uncertain information in Industry 4.0. Topological structure on PiFSS develops an innovative approach for topological data analysis to seek an optimal and unanimous decision in decision-making processes. This conception combines the advantages of a picture fuzzy set (PiFS) and a soft set (SS), allowing for a more comprehensive representation of the ambiguity in the supplier selection. Moreover, the criteria importance through intercriteria correlation (CRITIC) and the combined compromise solution (CoCoSo) technique is applied to the proposed framework to determine the relative importance of the evaluation parameter and to select the most suitable supplier in the context of sustainable development. The suggested technique was implemented and evaluated by applying it to a manufacturing company as a case study. The outcomes reveal that the approach is practical, efficient and produces favorable results when used for decision-making purposes. Evaluating and ranking of efficient suppliers based on their sustainability performance can be effectively accomplished through the use of PiFS-topology, thus facilitating the decision-making process in the CE and Industry 4.0 era.

    Citation: Ayesha Razzaq, Muhammad Riaz, Muhammad Aslam. Efficient picture fuzzy soft CRITIC-CoCoSo framework for supplier selection under uncertainties in Industry 4.0[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(1): 665-701. doi: 10.3934/math.2024035

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  • The picture fuzzy soft set (PiFSS) is a new hybrid model to address complex and uncertain information in Industry 4.0. Topological structure on PiFSS develops an innovative approach for topological data analysis to seek an optimal and unanimous decision in decision-making processes. This conception combines the advantages of a picture fuzzy set (PiFS) and a soft set (SS), allowing for a more comprehensive representation of the ambiguity in the supplier selection. Moreover, the criteria importance through intercriteria correlation (CRITIC) and the combined compromise solution (CoCoSo) technique is applied to the proposed framework to determine the relative importance of the evaluation parameter and to select the most suitable supplier in the context of sustainable development. The suggested technique was implemented and evaluated by applying it to a manufacturing company as a case study. The outcomes reveal that the approach is practical, efficient and produces favorable results when used for decision-making purposes. Evaluating and ranking of efficient suppliers based on their sustainability performance can be effectively accomplished through the use of PiFS-topology, thus facilitating the decision-making process in the CE and Industry 4.0 era.


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