Research article

On Modified Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constants of finite abelian groups

  • Received: 01 September 2022 Revised: 22 December 2022 Accepted: 30 December 2022 Published: 09 January 2023
  • MSC : 11B13, 11P70, 05D10

  • Let G be a finite abelian group with exponent exp(G) and S be a sequence with elements of G. We say S is a zero-sum sequence if the sum of the elements in S is the zero element of G. For a positive integer t, let stexp(G)(G) (respectively, stexp(G)(G)) denote the smallest integer such that every sequence (respectively, zero-sum sequence) S over G with |S| contains a zero-sum subsequence of length texp(G). The invariant stexp(G)(G) (respectively, stexp(G)(G)) is called the Generalized Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant (respectively, Modified Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant) of G. In this paper, we discuss the relationship between Generalized Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant and Modified Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant, and determine stexp(G)(G) for some finite abelian groups.

    Citation: Yuting Hu, Jiangtao Peng, Mingrui Wang. On Modified Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constants of finite abelian groups[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(3): 6697-6704. doi: 10.3934/math.2023339

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  • Let G be a finite abelian group with exponent exp(G) and S be a sequence with elements of G. We say S is a zero-sum sequence if the sum of the elements in S is the zero element of G. For a positive integer t, let stexp(G)(G) (respectively, stexp(G)(G)) denote the smallest integer such that every sequence (respectively, zero-sum sequence) S over G with |S| contains a zero-sum subsequence of length texp(G). The invariant stexp(G)(G) (respectively, stexp(G)(G)) is called the Generalized Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant (respectively, Modified Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant) of G. In this paper, we discuss the relationship between Generalized Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant and Modified Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant, and determine stexp(G)(G) for some finite abelian groups.

    Let Zn denote the cyclic group of n elements. Let G be a finite abelian group. Up to isomorphism, we can write G as Zn1Znr with 1<n1nr, where nr=exp(G) is the exponent of G. Whenever n1=n2==nr=n, we denote G by Zrn. For convenience, we write gZrn as g=(a1,a2,,ar), where integers ai[0,n1] for every i[1,r].

    Let G be an abelian group and G0G be a subset. We consider sequences over G0 as elements in the free abelian monoid with basis G0. So a sequence S over G0 can be written in the form


    where vg(S)N{0} denotes the multiplicity of g in S. We denote |S|=N{0} the length of S, σ(S)=i=1gi=gGvg(S)gG the sum of S. We say the sequence S over G0 is a zero-sum sequence if σ(S)=0G. For an element gG, let g+S denote the sequence (g+g1)(g+g) over g+G0. Let H be a subgroup of G and φ:GG/H be the natural homomorphism. Then φ(S) denotes the sequence φ(g1)φ(g) over G0/H. A sequence T is called a subsequence of S if vg(T)vg(S) for all gG0. Whenever T is a subsequence of S, let ST1 denote the subsequence with T deleted from S. If S1 and S2 are two sequences over G, let S1S2 denote the sequence satisfying that vg(S1S2)=vg(S1)+vg(S2) for all gG0. If S1=S2, we denote S1S2 by S21.

    For a finite abelian group G and a positive integer t, let stexp(G)(G) denote the smallest integer such that every sequence S over G with |S| contains a zero-sum subsequence of length texp(G). For t=1, we abbreviate sexp(G)(G) to s(G), which is called the Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant of G. For t2, the invariant stexp(G)(G) is called the Generalized Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant of G. The classical Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem [7], proved in 1961, states that


    This theorem was viewed as one of the starting points for many problems involving zero-sum sequences over finite abelian groups. These problems occur naturally in various branches of combinatorics and number theory (see [1,3,16] for some classical papers). Since 1960s, the invariant stexp(G)(G) has been studied by many authors (for recent progress see [6,10,12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20]).

    Our main motivation of this paper is the following Modified Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant, which was introduced by Augspurger et al. [2] in 2017.

    Definition 1.1. Let G be an abelian group and G0G be a subset. For a positive integer w, let sw(G0) denote the smallest integer such that every zero-sum sequence S over G0 with |S| contains a zero-sum subsequence of length w. If no such exists, then let sw(G0)=. For w=exp(G), we abbreviate sexp(G)(G0) to s(G0). The invariant sw(G0) is called the Modified Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant of G0.

    There has been lots of results on Generalized Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant, but little is known about Modified Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv constant.

    For the infinite abelian group Z, let [k,k]={ikik}Z, where k is a positive integer. Augspurger et al. [2] gave some conditions for which sw([k,k]) is finite. They also gave the first results on sw([k,k]) for some positive integers w,k. In 2019, Berger [4] completely determined sw([k,k]) for all positive integers w,k.

    Let G be a finite abelian group and g be an element of G with ord(g)=exp(G). Let w be a positive integer with exp(G)w. Then for every positive integer , both S1=g(g) and S2=g+1((+1)g) are zero-sum sequences over G. But either S1 or S2 contains no zero-sum subsequence of length w. It follows that sw(G) is infinite. So we always consider the case when w=texp(G), where t is a positive integer. In 2009, Berger and Wang [5] determined the invariants stn(Zn) for every positive integer t and s(Z2n).

    By the definition of stexp(G)(G) and stexp(G)(G), we clearly have

    stexp(G)(G)stexp(G)(G) (1.1)

    for every finite abelian group G and every positive integer t.

    Let G be a finite abelian group. In 2017, Zhong (see [2,Lemma 1]) proved that if gcd(s(G)1,exp(G))=1, then s(G)=s(G). In this paper, we can slightly improve this result as

    Theorem 1.2. Let G be a finite abelian group. If gcd(stexp(G)(G)i,exp(G))=1 for some positive integer i, then stexp(G)(G)>stexp(G)(G)i. Moreover, if gcd(stexp(G)(G)1,exp(G))=1, then stexp(G)(G)=stexp(G)(G).

    By Theorem 1.2, we are able to determine stexp(G)(G) for the following cases.

    Theorem 1.3. (1) Let G=Z2n. If t2 and gcd(n,3)=1, then stn(G)=stn(G)=tn+2n2.

    (2) Let G=ZmZn with 1mn. If gcd(2mi,n)=1 for some integer i4, then s(G)2m+2n(i1). Moveover, if i=4, then s(G)=s(G)=2m+2n3.

    (3) Let G=Zd2, where d is even. If 2t>d, then s2t(G)=s2t(G)=2t+d.

    We also find some cases such that stexp(G)(G)stexp(G)(G). We need the following definition associated with s(G).

    Definition 1.4. [8,Definition 1.1] A pair (n,d) of positive integers is said to have Property D if (n1)(s(Zdn)1) and every sequence S over Zdn of length s(Zdn)1 having no zero-sum subsequence of length n is of the form Tn1, where T is a sequence over Zdn with |T|=(s(Zdn)1)/(n1).

    Let G=Zrn with n3 and r2. Suppose s(G)=c(n1)+1 for some positive integer c and (n,r) has Property D. Zhong (see [2,Lemma 1]) proved that if gcd(s(G)1,n)=c, then s(G)<s(G). In this paper, we obtain that

    Theorem 1.5. (1) Let n,d,k1 be positive integers and n>1. Suppose s(Zdnk)=c(nk1)+1 for every positive integer k, where c is a constant depending only on n and d. If s(Zdnk1)s(Zdnk1)i for some positive integer i, then s(Zdnk)s(Zdnk)i for every integer kk1.

    (2) Let G=ZmZn with 1mn and H=ZdZd with dm. If s(H)s(H)i for some positive integer i, then s(G)s(G)i.

    By using Theorem 1.2 and Theorem 1.5, we obtain the following results.

    Theorem 1.6. Let k,d be two positive integers.

    (1) If k<d, then s(Zd2k)=s(Zd2k)=2d(2k1)+1.

    (2) If kd, then s(Zd2k)=s(Zd2k)1=2d(2k1).

    (3) If k2, then s(Z33k)=s(Z33k)1=9(3k1).

    We remark that the first two results in Theorem 1.6 confirm a conjecture of Berger and Wang (see [5,Conjecture 4.2]).

    This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we deal with Theorems 1.2 and 1.3. In Section 3, we prove Theorems 1.5 and 1.6. In the final section, some additional results are given.

    In this section, we deal with some cases when stexp(G)(G)=stexp(G)(G).

    Proof of Theorem 1.2. Suppose gcd(stexp(G)(G)i,exp(G))=1 for some positive integer i. We need to find a zero-sum sequence of length stexp(G)(G)i, which contains no zero-sum subsequence of length texp(G). By the definition of stexp(G)(G), there exists a sequence S with |S|=stexp(G)(G)i and S has no zero-sum subsequence of length texp(G). Assume that σ(S)=hG and let xN be an integer such that


    Such integer x exists because gcd(stexp(G)(G)i,exp(G))=1. Let


    Since σ(S)=σ(S)(stexp(G)(G)i)xh=0, we obtain that S is a zero-sum sequence of length stexp(G)(G)i. Next we prove that S has no zero-sum subsequence of length texp(G). Assume to the contrary that T is a zero-sum subsequence of S with |T|=texp(G). Then σ(T)+texp(G)(xh)=0. It follows that T=(xh)+T is a zero-sum subsequence of S with |T|=texp(G), yielding a contradiction to the definition of S. So S has no zero-sum subsequence of length texp(G). It follows that stexp(G)(G)>stexp(G)(G)i, and we are done.

    Moreover, if gcd(stexp(G)(G)1,exp(G))=1, then stexp(G)(G)>stexp(G)(G)1. By (1.1), we obtain that stexp(G)(G)stexp(G)(G). Therefore, stexp(G)(G)=stexp(G)(G).

    We need the following lemmas to prove Theorem 1.3.

    Lemma 2.1. [9,Proposition 4.1] Suppose t2, then stn(Z2n)=tn+2n2.

    Lemma 2.2. [11,Theorem 5.8.3] Let G=ZmZn with 1mn. Then s(G)=2m+2n3.

    Lemma 2.3. [20,Theorem 5.9] s2t(Zd2)=2t+d for d<2t.

    Proof of Theorem 1.3. (1). Let G=Z2n. Suppose t2. By Lemma 2.1, we have that stn(G)=tn+2n2. Since gcd(n,3)=1, we infer that gcd(stn(G)1,n)=1. It follows from Theorem 1.2 that stn(G)=stn(G)=tn+2n2.

    (2). Let G=ZmZn. By Lemma 2.2, we have that s(G)=2m+2n3. Since gcd(2mi,n)=1 for some integer i4, we infer that gcd(s(G)(i3),exp(G))=1. By Theorem 1.2, we obtain that s(G)s(G)(i3)+1=2m+2n(i1).

    If i=4, we infer that gcd(s(G)1,exp(G))=1. By Theorem 1.2, we obtain that s(G)=s(G)=2m+2n3.

    (3). Let G=Zd2. Since d<2t, by Lemma 2.3, we have that s2t(G)=2t+d. Since d is even, we obtain that gcd(2t+d1,2)=1, i.e. gcd(s2t(G)1,exp(G))=1. By Theorem 1.2, we obtain that s2t(G)=s2t(G)=2t+d.

    In this section, we study some cases when stexp(G)(G)stexp(G)(G).

    Proof of Theorem 1.5. (1). We proceed by induction on k. If k=k1, then by the hypothesis of the theorem we have s(Zdnk1)s(Zdnk1)i.

    Suppose that the theorem is true for k1k1. We will show that s(Zdnk)s(Zdnk)i. Let S be a zero-sum sequence over Zdnk with |S|=s(Zdnk)i=c(nk1)+1i. It suffices to show that S contains a zero-sum subsequence of length nk. Let

    ϕ: Zdnk  Zdnk1

    be the natural homomorphism with kerϕZdn. Then ϕ(S) is a zero-sum sequence over Zdnk1 with |ϕ(S)|=c(nk1)+1i=c(n1)×nk1+c(nk11)+1i>c(nk11)+1i. By the assumption, we have s(Zdnk1)c(nk11)+1i. So we can find a subsequence S1 of S such that ϕ(S1) is a zero-sum sequence over Zdnk1 of length nk1. It follows that ϕ(SS11) is a zero-sum sequence over Zdnk1 with |ϕ(SS11)|=c(nk1)+1ink1=(c(n1)1)×nk1+c(nk11)+1i>c(nk11)+1i (n>1). Then we can find a subsequence S2 of SS11 such that ϕ(S2) is a zero-sum sequence over Zdnk1 of length nk1. Repeating the above procedure, one can find c(n1)+1 disjoint zero-sum subsequences ϕ(S1),,ϕ(Sc(n1)+1) of ϕ(S) such that |ϕ(S1)|==|ϕ(Sc(n1)+1)|=nk1. Since ϕ(σ(Si))=σ(ϕ(Si))=¯0Zdnk1, we infer that σ(Si)kerϕZdn for i=1,,c(n1)+1. Let


    Then T is a sequence over kerϕZdn. By the hypothesis of the theorem, we have s(Zdn)=c(n1)+1. So T has a zero-sum subsequence of length n. Without loss of generality we may assume that σ(S1)σ(S2)σ(Sn) is a zero-sum subsequence of T over kerϕZdn. Since σ(S1)+σ(S2)++σ(Sn)=0kerϕZdnk and |S1S2Sn|=|ϕ(S1)ϕ(S2)ϕ(Sn)|=nk, we obtain that S1S2Sn is a zero-sum subsequence of S of length nk. It follows that s(Zdnk)s(Zdnk)i, and we are done.

    (2). Let G=ZmZn with 1mn and H=ZdZd with dm. By Lemma 2.2, we have s(G)=2m+2n3. Let S be a zero-sum sequence over G with |S|=s(G)i=2m+2n3i. It suffices to show that S contains a zero-sum subsequence of length n. Let

    ϕ: G  H

    be the natural homomorphism with kerϕG/H=ZmdZnd. By the assumption, we have s(H)4d3i. Since ϕ(S) is a zero-sum sequence over H with |ϕ(S)|=2m+2n3i=(2md+2nd4)d+4d3i, similar with (1), we can find 2md+2nd3 disjoint zero-sum subsequences ϕ(S1),,ϕ(S2md+2nd3) such that |ϕ(S1)|==|ϕ(S2md+2nd3)|=d. By Lemma 2.2, we have s(G/H)=2md+2nd3. So we can prove that S has a zero-sum subsequence of length n. It follows that s(G)s(G)i, and we are done.

    In 2003, Gao and Thangadurai proved the following result.

    Lemma 3.1. [8,Corollary 1.1] The pairs (2k,d), (3k,3) have Property D for any positive integers k and d.

    We need the following results.

    Lemma 3.2. (1) s(Zd2k)=2d(2k1)+1 for every k1 and d1. (Harborth [16])

    (2) s(Z33k)=9(3k1)+1 for every k1. (Gao and Thangadurai [8])

    Now we are in a position to prove Theorem 1.6.

    Proof of Theorem 1.6. (1). We will prove s(Zd2k)=2d(2k1)+1 for kd1. By (1.1) and Lemma 3.2.(1), we have s(Zd2k)s(Zd2k)=2d(2k1)+1. Let


    Since kd1, it is easy to check that W is a zero-sum sequence of length 2d(2k1), and W contains no zero-sum subsequence of length 2k. It follows that s(Zd2k)2d(2k1)+1. Therefore, s(Zd2k)=2d(2k1)+1 for kd1.

    (2). Assume that kd. By (1.1) and Lemma 3.2.(1), we have s(Zd2k)s(Zd2k)=2d(2k1)+1. We first prove that s(Zk2k)2k(2k1). Let S be a zero-sum sequence over Zk2k with |S|=2k(2k1). We need to prove that S contains a zero-sum subsequence of length 2k. Assume to the contrary that S contains no zero-sum subsequence of length 2k. Note that |S|=s(Zk2k)1. By Lemma 3.1, we obtain that the pair (2k,k) has Property D. Therefore, S is of form T2k1 for some sequence T with |T|=s(Zk2k)12k1=2k. Since 0=σ(S)=(2k1)σ(T) and gcd(2k1,2k)=1, we infer that σ(T)=0. Therefore, T is a zero-sum subsequence of S with |T|=2k, yielding a contradiction. So S contains a zero-sum subsequence of length 2k, and this proves that


    By Theorem 1.5, we have that s(Zd2k)s(Zd2k)1=2d(2k1) for every kd. Since gcd(2d(2k1)1,2k)=gcd(s(Zd2k)2,exp(Zd2k))=1, by Theorem 1.2, we obtain that


    Therefore, s(Zd2k)=2d(2k1) for every kd.

    (3). By Lemma 3.2.(2), we have s(Z33k)=9(3k1)+1. Since (3k,3) has Property D, by using a similar argument as in (2), we can prove that s(Z33k)=9(3k1) for every integer k2.

    In this section, we give some additional results. By (1.1), we have stexp(G)(G)stexp(G)(G) for every finite abelian group G and every positive integer t. By Theorem 1.6, the equality stexp(G)(G)=stexp(G)(G) does not always hold. A natural problem asks that

    Problem 4.1. When do we have stexp(G)(G)=stexp(G)(G)?

    By Theorem 1.2, if gcd(stexp(G)(G)1,exp(G))=1, then stexp(G)(G)=stexp(G)(G). However, gcd(stexp(G)(G)1,exp(G))=1 is not necessary for stexp(G)(G)=stexp(G)(G). In this paper, we are able to prove the following result.

    Theorem 4.2. Let G=Z2t2. Then s2t(G)=s2t(G)=4t+1.

    In order to prove Theorem 4.2, we need the following result due to Sidorenko [20].

    Lemma 4.3. [20,Theorem 5.10] s2t(Z2t2)=4t+1.

    Proof of Theorem 4.2. By (1.1) and Lemma 4.3, we have


    Next we need to prove s2t(Z2t2)4t+1. We denote ej=(a1,a2,,a2t) for every j=1,2,,2t, where aj=1 and ai=0 for every ij. Let


    Then T is a zero-sum sequence with |T|=4t and T contains no zero-sum subsequence of length 2t. Hence, s2t(Z2t2)4t+1. Therefore, s2t(Z2t2)=4t+1.

    Among other results, we can also determine some cases when stexp(G)(G)<stexp(G)(G) holds.

    Theorem 4.4. (1) If G=Zn with gcd(n,2)1, then stn(G)<stn(G) for every integer t1.

    (2) If G=Z2n with 4n, then s(G)<s(G).

    (3) If G=ZmZn with 4mn, then s(G)<s(G).

    In order to prove Theorem 4.4, we need the following results.

    Lemma 4.5. [5,Theorem 1.3] stn(Zn)=(t+1)n+1 for every integer t1, where is the smallest integer such that n.

    Lemma 4.6. [5,Theorem 1.4] s(Z2n)=4n+1, where is the smallest integer such that 4 and n.

    The following result is a consequence of the Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem.

    Lemma 4.7. Let t,n be two positive integers. Then stn(Zn)=(t+1)n1.

    Proof of Theorem 4.4. (1). By Lemma 4.5, we infer that stn(Zn)=(t+1)n+1 for every integer t1, where is the smallest integer such that n. Since gcd(n,2)1, we infer that 3. It follows that stn(Zn)(t+1)n2. By Lemma 4.7, we have that stn(Zn)<stn(Zn).

    (2). By Lemma 4.6, we infer that s(Z2n)=4n+1, where is the smallest integer such that 4 and n. Since 4n, we infer that 5. It follows that s(Z2n)4n4. By Lemma 2.2, we get that s(Z2n)<s(Z2n). (3). Let H=Z24. By (2), we obtain that s(H)s(H)1. By Theorem 1.5, we infer that s(ZmZn)<s(ZmZn).

    We would like to thank the referees for their very carefully reading and very useful suggestions. This research was supported in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 3122019152).

    All authors declare no conflicts of interest in this paper.

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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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