Research article Special Issues

Study of the fuzzy $ q- $spiral-like functions associated with the generalized linear operator

  • Received: 12 May 2023 Revised: 08 August 2023 Accepted: 13 August 2023 Published: 14 September 2023
  • MSC : 30A10, 30C45

  • Nowadays, the subclasses of analytic functions in terms of fuzzy subsets are studied by various scholars and some of these concepts are extended using the $ q- $theory of functions. In this inspiration, we introduce certain subclasses of analytic function by using the notion of fuzzy subsets along with the idea of $ q- $calculus. We present the $ q- $extensions of the fuzzy spiral-like functions of a complex order. We generalize this class using the $ q- $analogues of the Ruscheweyh derivative and Srivastava-Attiya operators. Various interesting properties are examined for the newly defined subclasses. Also, some previously investigated results are deduced as the corollaries of our major results.

    Citation: A. A. Azzam, Daniel Breaz, Shujaat Ali Shah, Luminiţa-Ioana Cotîrlă. Study of the fuzzy $ q- $spiral-like functions associated with the generalized linear operator[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(11): 26290-26300. doi: 10.3934/math.20231341

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  • Nowadays, the subclasses of analytic functions in terms of fuzzy subsets are studied by various scholars and some of these concepts are extended using the $ q- $theory of functions. In this inspiration, we introduce certain subclasses of analytic function by using the notion of fuzzy subsets along with the idea of $ q- $calculus. We present the $ q- $extensions of the fuzzy spiral-like functions of a complex order. We generalize this class using the $ q- $analogues of the Ruscheweyh derivative and Srivastava-Attiya operators. Various interesting properties are examined for the newly defined subclasses. Also, some previously investigated results are deduced as the corollaries of our major results.


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