Research article Special Issues

On the solution of fractional modified Boussinesq and approximate long wave equations with non-singular kernel operators

  • Received: 09 February 2022 Revised: 01 April 2022 Accepted: 10 April 2022 Published: 26 April 2022
  • MSC : 26A33, 34A25, 35M13, 35R11

  • In this paper, we used the Natural decomposition approach with nonsingular kernel derivatives to explore the modified Boussinesq and approximate long wave equations. These equations are crucial in defining the features of shallow water waves using a specific dispersion relationship. In this research, the convergence analysis and error analysis have been provided. The fractional derivatives Atangana-Baleanu and Caputo-Fabrizio are utilised throughout the paper. To obtain the equations results, we used Natural transform on fractional-order modified Boussinesq and approximate long wave equations, followed by inverse Natural transform. To verify the approach, we focused on two systems and compared them to the exact solutions. We compare exact and analytical results with the use of graphs and tables, which are in strong agreement with each other, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested approaches. Also compared are the results achieved by implementing the suggested approaches at various fractional orders, confirming that the result comes closer to the exact solution as the value moves from fractional to integer order. The numerical and graphical results show that the suggested scheme is computationally very accurate and simple to investigate and solve fractional coupled nonlinear complicated phenomena that exist in science and technology.

    Citation: Thongchai Botmart, Ravi P. Agarwal, Muhammed Naeem, Adnan Khan, Rasool Shah. On the solution of fractional modified Boussinesq and approximate long wave equations with non-singular kernel operators[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(7): 12483-12513. doi: 10.3934/math.2022693

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  • In this paper, we used the Natural decomposition approach with nonsingular kernel derivatives to explore the modified Boussinesq and approximate long wave equations. These equations are crucial in defining the features of shallow water waves using a specific dispersion relationship. In this research, the convergence analysis and error analysis have been provided. The fractional derivatives Atangana-Baleanu and Caputo-Fabrizio are utilised throughout the paper. To obtain the equations results, we used Natural transform on fractional-order modified Boussinesq and approximate long wave equations, followed by inverse Natural transform. To verify the approach, we focused on two systems and compared them to the exact solutions. We compare exact and analytical results with the use of graphs and tables, which are in strong agreement with each other, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested approaches. Also compared are the results achieved by implementing the suggested approaches at various fractional orders, confirming that the result comes closer to the exact solution as the value moves from fractional to integer order. The numerical and graphical results show that the suggested scheme is computationally very accurate and simple to investigate and solve fractional coupled nonlinear complicated phenomena that exist in science and technology.


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