Research article Special Issues

Optimal strategy for a dose-escalation vaccination against COVID-19 in refugee camps

  • Received: 03 November 2021 Revised: 29 December 2021 Accepted: 17 January 2022 Published: 09 March 2022
  • MSC : 49N90, 37N25, 93C10

  • An immunogenic and safe vaccine against COVID-19 for use in the healthy population will become available in the near future. In this paper, we aim to determine the optimal vaccine administration strategy in refugee camps considering maximum daily administration and limited total vaccine supply. For this purpose, extended SEAIRD compartmental models are established to describe the epidemic dynamics with both single-dose and double-dose vaccine administration. Taking the vaccination rates in different susceptible compartments as control variables, the optimal vaccine administration problems are then solved under the framework of nonlinear constrained optimal control problems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that addresses an optimal vaccine administration strategy considering practical constraints on limited medical care resources. Numerical simulations show that both the single-dose and double-dose strategies can successfully control COVID-19. By comparison, the double-dose vaccination strategy can achieve a better reduction in infection and death, while the single-dose vaccination strategy can postpone the infection peak more efficiently. Further studies of the influence of parameters indicate that increasing the number of medical care personnel and total vaccine supply can greatly contribute to the fight against COVID-19. The results of this study are instructive for potential forthcoming vaccine administration. Moreover, the work in this paper provides a general framework for developing epidemic control strategies in the presence of limited medical resources.

    Citation: Qinyue Zheng, Xinwei Wang, Qiuwei Pan, Lei Wang. Optimal strategy for a dose-escalation vaccination against COVID-19 in refugee camps[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(5): 9288-9310. doi: 10.3934/math.2022515

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  • An immunogenic and safe vaccine against COVID-19 for use in the healthy population will become available in the near future. In this paper, we aim to determine the optimal vaccine administration strategy in refugee camps considering maximum daily administration and limited total vaccine supply. For this purpose, extended SEAIRD compartmental models are established to describe the epidemic dynamics with both single-dose and double-dose vaccine administration. Taking the vaccination rates in different susceptible compartments as control variables, the optimal vaccine administration problems are then solved under the framework of nonlinear constrained optimal control problems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that addresses an optimal vaccine administration strategy considering practical constraints on limited medical care resources. Numerical simulations show that both the single-dose and double-dose strategies can successfully control COVID-19. By comparison, the double-dose vaccination strategy can achieve a better reduction in infection and death, while the single-dose vaccination strategy can postpone the infection peak more efficiently. Further studies of the influence of parameters indicate that increasing the number of medical care personnel and total vaccine supply can greatly contribute to the fight against COVID-19. The results of this study are instructive for potential forthcoming vaccine administration. Moreover, the work in this paper provides a general framework for developing epidemic control strategies in the presence of limited medical resources.


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