Research article Special Issues

Zero-watermarking Algorithm for Audio and Video Matching Verification

  • Received: 04 November 2021 Revised: 26 January 2022 Accepted: 06 February 2022 Published: 28 February 2022
  • MSC : 00A69

  • For the needs of tamper-proof detection and copyright identification of audio and video matching, this paper proposes a zero-watermark algorithm that can be used for audio and video matching verification. The algorithm segments audio and video in smaller time units, generates a video frame feature matrix based on NSCT, DCT, and SVD, and generates a sound watermark based on methods such as DWT and K-means. The zero watermark combines video, audio and copyright information. The experimental results show that the zero watermark generated by this algorithm can not only realize highly accurate matching detection and positioning of audio and video, but also well resist common single attack and combination attacks such as noise, scaling, rotation, frame attack and format conversion, which has good robustness.

    Citation: Wenxue Sun, Huiyuan Zhao, Xiao Zhang, Yuchao Sun, Xiaoxin Liu, Xueling Lv, Di Fan. Zero-watermarking Algorithm for Audio and Video Matching Verification[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(5): 8390-8407. doi: 10.3934/math.2022468

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