Research article

Global behavior of solutions to an SI epidemic model with nonlinear diffusion in heterogeneous environment

  • Received: 28 November 2021 Revised: 07 January 2022 Accepted: 18 January 2022 Published: 26 January 2022
  • MSC : 35J60, 35B32, 92D25

  • In this paper, a nonlinear diffusion SI epidemic model with a general incidence rate in heterogeneous environment is studied. Global behavior of classical solutions under certain restrictions on the coefficients is considered. We first establish the global existence of classical solutions of the system under heterogeneous environment by energy estimate and maximum principles. Based on such estimates, we then study the large-time behavior of the solution of system under homogeneous environment. The model and mathematical results in [M. Kirane, S. Kouachi, Global solutions to a system of strongly coupled reaction-diffusion equations, Nonlinear Anal., 26 (1996), 1387-1396.] are generalized.

    Citation: Shenghu Xu, Xiaojuan Li. Global behavior of solutions to an SI epidemic model with nonlinear diffusion in heterogeneous environment[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(4): 6779-6791. doi: 10.3934/math.2022377

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  • In this paper, a nonlinear diffusion SI epidemic model with a general incidence rate in heterogeneous environment is studied. Global behavior of classical solutions under certain restrictions on the coefficients is considered. We first establish the global existence of classical solutions of the system under heterogeneous environment by energy estimate and maximum principles. Based on such estimates, we then study the large-time behavior of the solution of system under homogeneous environment. The model and mathematical results in [M. Kirane, S. Kouachi, Global solutions to a system of strongly coupled reaction-diffusion equations, Nonlinear Anal., 26 (1996), 1387-1396.] are generalized.


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