Research article

Existence, uniqueness and travelling waves to model an invasive specie interaction with heterogeneous reaction and non-linear diffusion

  • Received: 26 July 2021 Revised: 13 December 2021 Accepted: 20 December 2021 Published: 11 January 2022
  • MSC : 35K55, 35K57, 35K59, 35K65

  • It is the objective to provide a mathematical treatment of a model to predict the behaviour of an invasive specie proliferating in a domain, but with a certain hostile zone. The behaviour of the invasive is modelled in the frame of a non-linear diffusion (of Porous Medium type) equation with non-Lipschitz and heterogeneous reaction. First of all, the paper examines the existence and uniqueness of solutions together with a comparison principle. Once the regularity principles are shown, the solutions are studied within the Travelling Waves (TW) domain together with stability analysis in the frame of the Geometric Perturbation Theory (GPT). As a remarkable finding, the obtained TW profile follows a potential law in the stable connection that converges to the stationary solution. Such potential law suggests that the pressure induced by the invasive over the hostile area increases over time. Nonetheless, the finite speed, induced by the non-linear diffusion, slows down a possible violent invasion.

    Citation: José L. Díaz. Existence, uniqueness and travelling waves to model an invasive specie interaction with heterogeneous reaction and non-linear diffusion[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(4): 5768-5789. doi: 10.3934/math.2022319

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  • It is the objective to provide a mathematical treatment of a model to predict the behaviour of an invasive specie proliferating in a domain, but with a certain hostile zone. The behaviour of the invasive is modelled in the frame of a non-linear diffusion (of Porous Medium type) equation with non-Lipschitz and heterogeneous reaction. First of all, the paper examines the existence and uniqueness of solutions together with a comparison principle. Once the regularity principles are shown, the solutions are studied within the Travelling Waves (TW) domain together with stability analysis in the frame of the Geometric Perturbation Theory (GPT). As a remarkable finding, the obtained TW profile follows a potential law in the stable connection that converges to the stationary solution. Such potential law suggests that the pressure induced by the invasive over the hostile area increases over time. Nonetheless, the finite speed, induced by the non-linear diffusion, slows down a possible violent invasion.


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