Research article Special Issues

The analytical analysis of nonlinear fractional-order dynamical models

  • Received: 12 November 2020 Accepted: 09 March 2021 Published: 08 April 2021
  • MSC : 34A34, 35A20, 35A22, 44A10, 33B15

  • The present research paper is related to the analytical solution of fractional-order nonlinear Swift-Hohenberg equations using an efficient technique. The presented model is related to the temperature and thermal convection of fluid dynamics which can also be used to explain the formation process in liquid surfaces bounded along a horizontally well-conducting boundary. In this work Laplace Adomian decomposition method is implemented because it require small volume of calculations. Unlike the variational iteration method and Homotopy pertubation method, the suggested technique required no variational parameter and having simple calculation of fractional derivative respectively. Numerical examples verify the validity of the suggested method. It is confirmed that the present method's solutions are in close contact with the solutions of other existing methods. It is also investigated through graphs and tables that the suggested method's solutions are almost identical with different analytical methods.

    Citation: Jiabin Xu, Hassan Khan, Rasool Shah, A.A. Alderremy, Shaban Aly, Dumitru Baleanu. The analytical analysis of nonlinear fractional-order dynamical models[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(6): 6201-6219. doi: 10.3934/math.2021364

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  • The present research paper is related to the analytical solution of fractional-order nonlinear Swift-Hohenberg equations using an efficient technique. The presented model is related to the temperature and thermal convection of fluid dynamics which can also be used to explain the formation process in liquid surfaces bounded along a horizontally well-conducting boundary. In this work Laplace Adomian decomposition method is implemented because it require small volume of calculations. Unlike the variational iteration method and Homotopy pertubation method, the suggested technique required no variational parameter and having simple calculation of fractional derivative respectively. Numerical examples verify the validity of the suggested method. It is confirmed that the present method's solutions are in close contact with the solutions of other existing methods. It is also investigated through graphs and tables that the suggested method's solutions are almost identical with different analytical methods.


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