τ | E∞ | Rate |
1/16 | 0.0357 | \ |
1/32 | 0.0084 | 2.0941 |
1/64 | 0.0021 | 1.9883 |
1/128 | 5.3137e-04 | 1.9876 |
This paper proposes a numerical scheme for the Allen-Cahn equation that represents a phenomenological model for anti-phase domain coarsening in a binary mixture. In order to obtain a high order discretization in space, we adopt the barycentric interpolation collocation method. The semi-discretized scheme in space is shown to be consistent. The second-order Crank-Nicolson scheme is used for temporal discretization and the simple iteration method is adopted for nonlinear term. Corresponding algebraic system is derived. Numerical examples are demonstrated to validate the efficiency of the proposed method.
Citation: Yangfang Deng, Zhifeng Weng. Barycentric interpolation collocation method based on Crank-Nicolson scheme for the Allen-Cahn equation[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(4): 3857-3873. doi: 10.3934/math.2021229
[1] | Haoran Sun, Siyu Huang, Mingyang Zhou, Yilun Li, Zhifeng Weng . A numerical investigation of nonlinear Schrödinger equation using barycentric interpolation collocation method. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(1): 361-381. doi: 10.3934/math.2023017 |
[2] | Hyun Geun Lee . A mass conservative and energy stable scheme for the conservative Allen–Cahn type Ohta–Kawasaki model for diblock copolymers. AIMS Mathematics, 2025, 10(3): 6719-6731. doi: 10.3934/math.2025307 |
[3] | Abdul-Majeed Ayebire, Saroj Sahani, Priyanka, Shelly Arora . Numerical study of soliton behavior of generalised Kuramoto-Sivashinsky type equations with Hermite splines. AIMS Mathematics, 2025, 10(2): 2098-2130. doi: 10.3934/math.2025099 |
[4] | Jin Li . Barycentric rational collocation method for semi-infinite domain problems. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(4): 8756-8771. doi: 10.3934/math.2023439 |
[5] | Chaeyoung Lee, Seokjun Ham, Youngjin Hwang, Soobin Kwak, Junseok Kim . An explicit fourth-order accurate compact method for the Allen-Cahn equation. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(1): 735-762. doi: 10.3934/math.2024038 |
[6] | Abdul-Majeed Ayebire, Inderpreet Kaur, Dereje Alemu Alemar, Mukhdeep Singh Manshahia, Shelly Arora . A robust technique of cubic Hermite splines to study the non-linear reaction-diffusion equation with variable coefficients. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(4): 8192-8213. doi: 10.3934/math.2024398 |
[7] | Zongcheng Li, Jin Li . Linear barycentric rational collocation method for solving a class of generalized Boussinesq equations. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(8): 18141-18162. doi: 10.3934/math.2023921 |
[8] | Youngjin Hwang, Jyoti, Soobin Kwak, Hyundong Kim, Junseok Kim . An explicit numerical method for the conservative Allen–Cahn equation on a cubic surface. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(12): 34447-34465. doi: 10.3934/math.20241641 |
[9] | Yuelong Tang . Error estimates of mixed finite elements combined with Crank-Nicolson scheme for parabolic control problems. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(5): 12506-12519. doi: 10.3934/math.2023628 |
[10] | Haifa Bin Jebreen . On the numerical solution of Fisher's equation by an efficient algorithm based on multiwavelets. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(3): 2369-2384. doi: 10.3934/math.2021144 |
This paper proposes a numerical scheme for the Allen-Cahn equation that represents a phenomenological model for anti-phase domain coarsening in a binary mixture. In order to obtain a high order discretization in space, we adopt the barycentric interpolation collocation method. The semi-discretized scheme in space is shown to be consistent. The second-order Crank-Nicolson scheme is used for temporal discretization and the simple iteration method is adopted for nonlinear term. Corresponding algebraic system is derived. Numerical examples are demonstrated to validate the efficiency of the proposed method.
In this paper, we consider the following Allen-Cahn equation
{∂u(x,t)∂t−Δu(x,t)+1ε2f(u(x,t))=0,(x,t)∈Ω×(0,T],u(x,0)=u0(x),x∈Ω | (1.1) |
with the Dirichlet boundary condition
u(x,t)=ϕ(x,t),x∈∂Ω,t∈(0,T]. | (1.2) |
where Ω is a bounded domain in Rd (d=1,2). The positive parameter ε representing generally the interfacial width is a very small constant and the reaction term f(u)=F′(u) with F(u)=14(u2−1)2. The function u(x,t) can be viewed as the difference between the concentrations of the two components of the mixture or be defined as the order parameter that indicates the local state of the whole system. For instance, u=1 and u=−1 stand for two different phases. It is well known that the Allen-Cahn equation possesses energy-decay property associating with the following total free energy functional
E(u(t))=∫Ω1ε2F(u)+12|∇u|2dx. | (1.3) |
In fact, taking the inner product for equation (1.1) with ut, we can obtain
(ut,ut)+1ε2(u3−u,ut)+(∇u,∇ut)=0. |
The derivative of the energy E(u(t)) with respect to t gives
dE(u(t))dt=∫Ω1ε2(u3−u)ut+∇u∇utdx=−(ut,ut)≤0, |
which implys the total energy is decreasing in time, namely
E(u(t2))≤E(u(t1)),∀t1<t2∈(0,T]. | (1.4) |
The Allen-Cahn equation introduced by Allen and Cahn [1] in 1979 is a kind of non-homogeneous semi-linear poisson equation, which often occurs in convection diffusion equations in computational fluid dynamics or reaction-diffusion problems in material science. Hitherto, the Allen-Cahn equation has been widely used to model mathematically in crystal growth [2], image analysis [3] and average curvature-flow rate [4]. In addition, Allen-Cahn equation can also be used to describe competition of biological populations and phenomenon of exclusion [5]. It has become a basic model to study interfacial dynamics and phase transitions in material science [6]. However, the analytical solutions of the phase-field models can not be obtained so that it is greatly necessary and significant to develope stable, efficient and highly accurate numerical methods.
During the past two decades, enormous works have been devoted to numerical simulations and numerical analysis for the Allen-Cahn equation such as finite difference [7,8,9], finite element [10,11], spectral method [12]. Zhai et al. in [8] proposed a novel linearized high-order compact difference method for Allen-Cahn equation with different boundary conditions. Hou et al. presented numerical analysis of fully discretized Crank-Nicolson scheme for fractional-in-space Allen-Cahn equations and proved that the second order temporal discretization scheme preserves the discrete maximum principle in [9]. Feng and Li [10] developed two fully discrete interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin scheme for Allen-Cahn equation. Li et al. [11] introduced an unconditionally energy stable finite element method for Allen-Cahn equation. But the scheme is only second-order accurate in both space and time. Weng and Tang [12] presented two unconditionally stable second-order operator splitting approaches based on Fourier spectral for solving the Allen-Cahn equation. In addition, the operator splitting method combined with the finite difference method or finite element method for Allen-Cahn equation have also been considered in [13,14].
Most of above-mentioned works depend on the mesh generation to solve differential equations, which causes some difficulties especially for high dimension problems with irregular domains. In recent years, meshless methods have captured attention of scholars due to it's advantage of meshless and ability of treating irregular domains. As a novel meshless method, barycentric interpolation method is a good choice for dealing with polynomial interpolations since it is accurate highly, fast, stable and easy on program implementation. Barycentric interpolation method include barycentric Lagrange interpolation and barycentric rational interpolation, both of which can be written the unified formula of barycentric interpolation. The weight functions become extremely big when the nodes are of uniform distribution, which leads to the Runge phenomenon and ruins the merits of the barycentric Lagrange interpolation. Luckily, if the nodes obey the density proportion (1−x2)−12 such as the families of Chebyshev points that is the simplest clustered point sets, the barycentric Lagrange interpolation has a good numerical stability. Barycentric interpolation also can effecively avoid the accumulated errors caused by difference scheme. Readers can refer to [15,16] for detailed introduction and derivation of the barycentric interpolation. The collocation method based on barycentric interpolation was lately extended to solve various integral equations and partial differential equations including high-dimensional Fredholm integral equation of the second kind [17], Volterra integral equations with weakly singular kernels[18], nonlinear parabolic equations [19] and 2D viscoelastic wave equation [20].
To our knowledge, the works of the error analysis for barycentric interpolation collocation method are comparatively sparse. Recently, Yi and Yao in [21] put forward a steady barycentric Lagrange interpolation method and presented error analysis of system for solving the time-fractional telegraph equation. Based on the above works, we focus on a fully discrete scheme for the Allen-Cahn equation, which is a second-order Crank-Nicolson scheme in time combined with the barycentric interpolation collocation method in space. Moreover, we will give consistency analysis of the semi-discretized scheme in space.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: In section 2, the barycentric interpolation collocation method is introduced. Semi-discretized scheme in space and corresponding consistency analysis are carried out in detail for the Allen-Cahn equation in section 3. In section 4, fully discrete scheme based on Crank-Nicolson scheme is presented. Nmerical examples test the accuracy and efficiency of proposed algorithm in section 5 and some conclusions are given in section 6.
Suppose n+1 distinct interpolation nodes xj be given, together with corresponding a set of real numbers yj (j=0,1,…,n). Let p(x) denotes the polynomial of degree at most n, satisfying p(xj)=yj (j=0,1,…,n). As we all known, such polynomial p(x) is unique and can be written in Lagrange form as
p(x)=n∑j=0Lj(x)yj,Lj(x)=n∏i=0,i≠j(x−xi)n∏i=0,i≠j(xj−xi),j=0,1,⋯,n, | (2.1) |
where Lj(x) is the basis function in Lagrange interpolation, which possesses the following properties
Lj(xi)=δji={1,j=i0,j≠i,(i,j=0,1,⋯,n) | (2.2) |
n∑j=0Lj(x)=1. | (2.3) |
l(x)=(x−x0)(x−x1)…(x−xn). | (2.4) |
Defining the barycentric weights by
ωj=1n∏i=0,i≠j(xj−xi),j=0,1,⋯,n, | (2.5) |
the Lj(x) can be expressed as
Lj(x)=l(x)ωjx−xj,j=0,1,⋯,n. | (2.6) |
Inserting Eq (2.6) into Eq (2.1), we get
p(x)=l(x)n∑j=0ωjx−xjyj. | (2.7) |
Combining Eq (2.3) with Eq (2.6), we have the following identical equation
1=l(x)n∑j=0ωjx−xj. | (2.8) |
Dividing Eq (2.8) by Eq (2.7) and cancelling the common factor l(x), the barycentric Lagrange interpolation formula for p(x) can be obtained
p(x)=n∑j=0ωjx−xjyjn∑j=0ωjx−xj:=n∑j=0γj(x)yj. | (2.9) |
In the paper, we choose the Chebyshev points given by
xj=cos(jnπ),j=0,1,⋯,n, | (2.10) |
which will ensure that above polynomial interpolation has good numerical stability.
The rational function interpolation based on the idea of mixed function can effectively overcome the instability of interpolation.
Give n+1 distinct interpolation nodes xj equipped with corresponding numbers yj (j=0,1,…,n). Choose a integer d (0≤d≤n) and let pi(x) denotes the polynomial of degree at most d interpolating d+1 point pairs (xi,yi),(xi+1,yi+1),…,(xi+d,yi+d) for each i=0,1,…,n−d. Then, we set
r(x)=n−d∑i=0λi(x)pi(x)n−d∑i=0λi(x), | (2.11) |
λi(x)=(−1)i(x−xi)⋯(x−xi+d). | (2.12) |
Obviously, rational function r(x) satisfy r(xi)=yi (i=0,1,…,n). In order to obtain barycentric interpolation form of Eq (2.11), we write pi(x) in Lagrange interpolation
pi(x)=i+d∑k=ii+d∏j=i,j≠k(x−xj)i+d∏j=i,j≠k(xk−xj)yk. | (2.13) |
Insert Eq (2.13) into numerator of Eq (2.11), we have
n−d∑i=0λi(x)pi(x)=n∑k=0ωkx−xkyk | (2.14) |
with interpolation weight ωk=∑i∈Jk(−1)ii+d∏j=i,j≠k1(xk−xj), where Jk={i∈I:k−d≤i≤k} represents index set, I={0,1,…,n}.
Noticing the identical equation
1=i+d∑k=ii+d∏j=i,j≠k(x−xj)i+d∏j=i,j≠k(xk−xj), | (2.15) |
we thus get
n−d∑i=0λi(x)=n−d∑i=0λi(x)⋅1=n∑k=0ωkx−xk. | (2.16) |
Combining Eqs (2.11), (2.14) and (2.16), the barycentric rational interpolation formula for r(x) can be obtained
r(x)=n∑j=0ωjx−xjyjn∑j=0ωjx−xj:=n∑j=0γj(x)yj. | (2.17) |
The derivative of p(x) defined as Eq (2.9) with respect to x as
p(v)(xi)=dvp(xi)dxv=n∑j=0γ(v)j(xi)yj=n∑j=0D(v)ijyj,v=1,2,⋯. | (2.18) |
The first and second order differentiation matrices can be obtained by the following formula [15]
{D(1)ij=γ′j(xi)=ωj/ωixi−xj,j≠iD(1)ii=−n∑j=0,j≠iD(1)ij, | (2.19) |
{D(2)ij=γ″j(xi)=−2ωj/ωixi−xj(∑k≠iωk/ωixi−xk+1xi−xj),j≠iD(2)ii=−n∑j=0,j≠iD(2)ij. | (2.20) |
By mathematical induction, we have the following v-order differential matrix
{D(v)ij=v(D(v−1)iiD(1)ij−D(v−1)ijxi−xj),j≠iD(v)ii=−n∑j=0,j≠iD(v)ij. | (2.21) |
Choose a rectangular domain Ω=[a,b]×[c,d]. Partition respectively the interval [a,b], [c,d] into M+1, N+1 distinct Chebyshev nodes: a=x0<x1<…<xM=b, c=y0<y1<…<yN=d. Denoting u(xi,y,t)=ui(y,t),i=0,1,…,M, and fixing variable y, the unknown function u(x,y,t) can be written in barycentric interpolation form
u(x,y,t)=M∑l=0γl(x)ul(y,t), | (3.1) |
where γl(x) is the basis function in barycentric interpolation on the direction of x.
Substituting Eq (3.1) into Eq (1.1) and making Eq (1.1) be identical at the nodes xi,i=0,…,M, we have
M∑l=0γl(xi)∂ul(y,t)∂t−M∑l=0γ″l(xi)ul(y,t)−M∑l=0γl(xi)∂2ul(y,t)∂y2+1ε2f(M∑l=0γl(xi)ul(y,t))=0. | (3.2) |
where γ″l(xi)=d2γl(xi)dx2=C(2)il.
Equation (3.2) can be written in matrix form, namely
(∂u0(y,t)∂t⋮∂uM(y,t)∂t)−(C(2)00…C(2)0M⋮⋮C(2)M0…C(2)MM)(u0(y,t)⋮uM(y,t))−(∂2u0(y,t)∂y2⋮∂2uM(y,t)∂y2)+1ε2(f(u0(y,t))⋮f(uM(y,t)))=0. | (3.3) |
Denote ui(yj,t)=uij(t). Similarly, ui(y,t) can be written in barycentric interpolation form
ui(y,t)=N∑q=0βq(y)uiq(t). | (3.4) |
where βq(y) is the basis function in barycentric interpolation on the direction of y.
Inserting Eq (3.4) into Eq (3.3) and making Eq (3.3) be identical at the nodes yj,j=0,1,…,N, we get the following ODE system
(N∑q=0βq(yj)du0q(t)dt⋮N∑q=0βq(yj)duMq(t)dt)−(C(2)00…C(2)0M⋮⋮C(2)M0…C(2)MM)(N∑q=0βq(yj)u0q(t)⋮N∑q=0βq(yj)uMq(t))−(N∑q=0β″q(yj)u0q(t)⋮N∑q=0β″q(yj)uMq(t))+1ε2(f(N∑q=0βq(yj)u0q(t))⋮f(N∑q=0βq(yj)uMq(t)))=0. | (3.5) |
where β″q(yj)=d2βq(yj)dy2=D(2)jq.
Introduce the following notations
ui(t)=[ui0(t),ui1(t),…,uiN(t)]T, |
U=[uT0(t),uT1(t),…,uTM(t)]T=[u00(t),…,u0N(t),u10(t),…,u1N(t),…,uM0(t),…,uMN(t)]T. |
Equation (3.5) can be rewritten in the following matrix form
dUdt−(C(2)⊗IN)U−(IM⊗D(2))U+1ε2f(U)=0, | (3.6) |
where the sign ⊗ represents the Kronecker product of the matrix, C(2) and D(2) stand for second order differential matrix on nodes x0,x1,…,xM and on nodes y0,y1,…,yN, severally. IM and IN being the identity matrix of M+1, N+1 order, respectively.
In this part, we present consistency estimates of the semi-discretized system (3.6) with the collocation method. Let p(x) is the Lagrange interpolation function approximating u(x). According to interpolation remainder theorem, we have
e(x):=u(x)−p(x)=u(m+1)(ξi)(m+1)!m∏i=0(x−xi). | (3.7) |
Estimates of (3.7) are considered by the following Lemma that have been proved in Yi [21].
Lemma 1. (see Yi [21] ) If u(x)∈Cm+1([a,b]), then the following estimates for functional e(x) defined as (3.7) hold
{|e(x)|≤C1∥u(m+1)∥∞(elx2m)m,|e′(x)|≤C∗1∥u(m+1)∥∞(elx2(m−1))m−1,|e″(x)|≤C∗∗1∥u(m+1)∥∞(elx2(m−2))m−2, | (3.8) |
where C1, C∗1 and C∗∗1 are constant independent of x, e is natural logarithm and lx represents the length of the interval [a,b].
Let p(x,y) is Lagrange interpolation function of u(x,y) satisfying p(xm,yn)=u(xm,yn). Defining the error function as
e(x,y):=u(x,y)−p(xm,yn)=u(x,y)−p(xm,y)+p(xm,y)−p(xm,yn)=∂(m+1)xu(ξi,y)(m+1)!m∏i=0(x−xi)+∂(n+1)yu(xm,ξj)(n+1)!n∏j=0(y−yj), | (3.9) |
we have the following results based on the Lemma 1.
Theorem 1. If u∈Cˉm+1([a,b])×[c,d]), where ˉm=max{m,n}. Then the following estimates for functional e(x,y) defined as (3.9) hold
|e(x,y)|≤∥u(ˉm+1)∥∞{C1(elx2M)M+C2(ely2N)N}, | (3.10) |
where ly represents the length of the interval [c,d]. Similarly, we get
{|ex(x,y)|≤C∗1∥∂(m+1)xu∥∞(elx2(M−1))M−1+C2∥∂(n+1)yu∥∞(ely2N)N,|exx(x,y)|≤C∗∗1∥∂(m+1)xu∥∞(elx2(M−2))M−2+C2∥∂(n+1)yu∥∞(ely2N)N,|ey(x,y)|≤C1∥∂(m+1)xu∥∞(elx2M)M+C∗2∥∂(n+1)yu∥∞(ely2(N−1))N−1,|eyy(x,y)|≤C1∥∂(m+1)xu∥∞(elx2M)M+C∗∗2∥∂(n+1)yu∥∞(ely2(N−2))N−2. | (3.11) |
Set u(xm,yn,t) be the numerical solution of u(x,y,t), then we have
Πu(xm,yn,t)=0 | (3.12) |
limm,n→∞Πu(xm,yn,t)=0, | (3.13) |
where Π is differential operator.
Theorem 2. If u∈C0([0,T]),Cˉm+1([a,b)×[c,d]), where ˉm=max{m,n}, let u(xm,yn,t):Πu(xm,yn,t)=0 and assume that f(u) satisfies the Lipschitz condition, we have
|u(x,y,t)−u(xm,yn,t)|≤C∗∗1∥∂(m+1)xu∥∞(elx2(M−2))M−2+C∗∗2∥∂(n+1)yu∥∞(ely2(N−2))N−2. | (3.14) |
Proof. Following (1.1) and (3.12), we get
Πu(x,y,t)−Πu(xm,yn,t)=ut(x,y,t)−uxx(x,y,t)−uyy(x,y,t)+f(u(x,y,t))−[ut(xm,yn,t)−uxx(xm,yn,t)−uyy(xm,yn,t)+f(u(xm,yn,t))]=ut(x,y,t)−ut(xm,yn,t)+uxx(xm,yn,t)−uxx(x,y,t)+uyy(xm,yn,t)−uyy(x,y,t)+f(u(x,y,t))−f(u(xm,yn,t)):=R1+R2+R3+R4, | (3.15) |
R1=ut(x,y,t)−ut(xm,yn,t), |
R2=uxx(xm,yn,t)−uxx(x,y,t), |
R3=uyy(xm,yn,t)−uyy(x,y,t), |
R4=f(u(x,y,t))−f(u(xm,yn,t)). |
For R1, we have
R1=ut(x,y,t)−ut(xm,yn,t)=ut(x,y,t)−ut(xm,y,t)+ut(xm,y,t)−ut(xm,yn,t)=∂(m+1)xu(ξi,y,t)(m+1)!m∏i=0(x−xi)+∂(n+1)yu(xm,ξj,t)(n+1)!n∏j=0(y−yj)=et(xm,y,t)+et(xm,yn,t). | (3.16) |
Applying Theorem 1, we obtain
|R1|=|et(xm,y,t)+et(xm,yn,t)|≤C1∥∂(m+1)xu∥∞(elx2M)M+C2∥∂(n+1)yu∥∞(ely2N)N. | (3.17) |
Analogously, we estimate R2 and R3 as
|R2|=|exx(xm,y,t)+exx(xm,yn,t)|≤C∗∗1∥∂(m+1)xu∥∞(elx2(M−2))M−2+C2∥∂(n+1)yu∥∞(ely2N)N, | (3.18) |
|R3|=|eyy(xm,y,t)+eyy(xm,yn,t)|≤C1∥∂(m+1)xu∥∞(elx2M)M+C∗∗2∥∂(n+1)yu∥∞(ely2(N−2))N−2. | (3.19) |
For the term R4, we have
|R4|=|f(u(x,y,t))−f(u(xm,yn,t))|≤C|u(x,y,t)−u(xm,yn,t)|≤C∥∂(m+1)xu∥∞(elx2M)M+C∥∂(n+1)yu∥∞(ely2N)N. | (3.20) |
Substituting (3.17)-(3.20) into (3.15), this completes the proof.
From Theorem 2, we can find that the order of the difference operator Π determines the consistency rate of the semi-discrete scheme.
In the section, we will solve the ODE system (3.6) by the Crank-Nicolson scheme. Partition the interval (0, T] into a uniform mesh with the time step τ=Tl: 0=t0<t1<…<tl=T. Let Uk=U(tk),k=0,1,…,l.
the nonlinear term of (3.6) is expanded using Taylor formula at the node vector Uk (k=0,1,…,l), we get
dUdt−(C(2)⊗IN)U−(IM⊗D(2))U+1ε2((Uk)3−Uk+(3(Uk)2−1)(U−Uk))=0. | (4.1) |
Crank-Nicolson scheme is used for time discretization, we have
Uk+1−Ukτ−(C(2)⊗IN)Uk+1/2−(IM⊗D(2))Uk+1/2+1ε2((Uk)3−Uk+(3(Uk)2−1)(Uk+1/2−Uk))=0. | (4.2) |
Inserting Uk+12=12(Uk+1+Uk) into Eq (4.2), we obtain fully discretized scheme as
[1τ−12(C(2)⊗IN)−12(IM⊗D(2))+12ε2(3(Uk)2−1)]Uk+1=[1τ+12(C(2)⊗IN)+12(IM⊗D(2))+12ε2((Uk)2+1)]Uk,k=0,1,…,l−1. | (4.3) |
In this section, we will perform several numerical examples to test the accuracy and energy decline property of the proposed scheme. we consider convergence tests in the first example and three 2D problems with different initial conditions in the next examples.
For convenience, introducing the following error notations
E∞=∥uh−ue∥∞, | (5.1) |
Er=∥uh−ue∥∞∥ue∥∞, | (5.2) |
where uh and ue denote the numerical solution and the exact solution of the problem, respectively, ∥⋅∥∞ is the L∞ norm.
We test numerical convergence order in time for 1D Allen-Cahn equation at first, the initial and boundary condition are given the following analytical solution
u=12(1−tanh(x−st2√2ε)), | (5.3) |
s=3√2ε,x∈(−1,1),t∈(0,1],ε=0.3. |
Fix M=30, and time step τ is varied. The errors in maximum norm and convergence rates are displayed in Table 1, from which we see that the scheme is second order in time for 1D Allen-Cahn equation.
τ | E∞ | Rate |
1/16 | 0.0357 | \ |
1/32 | 0.0084 | 2.0941 |
1/64 | 0.0021 | 1.9883 |
1/128 | 5.3137e-04 | 1.9876 |
Next, we verify the accuracy and convergence rate in time of the algorithm when applying to the 2D Allen-Cahn equation with the inhomogeneous term g(x,y,t). We consider the following problem on Ω=[−1,1]2×(0,T] as
{∂u∂t−(∂2u∂x2+∂2u∂y2)+1ε2u(u2−1)=gu(x,y,0)=sinπxsinπyu(−1,y,t)=0,u(1,y,t)=0u(x,−1,t)=0,u(x,1,t)=0, | (5.4) |
{u=sin(πx)sin(πy)cos(t),g=sinπxsinπy(2π2cost−sint+cost(sinπxsinπycost)2−1)ε2). | (5.5) |
Take the following simulation parameters
ε=0.3,τ=0.001,T=1 |
and vary numebers of mesh node M,N. The error comparison results of different discretization schemes in space can be obtained, as shown in Table 2. One can see that both barycentric interpolation collocation methods have high precision, as they only use 8×8 mesh nodes can achieve the accuracy of second-order central difference approach with 40×40 mesh nodes. In addition, it is also observed that the accuracy of barycentric Lagrange interpolation is slightly higher than that of barycentric rational interpolation especially taking fewer mesh nodes from Table 2. In addition, exponential convergence property of two methods also can be observed from Figure 1.
M | N | E∞ | Er | |
second-order central difference | 10 | 10 | 0.0061 | 0.0112 |
20 | 20 | 0.0015 | 0.0028 | |
40 | 40 | 3.7978e-04 | 7.0290e-04 | |
60 | 60 | 1.6893e-04 | 3.1266e-04 | |
80 | 80 | 9.5136e-05 | 1.7608e-04 | |
barycentric Lagrange interpolation | 7 | 7 | 3.0607e-04 | 6.6109e-04 |
8 | 8 | 6.9387e-05 | 1.4758e-04 | |
9 | 9 | 4.8971e-06 | 9.0637e-06 | |
10 | 10 | 1.6138e-06 | 3.2261e-06 | |
15 | 15 | 2.5483e-07 | 4.7164e-07 | |
barycentric rational interpolation | 7 | 7 | 4.6632e-04 | 0.0010 |
8 | 8 | 1.5223e-04 | 3.2378e-04 | |
9 | 9 | 5.7433e-05 | 1.0630e-04 | |
10 | 10 | 3.3863e-05 | 6.7694e-05 | |
15 | 15 | 2.5427e-07 | 4.7060e-07 |
Choose M=N=20 and vary the temporal step τ. Table 3 indicates the derived scheme is indeed of second order in time for 2D Allen-Cahn equation.
τ | E∞ | Rate |
1/16 | 9.8187e-04 | \ |
1/32 | 2.4386e-04 | 2.0095 |
1/64 | 6.0755e-05 | 2.0050 |
1/128 | 1.5162e-05 | 2.0025 |
After that, we will show the energy decay property of the 2D Allen-Cahn equation. Define the discrete energy function as
Eh(uk)=14ε2M∑i=0N∑j=0h2ij[(ukij)2−1]2+12N∑j=0M−1∑i=1h2ij[uki+1,j−uki−1,j2hij]2+12M∑i=0N−1∑j=1h2ij[uki,j+1−uki,j−12hij]2, | (5.6) |
where ukij and Eh(uk) represent the numerical solution and the energy value at the k-th time separately, hij denotes spatial step size between adjacent Chebyshev nodes. The space diagram of 2D Allen-Cahn equation is shown in Figure 2. And from Figure 3, it is obvious that the energy is decreasing with time.
Consider 2D Allen-Cahn equation on Ω=[−2,2]2×(0,T] with the following initial condition
u0(x,y)=−tanh(g(x)√2ε),g(x)=max{−g1(x),g2(x),−g3(x)}, | (5.7) |
g1=√x2+(y−2)2−2+32ε,g2=√x2+y2−32,g3=√x2+(y+2)2−2+32ε. |
We take simulation parameters as
ε=0.1,τ=0.0001,M=N=40,T=1. |
From Figure 4, we can see clearly that the connected interface splits into two curves at first. Then, the two components of the interface develop circular shapes. Eventually, the diameters of the two particles decrease to zero until they collapse.
Consider 2D Allen-Cahn equation on Ω=(−1,1)2×(0,T]. Taking the following initial condition
u0(x,y)=(x2−1)(y2−1)(sinπx+sinπy) | (5.8) |
and parameters
ε=0.07,τ=0.0001,M=N=30,T=1. |
Figure 5 shows process of the evolution of the numerical solution from forming the transition layer, metastable state and finally reaching the steady state, respectively.
Consider 2D Allen-Cahn equation in Ω=(−1,1)2×(0,T] with simulation parameters
ε=0.1,Δt=0.0001,M=N=30,T=1. |
The initial condition is taken as the randomly perturbed condition fields as follows
u0(x,y)=0.1rand(x,y)−0.05. | (5.9) |
where rand(x,y) represents a pair of random numbers generated between -1 and 1.
The coarsening phenomena of Allen-cahn equation with the evolution of time are presented in Figure 6, from which we see that the solution reaches the steady state at t=0.1s.
In this work, by a combination of the Crank-Nicolson scheme and barycentric interpolation collocation method, an efficient numerical scheme for Allen-Cahn equation is developed. Besides, the consistency analysis for the semi-discretized scheme in space is derived. The numerical examples show that our scheme is second order in time and convergent exponentially in space. Energy dissipation law is also checked numerically. In future work, we plan to give the error estimate of fully discretized scheme and generalize this method to other models.
This work is in part supported by the NSF of China (Nos 11701197), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. ZQN-702), the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing and Information Processing of Ministry of Education (No. 2020ICIP03) and the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (No. 2020J01074).
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this manuscript.
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τ | E∞ | Rate |
1/16 | 0.0357 | \ |
1/32 | 0.0084 | 2.0941 |
1/64 | 0.0021 | 1.9883 |
1/128 | 5.3137e-04 | 1.9876 |
M | N | E∞ | Er | |
second-order central difference | 10 | 10 | 0.0061 | 0.0112 |
20 | 20 | 0.0015 | 0.0028 | |
40 | 40 | 3.7978e-04 | 7.0290e-04 | |
60 | 60 | 1.6893e-04 | 3.1266e-04 | |
80 | 80 | 9.5136e-05 | 1.7608e-04 | |
barycentric Lagrange interpolation | 7 | 7 | 3.0607e-04 | 6.6109e-04 |
8 | 8 | 6.9387e-05 | 1.4758e-04 | |
9 | 9 | 4.8971e-06 | 9.0637e-06 | |
10 | 10 | 1.6138e-06 | 3.2261e-06 | |
15 | 15 | 2.5483e-07 | 4.7164e-07 | |
barycentric rational interpolation | 7 | 7 | 4.6632e-04 | 0.0010 |
8 | 8 | 1.5223e-04 | 3.2378e-04 | |
9 | 9 | 5.7433e-05 | 1.0630e-04 | |
10 | 10 | 3.3863e-05 | 6.7694e-05 | |
15 | 15 | 2.5427e-07 | 4.7060e-07 |
τ | E∞ | Rate |
1/16 | 9.8187e-04 | \ |
1/32 | 2.4386e-04 | 2.0095 |
1/64 | 6.0755e-05 | 2.0050 |
1/128 | 1.5162e-05 | 2.0025 |
τ | E∞ | Rate |
1/16 | 0.0357 | \ |
1/32 | 0.0084 | 2.0941 |
1/64 | 0.0021 | 1.9883 |
1/128 | 5.3137e-04 | 1.9876 |
M | N | E∞ | Er | |
second-order central difference | 10 | 10 | 0.0061 | 0.0112 |
20 | 20 | 0.0015 | 0.0028 | |
40 | 40 | 3.7978e-04 | 7.0290e-04 | |
60 | 60 | 1.6893e-04 | 3.1266e-04 | |
80 | 80 | 9.5136e-05 | 1.7608e-04 | |
barycentric Lagrange interpolation | 7 | 7 | 3.0607e-04 | 6.6109e-04 |
8 | 8 | 6.9387e-05 | 1.4758e-04 | |
9 | 9 | 4.8971e-06 | 9.0637e-06 | |
10 | 10 | 1.6138e-06 | 3.2261e-06 | |
15 | 15 | 2.5483e-07 | 4.7164e-07 | |
barycentric rational interpolation | 7 | 7 | 4.6632e-04 | 0.0010 |
8 | 8 | 1.5223e-04 | 3.2378e-04 | |
9 | 9 | 5.7433e-05 | 1.0630e-04 | |
10 | 10 | 3.3863e-05 | 6.7694e-05 | |
15 | 15 | 2.5427e-07 | 4.7060e-07 |
τ | E∞ | Rate |
1/16 | 9.8187e-04 | \ |
1/32 | 2.4386e-04 | 2.0095 |
1/64 | 6.0755e-05 | 2.0050 |
1/128 | 1.5162e-05 | 2.0025 |