Research article

Certain generalized fractional integral inequalities

  • Received: 09 October 2019 Accepted: 15 January 2020 Published: 05 February 2020
  • MSC : 6D10, 26A33, 26D53

  • The principal aim of this article is to establish certain generalized fractional integral inequalities by utilizing the Marichev-Saigo-Maeda (MSM) fractional integral operator. Some new classes of generalized fractional integral inequalities for a class of n (n ∈ $\mathbb{N}$) positive continuous and decreasing functions on [a, b] by using the MSM fractional integral operator also derived.

    Citation: Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, Gauhar Rahman, Aftab Khan, Asifa Tassaddiq, Moheb Saad Abouzaid. Certain generalized fractional integral inequalities[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2020, 5(2): 1588-1602. doi: 10.3934/math.2020108

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