Research article Special Issues

Global images vs cultural images: mixed methods to deepen territorial representations

  • Received: 02 June 2022 Revised: 09 August 2022 Accepted: 23 August 2022 Published: 08 September 2022
  • This paper aims at investigating images of places as a narrative element. In particular, dichotomous reference will be made to the global images of places that arise from dominant narratives versus the cultural images of places that arise from sensorial and experienced life.

    Starting from theoretical reflection on the role of images and narratives with respect to the perception, imagery and experience of places, this contribution will focus on the sense of place and the influence of direct experience on its formation. The work deepens critical issues and capabilities of the digital visual methodology combined with sensory ethnography. The research, from an empirical point of view, was carried out as a teaching laboratory during the Geography for Tourism Science course at the University of Insubria. The students were invited to direct observation of their own place of life, with the aim of analysing its cultural image, and also to mediated observation of a known place not known directly but known through famous images and representations, with the aim of analysing its global image. This exercise outdoor allowed students to compare the theoretical concepts learned in the classroom with their perceptions of their everyday geographies, transferring the study of theory to everyday life as a tool to better understand their own and daily experience.

    Citation: Valentina Albanese. Global images vs cultural images: mixed methods to deepen territorial representations[J]. AIMS Geosciences, 2022, 8(4): 593-608. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2022032

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  • This paper aims at investigating images of places as a narrative element. In particular, dichotomous reference will be made to the global images of places that arise from dominant narratives versus the cultural images of places that arise from sensorial and experienced life.

    Starting from theoretical reflection on the role of images and narratives with respect to the perception, imagery and experience of places, this contribution will focus on the sense of place and the influence of direct experience on its formation. The work deepens critical issues and capabilities of the digital visual methodology combined with sensory ethnography. The research, from an empirical point of view, was carried out as a teaching laboratory during the Geography for Tourism Science course at the University of Insubria. The students were invited to direct observation of their own place of life, with the aim of analysing its cultural image, and also to mediated observation of a known place not known directly but known through famous images and representations, with the aim of analysing its global image. This exercise outdoor allowed students to compare the theoretical concepts learned in the classroom with their perceptions of their everyday geographies, transferring the study of theory to everyday life as a tool to better understand their own and daily experience.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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