Research article Special Issues

Straddle monorail noise impact evaluation considering acoustic propagation characteristics and the subjective feelings of residents

  • Received: 19 July 2023 Revised: 25 October 2023 Accepted: 30 October 2023 Published: 14 November 2023
  • In this study, a novel method of evaluating the impact of straddle monorail noise on residential areas considering both objective and subjective effects was developed, in view of the singleness of the existing evaluation method of the track noise impact on residential areas. Using a questionnaire, the quantified straddle monorail noise data for five typical apartment complexes with rail-side layouts were combined with data on the subjective feelings of residents regarding this noise. Then, a model for evaluating the impact of the straddle monorail noise on residential areas under subjective and objective conditions was constructed. Finally, by considering the impacts of straddle monorail noise in residential areas, prevention and control measures were proposed that targeted the acoustic source, sound propagation process, and receiving location. The proposed evaluation method, which considered the needs of residents, could be used to improve straddle monorail noise impact evaluation systems and provide a scientific reference for improving acoustic environments in residential areas along straddle monorail lines.

    Citation: J. S. Peng, Q. W. Kong, Y. X. Gao, L. Zhang. Straddle monorail noise impact evaluation considering acoustic propagation characteristics and the subjective feelings of residents[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(12): 7307-7336. doi: 10.3934/era.2023370

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  • In this study, a novel method of evaluating the impact of straddle monorail noise on residential areas considering both objective and subjective effects was developed, in view of the singleness of the existing evaluation method of the track noise impact on residential areas. Using a questionnaire, the quantified straddle monorail noise data for five typical apartment complexes with rail-side layouts were combined with data on the subjective feelings of residents regarding this noise. Then, a model for evaluating the impact of the straddle monorail noise on residential areas under subjective and objective conditions was constructed. Finally, by considering the impacts of straddle monorail noise in residential areas, prevention and control measures were proposed that targeted the acoustic source, sound propagation process, and receiving location. The proposed evaluation method, which considered the needs of residents, could be used to improve straddle monorail noise impact evaluation systems and provide a scientific reference for improving acoustic environments in residential areas along straddle monorail lines.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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