Research article Special Issues

The exact solutions of the fractional-stochastic Fokas-Lenells equation in optical fiber communication

  • Received: 21 January 2023 Revised: 27 March 2023 Accepted: 29 March 2023 Published: 23 April 2023
  • The fractional-stochastic Fokas-Lenells equation (FSFLE) in the Stratonovich sense is taken into account here. The modified mapping method is used to generate new trigonometric, hyperbolic, elliptic and rational stochastic fractional solutions. Because the Fokas-Lenells equation has many implementations in telecommunication modes, complex system theory, quantum field theory, and quantum mechanics, the obtained solutions can be employed to describe a wide range of exciting physical phenomena. We plot several 2D and 3D diagrams to demonstrate how multiplicative noise and fractional derivatives affect the analytical solutions of the FSFLE. Also, we show how multiplicative noise at zero stabilizes FSFLE solutions.

    Citation: Sahar Albosaily, Wael Mohammed, Mahmoud El-Morshedy. The exact solutions of the fractional-stochastic Fokas-Lenells equation in optical fiber communication[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(6): 3552-3567. doi: 10.3934/era.2023180

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  • The fractional-stochastic Fokas-Lenells equation (FSFLE) in the Stratonovich sense is taken into account here. The modified mapping method is used to generate new trigonometric, hyperbolic, elliptic and rational stochastic fractional solutions. Because the Fokas-Lenells equation has many implementations in telecommunication modes, complex system theory, quantum field theory, and quantum mechanics, the obtained solutions can be employed to describe a wide range of exciting physical phenomena. We plot several 2D and 3D diagrams to demonstrate how multiplicative noise and fractional derivatives affect the analytical solutions of the FSFLE. Also, we show how multiplicative noise at zero stabilizes FSFLE solutions.


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