Research article

Asymptotic stability for solutions of a coupled system of quasi-linear viscoelastic Kirchhoff plate equations

  • Received: 07 February 2023 Revised: 16 March 2023 Accepted: 23 March 2023 Published: 19 April 2023
  • In this manuscript, we study the asymptotic stability of solutions of two coupled quasi-linear viscoelastic Kirchhoff plate equations involving free boundary conditions, and accounting for rotational forces

    $ \begin{eqnarray*} &&\vert y_t\vert^{\rho}y_{tt}-\Delta y_{tt}+\Delta^{2}y- \int_0^t h_1(t-s)\Delta^2 y(s)\;ds+f_1(y, z) = 0,\\\\ &&\vert z_t\vert^{\rho}z_{tt}-\Delta z_{tt}+\Delta^{2}z- \int_0^t h_2(t-s)\Delta^2 z(s)\;ds+f_2(y, z) = 0. \end{eqnarray*} $

    The system under study in this contribution could be seen as a model for two stacked plates. This work is motivated by previous works about coupled quasi-linear wave equations or concerning single quasi-linear Kirchhoff plate. The existence of local weak solutions is established by the Faedo-Galerkin approach. By using the perturbed energy method, we prove a general decay rate of the energy for a wide class of relaxation functions.

    Citation: Zayd Hajjej. Asymptotic stability for solutions of a coupled system of quasi-linear viscoelastic Kirchhoff plate equations[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(6): 3471-3494. doi: 10.3934/era.2023176

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  • In this manuscript, we study the asymptotic stability of solutions of two coupled quasi-linear viscoelastic Kirchhoff plate equations involving free boundary conditions, and accounting for rotational forces

    $ \begin{eqnarray*} &&\vert y_t\vert^{\rho}y_{tt}-\Delta y_{tt}+\Delta^{2}y- \int_0^t h_1(t-s)\Delta^2 y(s)\;ds+f_1(y, z) = 0,\\\\ &&\vert z_t\vert^{\rho}z_{tt}-\Delta z_{tt}+\Delta^{2}z- \int_0^t h_2(t-s)\Delta^2 z(s)\;ds+f_2(y, z) = 0. \end{eqnarray*} $

    The system under study in this contribution could be seen as a model for two stacked plates. This work is motivated by previous works about coupled quasi-linear wave equations or concerning single quasi-linear Kirchhoff plate. The existence of local weak solutions is established by the Faedo-Galerkin approach. By using the perturbed energy method, we prove a general decay rate of the energy for a wide class of relaxation functions.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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