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On sums of four pentagonal numbers with coefficients

  • The pentagonal numbers are the integers given byp5(n)=n(3n1)/2 (n=0,1,2,).Let (b,c,d) be one of the triples (1,1,2),(1,2,3),(1,2,6) and (2,3,4).We show that each n=0,1,2, can be written as w+bx+cy+dz with w,x,y,z pentagonal numbers, which was first conjectured by Z.-W. Sun in 2016. In particular, any nonnegative integeris a sum of five pentagonal numbers two of which are equal; this refines a classical resultof Cauchy claimed by Fermat.

    Citation: Dmitry Krachun, Zhi-Wei Sun. On sums of four pentagonal numbers with coefficients[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2020, 28(1): 559-566. doi: 10.3934/era.2020029

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  • The pentagonal numbers are the integers given byp5(n)=n(3n1)/2 (n=0,1,2,).Let (b,c,d) be one of the triples (1,1,2),(1,2,3),(1,2,6) and (2,3,4).We show that each n=0,1,2, can be written as w+bx+cy+dz with w,x,y,z pentagonal numbers, which was first conjectured by Z.-W. Sun in 2016. In particular, any nonnegative integeris a sum of five pentagonal numbers two of which are equal; this refines a classical resultof Cauchy claimed by Fermat.

    For each m=3,4,5,, the polygonal numbers of order m are given by

    pm(n)=(m2)(n2)+n  (nN={0,1,2,}).

    In particular, those p5(n) with nN are called pentagonal numbers. A famous claim of Fermat states that each nN can be written as a sum of m polygonal numbers of order m. This was proved by Lagrange for m=4 in 1770, by Gauss for m=3 in 1796, and by Cauchy for m5 in 1813. For Cauchy's polygonal number theorem, one may consult Nathanson [6] and [7,Chapter 1,pp. 3-34] for details. In 1830 Legendre refined Cauchy's polygonal number theorem by showing that for any m=5,6, every sufficiently large integer is a sum of five polygonal numbers of order m one of which is 0 or 1 (cf. [7,p. 33]).

    In 2016 Sun [9,Conjecture 5.2(ⅱ)] conjectured that each nN can be written as

    p5(w)+bp5(x)+cp5(y)+dp5(z)  with  w,x,y,zN,

    provided that (b,c,d) is among the following 15 triples:


    In 2017, Meng and Sun [5] confirmed this for (b,c,d)=(1,2,2),(1,2,4). In this paper we prove the conjecture for


    Theorem 1.1. Each nN can be written as a sum of five pentagonal numbers two of which are equal, that is, there are x,y,z,wN such that


    Remark 1.1. Clearly, Theorem 1.1 is stronger than the classical result that any nonnegative integer is a sum of five pentagonal numbers. In Feb. 2019 the second author even conjectured that any integer n>33066 is a sum of three pentagonal numbers.

    Theorem 1.2. Any nN can be written as p5(w)+2p5(x)+3p5(y)+4p5(z) with w,x,y,zN.

    Theorem 1.3. Let δ{1,2}. Then any nN can be written as p5(w)+p5(x)+2p5(y)+3δp5(z) with w,x,y,zN.

    We will prove Theorems 1.1-1.3 in Sections 2-4 respectively. Our proofs use some known results on ternary quadratic forms.

    Those p5(x)=x(3x1)/2 with xZ are called generalized pentagonal numbers. Clearly,

    {p5(x): xZ}= {n(3n1)2: nN}{n(3n+1)2: nN}.

    Recently, Ju [3] showed that for any positive integers a1,,ak the set

    {a1p5(x1)++akpk(xk): x1,,xkZ}

    contains all nonnegative integers whenever it contains the twelve numbers

    1, 3, 8, 9, 11, 18, 19, 25, 27, 43, 98, 109.

    The generalized octagonal numbers are those p8(x)=x(3x2) with xZ. In 2016, Sun [9] proved that any positive integer can be written as a sum of four generalized octagonal numbers one of which is odd. See also Sun [11] and [10] for representations of nonnegative integers in the form x(ax+b)/2+y(cy+d)/2+z(ez+f)/2 with x,y,z integers or nonnegative integers, where a,c,e are positive integers and b,d,f are integers with a+b,c+d,e+f all even.

    Lemma 2.1. Any positive even number n not in the set {52k+1m: k,mN and m±2 (mod 5)} can be written as x2+y2+z2+(x+y+z)2/2 with x,y,zZ.

    Proof. By Dickson [2,pp. 112-113],

        N{x2+2y2+10z2: x,y,zZ}={8m+7: mN}{52k+1l: k,lN and l±1 (mod 5)}.

    Thus 8n=s2+2t2+10z2 for some s,t,zZ. Clearly, 2s and tz (mod 2). Without loss of generality, we may assume that tz (mod 4) if 2z. (If tz (mod 4) with z odd, then tz (mod 4).) Write s=2r and t=2w+z with r,wZ. Then 2w if 2z. Since

    08n=s2+2(2w+z)2+10z2=(2r)2+12z2+8w(w+z) (mod 16),

    both rz and w(w+z) are even. If 2z then 2w. Recall that 2w if 2z. So wzr (mod 2). Now, both x=(r+w)/2 and y=(wr)/2 are integers. Observe that

    2n=r2+2(w+z2)2+10(z2)2=r2+(w+z)2+w2+2z2      =(xy)2+(x+y)2+(x+y+z)2+2z2    =2x2+2y2+2z2+(x+y+z)2

    and hence n=x2+y2+z2+(x+y+z)2/2. This ends the proof.

    Lemma 2.2. Let nN. Suppose that there are BN and x,y,zZ such that 3n+B and


    Then n=p5(x0)+p5(y0)+p5(z0)+2p5(w0) for some x0,y0,z0,w0N.

    Proof. Clearly, w=(x+y+z)/2Z. As |x|,|y|,|z|,|w|B, all the numbers

    x0=x+B, y0=y+B, z0=z+B, w0=w+B

    are nonnegative integers. Observe that


    This concludes the proof.

    Proof of Theorem 1.1. We can easily verify the desired result for n=0,,8891. Below we assume that n8892. If

    n3+16B2n15+16, (2.1)




    23(n+B)+B5B223(3(B16))2+5B35B2                            =B213(B12)B2.

    Case 1. 5n.



    we have


    and hence there is an integer B satisfying (2.1) with Bn (mod 3). By the above,


    As the even number 23(n+B)+B5B2 is not divisible by 5, in light of Lemma 2.1 there are x,y,zZ such that


    Now, by applying Lemma 2.2 we find that n=p5(x0)+p5(y0)+p5(z0)+2p5(w0) for some x0,y,z0,w0N.

    Case 2. n=5q for some qN.

    In this case, we can easily verify the desired result when 8892n222288. Below we assume that


    Choose δ{0,±1} such that 1qδ0,±2 (mod 5). As


    there is an integer B satisfying (2.1) such that Bn (mod 3) and (B1)2δ (mod 5). Note that



    2q+B3B22q+B2B21q(B1)21qδ0,±2 (mod 5).

    Thus, by applying Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2 we get that n=p5(x0)+p5(y0)+p5(z0)+2p5(w0) for some x0,y,z0,w0N.

    In view of the above, we have completed the proof of Theorem 1.1.

    Lemma 3.1. Let qN with q odd and not squarefree, or 2q and q{4k(16l+6): k,lN}. Then there are x,y,zZ such that


    Proof. By K. Ono and K. Soundararajan [8], and Dickson [1], the Ramanujan form x2+y2+10z2 represents q. Write q=a2+b2+10c2 with a,b,cZ. Then, for

    x=a+b+2c, y=b+2c, z=3c,

    we have


    This concludes the proof.

    Lemma 3.2. Let nN. Suppose that there are BN and x,y,zZ such that


    Then n=p5(w0)+2p5(x0)+3p5(y0)+4p5(z0) for some w0,x0,y0,z0N.

    Proof. Set w=(2x+3y+4z). As |w|,|x|,|y|,|z|B, all the numbers

    w0=w+B, x0=x+B, y0=y+B, z0=z+B

    are nonnegative integers. Observe that


    This ends the proof.

    Proof of Theorem 1.2. We can verify the result for n=0,,45325137 directly via a computer. Below we assume that




    there is an integer B with


    such that

    B9n3+12n238n (mod 81)

    if n is odd, and B3n1 (mod 8) and B3n22n (mod 9) if n is even. Note that




    Let q=(n+5B15B2)/9. When n is odd, we can easily see that q is an odd integer divisible by 9. When n is even, q is an even integer with q4 (mod 8), and hence q4k(16l+6) for any k,lN. By Lemma 3.1, we can write 6q=(2n+10B)/310B2 as 2x2+3y2+4z2+(2x+3y+4z)2 with x,y,zZ. Applying Lemma 3.2, we see that n=p5(w0)+2p5(x0)+3p5(y0)+4p5(z0) for some w0,x0,y0,z0N.

    The proof of Theorem 1.2 is now complete.

    Lemma 4.1. Let qN be a multiple of 9 with 7q or

    q{7r: rZ and r1,2,4 (mod 7)}.

    Then there are x,y,zZ such that


    Proof. Since 9q and

    q{72k+1l: k,lN and l3,5,6 (mod 7)},

    by [4,Theorem 2] we can write q as a2+b2+7c2 with a,b,cZ. For

    x=6c, y=abc, z=bc,

    we have


    This concludes the proof.

    Lemma 4.2. Let nN and δ{1,2}. Suppose that there are BN and x,y,zZ such that


    Then n=p5(w0)+p5(x0)+2p5(y0)+3δp5(z0) for some w0,x0,y0,z0N.

    Proof. Set w=(x+2y+3δz). As |w|,|x|,|y|,|z|B, all the numbers

    w0=w+B, x0=x+B, y0=y+B, z0=z+B

    are nonnegative integers. Observe that


    This ends the proof.

    Proof of Theorem 1.3 with δ=1. We can verify the desired result for n=0,1,,808834880 directly via a computer. Below we assume that




    there is an integer B with


    such that B18n3+3n235n (mod 81), and 3n/7+1(B+1)23,5,6 (mod 7) if 7n. Such an integer B exists in view of the Chinese Remainder Theorem and the simple observations

    0121326026 (mod 7),2225025 (mod 7), 3024123 (mod 7).

    Note that




    It is easy to see that


    is an integer divisible by 9. If n=7n0 for some n0N, then

    q7=16(2n0+B3B2)(9n06B3B2)=(B+1)2(3n0+1)1,2,4 (mod 7).

    By Lemma 4.1, we can write 6q=(2n+7B)/37B2 as x2+2y2+3z2+(x+2y+3z)2 with x,y,zZ. Applying Lemma 4.2 with δ=1, we see that n=p5(w0)+p5(x0)+2p5(y0)+3p5(z0) for some w0,x0,y0,z0N. This completes the proof.

    Lemma 4.3. Let qN with q7 (mod 8) or

    q{52k+1l: k,lN and l±1 (mod 5)}.

    Then there are x,y,zZ such that


    Proof. By Dickson [2,pp. 112-113], we can write q as a2+2b2+10c2 with a,b,cZ. For

    x=2ab+3c, y=ab+3c, z=2c,

    we have


    This ends the proof.

    Proof of Theorem 1.3 with δ=2. We can verify the desired result for n=0,1,,897099188 directly via a computer. Below we assume that




    there is an integer B with


    such that B3n22n (mod 9) and Bn2n1 (mod 8), and (B1)22n0±1,2n02 (mod 5) if n=5n0 with n0N. Then


    and q7 (mod 8). If n=5n0 for some n0N, then

    q5=n0+B3B293B2Bn0B22B2n0=(B1)22n0120,±1 (mod 5).

    As in the proof of Theorem 1.2, we also have


    Now applying Lemma 4.3 and Lemma 4.2 with δ=2, we obtain that n=p5(w0)+p5(x0)+2p5(y0)+6p5(z0) for some w0,x0,y0,z0N.

    The proof of Theorem 1.3 with δ=2 is now complete.

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    [6] A short proof of Cauchy's polygonal theorem. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (1987) 99: 22-24.
    [7] M. B. Nathanson, Additive Number Theory: The Classical Bases, Grad. Texts in Math., vol. 164, Springer, New York, 1996. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4757-3845-2
    [8] Ramanujan's ternary quadratic form. Invent. Math. (1997) 130: 415-454.
    [9] A result similar to Lagrange's theorem. J. Number Theory (2016) 162: 190-211.
    [10] On universal sums x(ax+b)/2+y(cy+d)/2+z(ez+f)/2. Nanjing Univ. J. Math. Biquarterly (2018) 35: 85-199.
    [11] Universal sums of three quadratic polynomials. Sci. China Math. (2020) 63: 501-520.
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