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Energy and material recovery potential from municipal solid wastes (MSW) in Nigeria: Challenges and opportunities

  • Received: 28 September 2022 Revised: 19 November 2022 Accepted: 23 November 2022 Published: 20 December 2022
  • Municipal solid waste (MSW) generation is increasing in Nigeria. This poses serious environmental and public health issues because of its poor management. MSW has become a valuable resource which offers opportunities for socio-economic growth, thus the relevance of this review. The study adopted a secondary or desktop research method. The objectives of the study include identifying MSW generation rates in popular Nigerian cities, estimating daily and annual generation rates and the material and economic potential of the generated MSW. The average MSW composition for 22 cities was as follows: organics (56%), plastics (9%), paper (13%), glass and metal (3% each), textiles (2%) and others (14%). The estimated 34 million population living in the cities generates about 20378 tons of MSW each day (7.4 million tons per year). Valorization of the MSW finds applications in different—energy (power, transport, household), agriculture, construction and manufacturing. The energy potential of the generated organic, paper, plastic and textile wastes is about 947981358 kWh/ year, with a revenue potential of 1769409. This represents about 2.6% of the energy generated in Nigeria in the year 2020. The estimated revenue potential of trading the waste materials (plastic, metal, waste paper, textile and glass) for recycling ranges from 3.3 million to.4 billion. Converting wastes to raw materials will reduce the amount going to landfills/dumpsites and reduce the fiscal burden of waste management on municipalities. It will also create employment. Among others, the challenges facing MSW valorization in Nigeria include poor waste management, non-recognition of the informal waste sector, financial incapacity, etc. Thus, it is important to have adequate and effective policy and decision making.

    Citation: Chukwuebuka C. Okafor, Chinelo A. Nzekwe, Nixon N. Nduji, Charles C. Ajaero, Juliet C. Ibekwe. Energy and material recovery potential from municipal solid wastes (MSW) in Nigeria: Challenges and opportunities[J]. Clean Technologies and Recycling, 2022, 2(4): 282-307. doi: 10.3934/ctr.2022015

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  • Municipal solid waste (MSW) generation is increasing in Nigeria. This poses serious environmental and public health issues because of its poor management. MSW has become a valuable resource which offers opportunities for socio-economic growth, thus the relevance of this review. The study adopted a secondary or desktop research method. The objectives of the study include identifying MSW generation rates in popular Nigerian cities, estimating daily and annual generation rates and the material and economic potential of the generated MSW. The average MSW composition for 22 cities was as follows: organics (56%), plastics (9%), paper (13%), glass and metal (3% each), textiles (2%) and others (14%). The estimated 34 million population living in the cities generates about 20378 tons of MSW each day (7.4 million tons per year). Valorization of the MSW finds applications in different—energy (power, transport, household), agriculture, construction and manufacturing. The energy potential of the generated organic, paper, plastic and textile wastes is about 947981358 kWh/ year, with a revenue potential of 1769409. This represents about 2.6% of the energy generated in Nigeria in the year 2020. The estimated revenue potential of trading the waste materials (plastic, metal, waste paper, textile and glass) for recycling ranges from 3.3 million to.4 billion. Converting wastes to raw materials will reduce the amount going to landfills/dumpsites and reduce the fiscal burden of waste management on municipalities. It will also create employment. Among others, the challenges facing MSW valorization in Nigeria include poor waste management, non-recognition of the informal waste sector, financial incapacity, etc. Thus, it is important to have adequate and effective policy and decision making.


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