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Is the consumer experience creating barriers for the effective uptake and disposal of bioplastics?

  • Received: 08 November 2022 Revised: 05 December 2022 Accepted: 12 December 2022 Published: 22 December 2022
  • Over the last decade, the European Union has developed objectives at a strategic level that seek to improve sustainability and circularity across all aspects of production and consumption. More recently, the Green Deal and Circular Economy Action Plan, have applied a specific focus on the production, use and disposal of plastics, where solutions that address the issues posed by traditional petroleum-based plastics have been sought. As a response to this strategic shift, the utilization of bioplastics (namely bio-based and/or biodegradable plastics) has been promoted as a potential solution, whereby they can substitute, or provide an alternative to, traditional petroleum-based plastics. However, successful uptake and the effective waste management of bioplastics, and products that utilize bioplastics, will be based on the consumer experience and ultimately market acceptance. This study explores three factors that may influence the consumer experience when purchasing, using, and disposing of bio-based and biodegradable plastics: consumer confusion, unrealistic expectations, and the value-action gap. Based on qualitative evidence gathered across the academic literature, this mini review suggests that all three aspects (both individually and combined) can have a marked effect on the uptake of bioplastics, and indeed other sustainable options. Indeed, when these potential impacts are considered in the broader context of a circular economy, it is suggested that feelings of cynicism and skepticism, along with unintended rebound effects may hamper the effectiveness to recirculating and maintaining resources within production and consumption systems and across multiple life cycles.

    Citation: Carly A. Fletcher. Is the consumer experience creating barriers for the effective uptake and disposal of bioplastics?[J]. Clean Technologies and Recycling, 2022, 2(4): 308-320. doi: 10.3934/ctr.2022016

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  • Over the last decade, the European Union has developed objectives at a strategic level that seek to improve sustainability and circularity across all aspects of production and consumption. More recently, the Green Deal and Circular Economy Action Plan, have applied a specific focus on the production, use and disposal of plastics, where solutions that address the issues posed by traditional petroleum-based plastics have been sought. As a response to this strategic shift, the utilization of bioplastics (namely bio-based and/or biodegradable plastics) has been promoted as a potential solution, whereby they can substitute, or provide an alternative to, traditional petroleum-based plastics. However, successful uptake and the effective waste management of bioplastics, and products that utilize bioplastics, will be based on the consumer experience and ultimately market acceptance. This study explores three factors that may influence the consumer experience when purchasing, using, and disposing of bio-based and biodegradable plastics: consumer confusion, unrealistic expectations, and the value-action gap. Based on qualitative evidence gathered across the academic literature, this mini review suggests that all three aspects (both individually and combined) can have a marked effect on the uptake of bioplastics, and indeed other sustainable options. Indeed, when these potential impacts are considered in the broader context of a circular economy, it is suggested that feelings of cynicism and skepticism, along with unintended rebound effects may hamper the effectiveness to recirculating and maintaining resources within production and consumption systems and across multiple life cycles.


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