Research article Special Issues

Determinants of the Internet of Things adoption by millennial farmers

  • Received: 24 October 2022 Revised: 30 January 2023 Accepted: 21 February 2023 Published: 08 March 2023
  • Indonesia is experiencing difficulties in ensuring the sustainability of the agricultural system as the younger generation experiences reluctance to enter the business of agriculture. Smart farming is believed to be a solution to the difficulty of millennials entering the business of agriculture. One of the main elements of smart farming is the Internet of Things (IoT). This study aims to determine the factors that encourage millennial farmers in Central Java to adopt IoT-based innovations using a behavioral reasoning theory (BRT) perspective. Data were collected from 120 millennial farmers in Central Java; we applied BRT, an analytical technique, to examine IoT adoption by millennial farmers. Primary survey data analysis was carried out by applying structural equation modeling techniques. The results showed that millennial farmers accepting the adoption of IoT technology is a factor of relative advantage and social influence. Meanwhile, the reason for rejecting the adoption of IoT technology is technology anxiety. This research provides information on the reasons for accepting and reasons for rejecting the adoption of IoT in agriculture by millennial farmers in Central Java province, which will be helpful for the government in the design of a program to attract millennials to go into business in agriculture.

    Citation: Mohamad Harisudin, Kusnandar, Erlyna W. Riptanti, Nuning Setyowati, Isti Khomah. Determinants of the Internet of Things adoption by millennial farmers[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2023, 8(2): 329-342. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2023018

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  • Indonesia is experiencing difficulties in ensuring the sustainability of the agricultural system as the younger generation experiences reluctance to enter the business of agriculture. Smart farming is believed to be a solution to the difficulty of millennials entering the business of agriculture. One of the main elements of smart farming is the Internet of Things (IoT). This study aims to determine the factors that encourage millennial farmers in Central Java to adopt IoT-based innovations using a behavioral reasoning theory (BRT) perspective. Data were collected from 120 millennial farmers in Central Java; we applied BRT, an analytical technique, to examine IoT adoption by millennial farmers. Primary survey data analysis was carried out by applying structural equation modeling techniques. The results showed that millennial farmers accepting the adoption of IoT technology is a factor of relative advantage and social influence. Meanwhile, the reason for rejecting the adoption of IoT technology is technology anxiety. This research provides information on the reasons for accepting and reasons for rejecting the adoption of IoT in agriculture by millennial farmers in Central Java province, which will be helpful for the government in the design of a program to attract millennials to go into business in agriculture.


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