Research article

Web analytics and supply chain transportation firms' financial performance

  • Received: 03 August 2023 Revised: 09 December 2023 Accepted: 13 December 2023 Published: 19 December 2023
  • JEL Codes: M1, M3, O3

  • In the dynamic landscape of today's digitized markets, organizations harness the power of vast and swiftly accessible data to glean invaluable insights. A significant portion of this data emanates from user behavior on business websites. Unraveling the intricacies of this user behavior has become paramount for businesses, serving as the compass guiding the adaptation and evolution of their digital marketing strategies. Embarking on an exploration of this digital frontier, our study delves into the virtual domains of enterprises entrenched in the supply chain sector of the Greek economy. The spotlight falls upon four dominant transportation firms of the Greek supply chain sector, to unravel the relationship between their website activities and the prediction of their stock market prices. Our analytical tools, adorned with sophisticated statistical methodologies, embracing normality tests, correlations, ANOVA, linear regressions and the utilization of regression residual tests were deployed with precision. As the analytical methodology was deployed, a revelation emerged: The digital footprints left by customers on the virtual domains of supply chain firms provided the ability to predict and influence stock prices. Metrics such as bounce rates, the influx of new visitors and the average time on websites emerged as important factors, that could predict the fluctuations in the stock prices of these Greek supply chain firms. Web analytics have been discerned as a determining factor for predicting the course of transportation firms' stock prices. It serves as a clarion call for global scrutiny, inviting scholars and practitioners alike to scrutinize analogous firms on a global canvas. In this convergence of virtual footprints and financial trajectories lies not just a revelation for today but a harbinger of insights that resonate far beyond the digital borders of the Hellenic transportation sector.

    Citation: Nikolaos T. Giannakopoulos, Damianos P. Sakas, Nikos Kanellos, Christos Christopoulos. Web analytics and supply chain transportation firms' financial performance[J]. National Accounting Review, 2023, 5(4): 405-420. doi: 10.3934/NAR.2023023

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  • In the dynamic landscape of today's digitized markets, organizations harness the power of vast and swiftly accessible data to glean invaluable insights. A significant portion of this data emanates from user behavior on business websites. Unraveling the intricacies of this user behavior has become paramount for businesses, serving as the compass guiding the adaptation and evolution of their digital marketing strategies. Embarking on an exploration of this digital frontier, our study delves into the virtual domains of enterprises entrenched in the supply chain sector of the Greek economy. The spotlight falls upon four dominant transportation firms of the Greek supply chain sector, to unravel the relationship between their website activities and the prediction of their stock market prices. Our analytical tools, adorned with sophisticated statistical methodologies, embracing normality tests, correlations, ANOVA, linear regressions and the utilization of regression residual tests were deployed with precision. As the analytical methodology was deployed, a revelation emerged: The digital footprints left by customers on the virtual domains of supply chain firms provided the ability to predict and influence stock prices. Metrics such as bounce rates, the influx of new visitors and the average time on websites emerged as important factors, that could predict the fluctuations in the stock prices of these Greek supply chain firms. Web analytics have been discerned as a determining factor for predicting the course of transportation firms' stock prices. It serves as a clarion call for global scrutiny, inviting scholars and practitioners alike to scrutinize analogous firms on a global canvas. In this convergence of virtual footprints and financial trajectories lies not just a revelation for today but a harbinger of insights that resonate far beyond the digital borders of the Hellenic transportation sector.


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