
Hedge accounting: results and opportunities for future studies

  • Received: 28 January 2022 Revised: 13 April 2022 Accepted: 14 April 2022 Published: 25 April 2022
  • JEL Codes: M4, N2

  • This study identifies the main results and research opportunities based on 52 hedge accounting-related studies, published in Scopus indexing journals from 2007-2019. The study was classified in five investigation groups based on their main topic, with Risk Management and Hedge Accounting being the topic most studied (18) and Regulatory Environment the least studied (six). The results show that during the period analysed, the journal with the largest number of publications on hedge accounting is in the United States of American and the most common origin of the journals is the United Kingdom (21). We have identified different research opportunities for each of the five groups and some general opportunities. The main opportunities relate to comparatives researches, considering samples from different countries, the development of methodologies for teaching hedge accounting and models for effectiveness measurement, the study of enterprise risk and disclosure analysis, and research on the impact of Covid-19 on hedge accounting through risk management. The study differs by identifying five classification groups for papers on hedge accounting, since prior studies didn't carry out such classification. The groups are: i) Regulatory Environment, ii) Academic Research, iii) Evolution of Hedge Accounting and Disclosure, iv) Hedge Effectiveness and v) Risk Management and Hedge Accounting. Furthermore, this study is, to our knowledge, the first bibliometric review done about hedge accounting. The paper is relevant to researchers because it points out opportunities for future studies, enabling the production of new research for a topic considered to be complex.

    Citation: Geovane Camilo dos Santos, Pablo Zambra A., Jose Angel Perez Lopez. Hedge accounting: results and opportunities for future studies[J]. National Accounting Review, 2022, 4(2): 74-94. doi: 10.3934/NAR.2022005

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  • This study identifies the main results and research opportunities based on 52 hedge accounting-related studies, published in Scopus indexing journals from 2007-2019. The study was classified in five investigation groups based on their main topic, with Risk Management and Hedge Accounting being the topic most studied (18) and Regulatory Environment the least studied (six). The results show that during the period analysed, the journal with the largest number of publications on hedge accounting is in the United States of American and the most common origin of the journals is the United Kingdom (21). We have identified different research opportunities for each of the five groups and some general opportunities. The main opportunities relate to comparatives researches, considering samples from different countries, the development of methodologies for teaching hedge accounting and models for effectiveness measurement, the study of enterprise risk and disclosure analysis, and research on the impact of Covid-19 on hedge accounting through risk management. The study differs by identifying five classification groups for papers on hedge accounting, since prior studies didn't carry out such classification. The groups are: i) Regulatory Environment, ii) Academic Research, iii) Evolution of Hedge Accounting and Disclosure, iv) Hedge Effectiveness and v) Risk Management and Hedge Accounting. Furthermore, this study is, to our knowledge, the first bibliometric review done about hedge accounting. The paper is relevant to researchers because it points out opportunities for future studies, enabling the production of new research for a topic considered to be complex.


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